Chapter 17: More Damage Than Intended.

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Demi sat around the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee by her lips, staring down at the table and not daring to look up. She felt everybody's stare on her but didn't want to look up to them as she felt ashamed, her daughters words echoed in her mind and she felt tears spring to her eyes at the thought.

"I guess we were more alike than I thought, when you was 14 years old you was in pain just like me. Except this time your the cause of my pain. You left me. You gave me a bad life. I don't know if I can forgive you. Can I go home now? I know that I don't fit in with your family. I'm not part of it anymore. I'm- I need- I'm tired."

She felt Wilmer's intense stare and her sons terrified look for his sister, she didn't know what to say. The worst part about it, was the thought of Chelsea doing more damage as she knew it wasn't as half bad as she usually does. Chelsea still thought and was going back to Steph but Demi wasn't giving up on her daughter, she was going to make sure he helped her and let Chelsea know she's not leaving.

"It wasn't my fault, right Wil?" Demi looked up for the first time, scared for what the answer might be but Wilmer shook his head no. Demi believed that everything happened for a reason but wondered what was the reason for causing her daughter to live in fear and pain.

"Babe, no! None of if is your fault, we will have go explain to Chelsea why it wasn't your fault." Demi frowned as Wilmer moved around the table making her turn her chair left and he brought her into a hug. Demi gripping onto his shirt as she wanted to cry but hated crying in front of her son so kept it in.

"Why isn't it my fault? I can tell her why it's not if even I don't know. I caused her this didn't I?" Wilmer sighed because his wife wouldn't listen to him, he lifted her of the chair and sat on it himself but only to pull her on his lap. He cuddled his head into her neck making her smile as her family watched.

"You might not know how it's your fault but I do, so I'll tell her why. I will also explain that she's ours and she is fitting into this family, then that she's not going to Steph because she's ours." Wilmer's voice was stern as he held Demi close to him, Nathan ran off towards the living room were Chelsea was laying when Demi or Wilmer wasn't looking. They'd been keeping him out of the room and Nathan was worried about her so he sneaked into it, only to find her laying awake but looking at the ceiling.

Chelsea had a cut across her forehead which he noticed from when she stepped out of the bathroom but blood was pouring from it, this time it was stitched up. Wilmer immediately took her to the hospital a few hours ago and they had to clean up her cuts and bruises all over her body. She was asleep throughout it as they put her asleep to give only 3 stitches but had to have 22 stitches on her arm as when she fell she hit her wrist against a piece of glass, breaking the bone while cutting it open. Her wrist was wrapped in a cast, she hadn't noticed the four year old walk in as she softly sighed thinking about the past hours.

"Have you got your hurts better? You was crying and bleeding, you looked sad." Nathan spoke up making Chelsea jump at the sound, turning to see his head tilted and a smile on his face as always. Chelsea wondered how he could be so happy all the time, she hadn't seen him cry yet but he'd seen her cry now and that upset her that she was suppose go better he older one but the one crying most.

"Uh, a little. It still hurts, I'm sad but angry too." Chelsea spoke but her voice was broken, she could hardly talk without water. Nathan instantly knew that and ran towards the other side of the living room to receive his Starbucks drink and handed it to her. She chuckled at the younger boy.

"I don't usually share my Starbucks but your hurt so I have to. You owe me one though!" She drank some before sitting up, she didn't feel as hurt as when she woke up an hour ago. Chelsea gently picked the little boy up to sit next to her, making him smile in the process as it was the closest he'd ever been to her.

"Momma is sad because you was hurt. Why do you want to go back with your other family? Momma and daddy love you, but when your sad then momma's sad." Nathan whispered to Chelsea's as he lay on her chest while playing with her cast on her wrist but Chelsea just sighed. She hated hurting people, even when she never meant it she always managed too.

"I don't mean to hurt anybody, I just- I haven't had a good childhood like you, maybe it'll be better if I go back with my original family than be with you, momma and daddy. You guys have moved on, and is happy so why can't I be happy?" Chelsea tried to help the 4 year old understand but what she didn't notice was everybody listening from the door, watching them.

"You can... With us! Momma can help you, along with daddy because I don't want you to leave. I want to become sister and brother who like each over, at the moment I don't know much of you." Nathan smiled towards his sister, Chelsea looked down to the boy who had so much to learn about life as his was only just beginning.

She wanted to say, I've got demons and I don't know if I could be helped. But she reframed from doing so as it would be too much for the younger boy, instead she only replied with, "Momma can't help me, she hurt me already. Your her world, I'm not hers baby boy." Before Nathan could reply Demi was first to step in, walking from the door she had tears in her eyes from what her daughter just said. She thought she wasn't her baby girl anymore and Demi was the reason Chelsea was hurt.

"Your wrong! I love you, I always have. It may have been my fault that I couldn't have protected you but I'm willing to help your, baby girl. I want to." Demi was honest in her voice as Nathan stayed with Chelsea as she stood up but this time with Nathan laying against her chest and giggled when she stood up with her, oblivious to the conversation on hand.

"I don't love you, I stopped loving you the day you stopped looking for me, the day you moved on with your life without me. I don't want your help, I don't need it. I just want to go home, to my family that saved me." Chelsea said with a stern look but all of a sudden Demi was fed up with walking around egg shells with her daughter. Chelsea was her daughter and she needed to tell her exactly what was going to happen.

"No! I'm your mom and your staying with me, I'm your family. Me, your dad and your brother and I didn't leave you Chelsea, I tried so hard to find you but it wasn't enough. Now I'm going to make it right and you do need help because from what I seen before it would be much worse than that! Your staying with me." Chelsea's blood was rising as her anger issues was coming out, she'd forgotten to take her tablets for it today. She put Nathan down onto the couch which made him pout.

"No, I'd rather go back home because that's my family. See, Nathan is only my half brother and Wilmer is only my step dad so I don't see why I have to be here. Step and Tony had been more of a mom and dad to me than you both, you think you can change me. Well you can't, I'm never going to get used to it here." And with that Chelsea walked out of the house, not knowing where she was going but as long as it was far away from that family.

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now