Chapter 22: Past Or Future.

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(A/N- Chelsea's friends will be back in the story in a couple chapters and you'll see what Chelsea's like in school!-)

The day went by quickly, Chelsea wasn't talking much as Demi wasn't there and she didn't feel very comfortable around Wilmer but she still went with Wilmer and Nathan to get clothes for herself. She wondered why she was going woman shopping with guys but smiled seeing Nathan so happy with her, once they seen paps while walking in and at the time they wasn't many but when Nathan shouted, 'this is my big sister! She's came back.' Then more gathered. Demi went around California for private schools with leaflets in her hand but every time she gave in Chelsea's file they brushed her off.

"Chelsea, are you done?" Wilmer asked, walking into the shop what Chelsea was paying for with Demi's credit card. She'd never went out and spent so much on clothes but Demi insist that she had to and what she had was hers, the hardest part was paps. Chelsea already knew she didn't like them when cameras went off and they surrounded them the best they could but Wilmer was always there.

"Yeah, can we go home now?" Chelsea asked, she was tried throughout the day and she never wanted to admit it but she missed her mom. She felt protected when with her but when with Wilmer he hardly spoke, it wasn't uncomfortable it was just a little awkward and silent at times.

"Sure, just make sure you got everything you wanted because Demi would kill me if you never got enough." Wilmer muttered a small smile formed on Chelsea's face at the thought of Demi shouting at Wilmer. They slowly made there was out of the chaotic mall but with Wilmer beside Chelsea.

"Uh, you know- you know I care for you very much right?" Wilmer was scratching the back of his head as his daughters eyes held confusion on what he was trying to talk about. Wilmer always dragged on about things before he said the point were as Demi was upfront and would say without hesitation which is what Chelsea wanted.

"Yeahhhh, you've just been- pushing yourself away from me. Why?" Chelsea dragged out the yeah as she was curious to know where this was going. Nathan held some sweets in his hand as he held Chelsea's hand while looking around at the people like it was interesting.

"Alright, uh. How do I explain myself to my teenage girl? I blame myself for you being taken, maybe if I was a better father then you wouldn't be hurting right now. You would of known us from the start and grown up a perfect life." Chelsea rose her eyebrows at the answer, she never thought he was thinking that.

"We all know that life isn't perfect Wilmer, you've got a past, I know that Demi's got a past. Everybody has, you just need to help me through it because that's what mom and dads do right? It wasn't for you to blame Wilmer, we're not a normal family and I know that... Just forget the past, move to the future. That's what mom told me anyway." Chelsea smiled towards her father, she remembered the words from Demi the first night she stayed over and even though it was only a few nights ago... There's been lot of drama.

Wilmer enveloped Chelsea in a hug which shocked her as he kissed her head, she heard Nathan giggling at her reaction as she tried her best to hug back but didn't know what. " Your wise you know that? Like your mom- wait a minute! You just said mom." Wilmer remembered and Wilmer gently pulled away with a smirk on his face at his daughter.

"Oh. What?" Chelsea didn't remember saying anything about her mom but Wilmer just chuckled, he put his arm around his daughter and she held her brothers hand again and as they walked out of the automatic doors Wilmer whispered,

"Your mom would be so happy to her you say that to her." Then the flashes came, making Chelsea squint her eyes and flinch at the shouting while security from the mall held them back as Wilmer helped his daughter and son to the car before getting in himself. They quickly made there way out of the mall with bags full in the car making Nathan giggle at his sister who had bags on her.

"Alright, back home! Demi's just text saying she got pizza, an finally found you a school Chelsea. It's private and it will be full of rich kids which I know you hate but try and not get yourself kicked out, oh and princess. Let's move onto the future huh?" He smiled in the rare view mirror towards his daughter he nodded at him.

"Does Nathan go to school?" Chelsea asked, remembering she doesn't know much about her little brother. He nodded in her direction, "Yeah but I'm in the younger boys school and your too old for that. Sorry Chels." He pouted and Chelsea wanted to awe at her little brother.

"It's okay bud, do you like school?" She asked while ruffling his long hair, he smiled while nodding making her laugh a lightly at his excitement but felt the car turning in which meant they was home. The smirk on Wilmer's face told Chelsea he was hiding something as she stepped out of the SUV and Nathan jumped out and into her arms as he was too small to get down.

"First one into the house!" She raced and in an instant they both took off in the house, Chelsea slowing down and pretending to be out of breath for her little brothers advantage, Wilmer smiled towards his two children and followed in. Chelsea and Nathan ran quickly into the house which made Demi jump.

"I won!" Both Chelsea and Nathan shouted at the same time, the smile on Chelsea's face to,d Demi they'd been having a lot of fun. They both continued to bicker and Demi rolled her eyes at both their competitiveness, that was going to be a problem. In an instant everything stopped when Chelsea heard squeals.

"Chels!" Turning around she was knocked of her feet but someone but instantly knew who's sent it was, her eyes widen as she screamed too. "Carly!" They both laughed and stood up but only to see everybody else. Austin of course being the first person to step forward,

"I heard your going to a new school and gets whose coming too! Your troublemaker friends." Then in an instant all of them was hugging and laughing around together, after the greeting Demi lead them into the living room.

"How was your shopping trip?" Demi asked as Nathan was back in Chelsea's arms, jealous from everybody grabbing his sisters attention. Lauren stared at the house in a haze and her mouth dropped open at how huge it was, along with everybody else's as Chelsea turned to Demi.

"It was- okay. I don't like paps though." Demi nodded with a slight chuckle at how her daughter never liked them, she used to cry every time she seen them. Demi gently kissed Chelsea's head which made Chelsea shake her head in disapproval, her friends watching the interaction with wide eye as they'd never seen Chelsea close with anyone.

"Wow, what happened to the badass girl? She turned into a goody goody for her momma? And then hanging out with a 4 year old?" Ivan joked which earned a punch in the arm from Chelsea but made everybody laugh, including Chelsea.

"Oh Chelsea, one last surprise." Demi smirked before rushing out of the room, her friends shrugged in confusion but happily spoke to Nathan. "This house is amazing, I can't believe your mom and dad is rich. You never told us!" Lauren gasped in offence but Chelsea rolled her eyes at the dramatic blonde. Then Demi came rushing back in the room with a blanket around a fluff of fur.

"A puppy?"

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