Chapter 13: City Lights.

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Chelsea watched as Dallas walked out of the door and didn't feel as comfortable anymore, she didn't feel at home nor did she feel that belonged with Demi or Wilmer. She believed she weren't their daughter anymore and wondered why they couldn't just let her be in Steph and Tony's arms, she didn't want fame or money. She wanted to feel at home and in this place it wasn't home.

Chelsea didn't think about what Demi felt, or Wilmer she never thought about what her mom or dad felt o have her back. She only thought of herself, selfish she knew but at this moment in time she hated her mom and dad. For allowing her to be taken, for not finding her, for not trying to help people find her, they moved on and had another child even thought Chelsea loves him she hates how they abandoned her. They ruined her life and turned her into the person she was today... Broken. She had demons, the same ones that controlled Demi and ruined her life and not matter how much Demi tried to guard her from it. She cried at night knowing she failed doing so, Demi and Wilmer were broken too.

The tension in the air never faded as she turned towards Demi and Wilmer, Demi smiling softly at the young girl in front of her who looks a lot like her and Wilmer with curiosity in his face as he remembered Demi had the same dull eyes that she had. He remembered the broken look Chelsea had and remembered Demi had the same look the day Wilmer found her in the bathroom floor, She isn't the happy younger girl anymore and I blame myself for that. Every night Wilmer tried to keep his emotions from Demi but he blamed himself for the kidnap, he told Demi that he'd look after both of them but he couldn't.

"Uh, I'll show you to your room." Wilmer finally spoke and Chelsea just gave him a blank stare before following him up the stairs, Demi sighed when they felt at how blunt she was. She didn't want to be with them and Demi knew that but couldn't help but wonder why?

"Okay, uh- This is your room." Wilmer stepped inside and Chelsea noticed her two suitcases on the bed from when Wilmer brought them up when she was being greeted by everybody. Wilmer turned to show her how the TV works and around the room but when he turned he watched as she sat against the window, staring out at the lights of the city and smiled. She always loved the look of the stars at night, she loved looking down at the world and seeing how beautiful it was.

"You like the view?" Wilmer asked quietly, walking next to her and her eyes lit up from the lights of down below. She nodded gently at him, turning towards him and staring at him for a moment, as if wondering to herself or thinking before turning back towards it. She'd have to take a picture of the view and send it to Carly, she loved watched the city over too and both of them dreamt to do it together.

"Why do you like looking over the city so much? You used to cry to watch over e city of a night too, when Demi used to put you to bed you'd always run to the window to see the city first before smiling and running back to bed." A smile appeared on Chelsea's face as she looked around the exact same room her younger self was brought up in but it'd changed a lot, it wasn't pink anymore.

"The world moves at our feet, people down below who were looking at right now are all going through something at this moment but we never care to notice. I love the lights above the city, everything's moving and I like how beautiful the city's are..." Chelsea replied but never taking her eyes of the lights below. Wilmer nodded, but suddenly Chelsea asked him I'm a question.

"Why do the best people get taken away from us?" Wilmer turned towards her with a confused expression on why she'd ask that as he'd ask himself the same thing every night when Chelsea was taken. By now Demi was by the door and listening to the conversation and smiled at how well they sparked a conversation, Wilmer gently pulled Chelsea onto his lap but as she tensed he gripped her so she wouldn't move form his touch. She slowly stated to calm down as he spoke again,

"When you was taken I'd ask myself the same question over and over while I watched your mom cry each night for you back. I figured it out though, when you go out to pick a flower which one do you pick?" Chelsea looked up to her dad and even Demi looked curious as she hadn't heard Wilmer say this before, Demi crept into the room and both heads turned towards her but she only took a seat on the other end of the window ledge.

"The beautiful and best one..." Chelsea replied, after a few moments of thinking it over and Wilmer felt Chelsea relax against him and smile over to Demi as she gently took ahold of Chelsea's hand but this time Chelsea didn't pull away, she held it there. Nathan was now in bed and the three of them looked over the city and Wilmer smiled to himself at how close him, his wife and daughter were on only the first night of being there.

"Exactly, Some people get given the harder life because God wants to give them a challenge. When people can't handle the challenge he decided to let them go, and stop them from struggling because they weren't happy in the world. Not everybody will have a good life, in life you will face decisions and sometimes the decision might not be the best one but you'll learn from it, you take it and you do what you can to make the most of your life." Wilmer kissed Chelsea's head softly, but his eyes never leaving Demi's in a comforting manner as tears threatened to fall down her face but stopped herself as Chelsea was there.

"Why did he allow me to suffer? Because by me being gone he hurt a lot of people, right? Like you both, but Demi's already been through a lot so why does he keep causing her pain." Wilmer stared at the child in disbelief as Chelsea looked to Demi, wanting answers. Wilmer knew she must have thought over and over about the questions and asked herself a load.

"He knows I'm here to help here, when you went he wanted to test us and see if your strong enough for it and you was because your with us today. Demi wasn't very well but I helped her and she helped herself to make herself strong enough today, she wanted me to be proud of her and I am..." Demi nodded along with her husband and Chelsea smiled. Everything Wilmer said, Chelsea believed it and even though if it was anybody else she wouldn't but she believed him.

"I know, Demi. Your badass." Chelsea grinned to Demi and Demi instantly smiled back at her daughter making Wilmer chuckle at how his daughter said it. Wilmer abruptly stood up due to Nathan whining in the other room for a drink, Nathan's room was next door to Chelsea's and she immediately new that when he banged on the wall smacking his hand to get their attention.

"Dads coming Nathan! Don't dare bang on the wall." Demi scowled at her son as he giggled and they assumed it must've been because of Wilmer as they heard a crash and Wilmer shout curse words. Demi and Chelsea burst out laughing at the sound of Wilmer groaning in pain followed by Nathan updating them on what happened in the other room.

"Dad just fell over my toys and hit is face!" Nathan and Chelsea's laugh echoed around the house and Demi smiled at how they could both get used to that. It was the first night all together, the four of them as a family and Chelsea had to admit she was enjoying it though she thought she wouldn't.

"You okay honey-" Demi laughed again at the end of her sentence but watched her daughter go towards her suitcase on the bed and get sweatpants of the it making her smile at how much her daughter was like her. Demi watched her tuck her hair behind her ear while looking down towards the bed grabbing her toothbrush, makeup, and all other bathroom supplies such as sanitary towels for when she's on her period and Demi nodded to take note at how her disgusted had already started. She wanted to be the one to explain to her daughter why there was blood but Steph must have already gotten to it.

"Goodnight sweetheart."

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now