Chapter 21: Time Isn't Slowing Down.

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After Demi listening to the song on reply she finally sent the link to all of her family and her manager, the shock was still clear on her face as she couldn't believe her daughters voice. She was much like her that it amazed her, Demi finally sent the link and walked to the kitchen table were Wilmer, Chelsea and Nathan was eating. Nathan rambling on about the song as Wilmer smiled proudly, Demi watched the look on his face as he watched his daughters every move while Chelsea laughed at how the little boy rambled.

"Baby boy, breath!" Demi calmed him as Chelsea let out a laugh and Wilmer chuckled a little, then walking to Wilmer to kiss his lips making both Chelsea and Nathan to gag. Demi laughed against Wilmer's lips before pulling away and seeing the look of love and lust in his eyes which made her wink at him before getting a coffee. Chelsea seen Demi and Wilmer's interaction and with a disgusted face she spoke.

"If you two are having your activities then I'm going out..." She spoke while Nathan had a confused face and Wilmer smirked at Demi, she slapped his arm while turning around with a coffee in her hands and walking the other side of the table to kiss Chelsea's head.

"No baby girl, were not. Your dad is just- perverted." Chelsea ended Demi's sentence which made Demi laugh at her choice of word while Wilmer stuck his tongue out at her which made her smile. Demi looked around at them before taking a deep breath of relief, both of her children was finally together and bonding and it felt amazing to have her daughter there.

"Alright let's get off the topic as the look of Chelsea's face is looking like she might puke." Chelsea nodded in agreement at her dad before shaking her head in disgust, Demi sat down next to her daughter before telling her what was the plans for today.

"Oh Chelsea, I've gotten a few plans. You, your dad and your little brother are going shopping for anything you want as I'm going to contact a school to see if they can get you in a private school." Chelsea groaned at the sound of school before a mischievous glint in her eye made Wilmer raise his eyebrow. Demi had the same look every time she wanted to do something stupid.

"Does that school have you on speed dial because there's going to be a lot of phone calls." Chelsea chuckled to herself as Demi shook her head, lifting her daughters chin up to face her after Chelsea put it down.

"No! I've heard about your previous school and sene your file Chels, it's really bad. I'm going to find a school that'll accept your bad behaviour and maybe even try to work with you for awhile to get you on track. Your grades are seriously low and you've been kicked out of a few schools already, oh and baby girl one other thing." This time Demi held a nervous look as she looked to her husband for help which made him sigh and put his phone down.

"Baby girl, your mom and I spoke before I went looking for you and I know that you might not like the idea but it would really help you!" Wilmer clarified before he spoke which made Chelsea's face turn to a frown. Wilmer hadn't spoken to her a lot and Chelsea didn't really understand but was more closer to Demi any way.

"Therapy." He sighed which made Chelsea's head drop low, she hated that. Steph had tried to make her go multiple times but she always came up with an excuse, she hated the thought of somebody talking about her past. She even hated talking about her past and knew she couldn't do it so she shook her head.

"No. I don't like that, I'm not going. I don't like people trying to talk about my past like they know what I've been through because they don't." Chelsea whispered, Demi sighed at how the calm atmosphere was now full of tension. Chelsea's voice wasn't anger or rage but it was a calm voice with a hint of terrified voice, almost afraid.

"Trust me baby girl it would really help! Look at me." Demi whispered, all of her attention on the younger girl in front of her and Chelsea obeyed. She'd never usually be that calm and obey parents but after all Demi's willing to do to her a huge favour which could change her life and make her a better teenager which she wanted.

"I wouldn't do this if it wouldn't help you but I promise you now that it will! I wouldn't make you do everything you don't so it's your choice but in my opinion I think it would help." Demi spoke softly, not wanting to rile her daughter up to rage so she kept calm and wanted to make sure her daughter understood. After moments of hesitation Chelsea looked into her mothers softly and caring ones before nodding.

"Okay, if you think it'll help I'll try." Demi smiled at the thought of her daughter trusting her before kissing her cheek softly and wrapping her arms sprung her and squeezing tightly in a hug making Chelsea laugh at the impact but she loved the feeling of her being in Demi's arms so when Demi tried to pull away Chelsea kept hold which made her grin at how she was warming up to her. Not so much Wilmer which Demi would have to talk to her husband about why he kept her distance as Chelsea didn't trust him so much and if he wanted her to then he'd have to at least try.

"Thank you princess, for me! Now, do you wanna go and get dressed as you've finished your breakfast. Oh and Chelsea-" Demi didn't get to finish her sentence as her daughter was out of the room but shouted towards her mom.

"I know, I know. Nothing with too much skin, that's only for party's." Chelsea tried testing her mom but Wilmer answered the next time, with a stern voice as he spoke up to his daughter while Chelsea had a smirk on her face the whole time while walking up the stairs.

"No! Don't even try." When Chelsea was out of earshot and Nathan ran off to the playroom which left Wilmer and Demi but she was glad as she wanted to talk to him in private about Chelsea.

"Why aren't you trying Wilmer? I can tell that your frustrated with yourself that you couldn't of found her and your angry at yourself that she is now grown up but that's life Wilmer. She isn't going to trust you if you don't try." Demi's voice was stern as she spoke across to Wilmer as he sighed. He hated talking about his daughter, he blamed himself for everything.

"Demi, I've missed out on so much! We both have in fact and look at her, all grown up and PARTYS Demi! My princess is going to PARTYS, I should have been there to protect her form him. I could have helped her from becoming the broken girl she is today." He whispered, his voice braking and Demi felt tears coming to her eyes as she knew whenever her husband would break down it was serious for him. He'd only ever break down if it involved Chelsea, Nathan or Demi and Chelsea was a touchy subject for him.

"Wilmer I know that she's grown now but we've talked so but this and time isn't stopping, she's getting older by the minute so we have to spend as much time with her as possible. You helped me for that broken girl so why can't you help her? You can do babe, you have to talk to her and get her go trust you. That's why on this shopping trip is an opportunity." Wilmer groaned but nodded. He knew his wife was right.

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