Dead Memories

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I woke up and slammed the button on my alarm clock. I threw the blanket off and rose from my bed.
I sighed. I was so tired. I stumbled to my bathroom and washed my face. That always woke me up. I threw on some clothes and walked downstairs.
I saw Sarah and Mike sitting in chairs at the table. "Converse, skinny jeans, and flannels. Is that all you own?", Mike asked smiling at me. He got up and kissed me. I loved his kisses. They reminded me of another life.
"Happy birthday!", Sarah said putting a box on the table.
" Awe", I said.
I opened the box. It was two necklaces. Best friend necklaces. She had been my best friend as far back as I remember. I can't exactly remember how we started talking. I just know she has been here for me. I gave her a hug.
Mike whispered in my ear. "I will give you your present later" I blushed. He was tall. But for some reason, I wished he was taller. Like maybe he would be perfect if he were taller. That's just me being ungrateful. I guess.
"Let's skip school today", Sarah suggested.
I was on board. I hated school. I live with Sarah and Mike. My boyfriend and my best friend. We live together because the school we go to is very prestigious and we all live far from our parents.
"Happy sixteen", Sarah yelled out the window as we drove. Bon Jovi came on the radio and I felt strange. " This song is ancient. Can you change the station?"
Mike drove us to a lake. It was secluded. We got out the cooler and drank beers on a blanket in the grass. When it was night, we stared at the stars.
While laying between Sarah and Mike, looking at the sky, I spoke.
"It feels like a year has gone by so quickly. I don't even remember what I did for my birthday last year"
"You don't", Sarah was surprised.
Again, I got that feeling. The weird feeling. The scared feeling. " Never mind. I remember", I said laughing. I didn't though.
We went swimming in the dark lake. That's how we spent my sixteenth. I spent it with the people I care most about.
When we got back, Mike followed me to my room. "What do you want? ", I asked playfully and shut the door.
" Happy birthday", he said taking his shirt off.
"Gross", I joked.
We joined together on the bed. " I love you", he whispered in my ear. When he tucked hair behind my ear, I got the feeling this wasn't right. I panicked inside my mind. Then, he kept kissing me and it just happened.
I woke up again the next morning. My life felt like a routine. It was a long day of school. I thought I saw someone I recognized while walking home.
I got a feeling. A panicked feeling. I stopped walking and began hyperventilating in the middle of the sidewalk. Where am I? What am I doing? Where am I going?
Then, I remembered. I am on my street. I am walking home. I am going to Sarah and Mike. It was strange. I lost my head for a second. I thought I saw a woman following me before she disappeared.
I opened the door to the house and saw Sarah and Mike. It was like they were waiting for me to get home.
"Hey", I said throwing my backpack down.
"What's wrong, sweetie", Sarah asked.
I didn't feel like I could tell her. I have known Sarah my whole life. Why do I feel like I can't trust her?
"Oh. There was just a really hard test today", I lied.
" I can help you if you want", Mike said slipping an arm around my waist.
"Can I just go to sleep? ", I asked pushing him off.
I went to my room and locked the door. Why am I acting this way? Why do I feel like they can't be trusted?
Before going to bed, I felt the feeling of insecurity. But it passed. I decided I was being irrational.
I had a dream of men with no faces. I didn't recognize them but I recognized the way they made me feel. Their souls. They were chasing me and I was running because I didn't know them.
I woke to Mike in the bed next to me. " I locked the door", I said confused.
"No you didn't", he laughed and put his arm around me.
I looked at the door. It didn't have a lock on it. I know I locked that door.
"You've been acting strange lately"
"No I haven't", I decided to play along with him. I didn't know what was happening to me or why I was being such a weirdo lately.
I didn't go to school today. Mike and Sarah dropped me off and they went inside and I skipped. I was walking down the sidewalk. I came across a pay phone and felt the urge to call someone.
I popped change into the phone and dialed. I didn't know the number I dialed. It was muscle memory that took over.
A deep voice answered.
"Dean?", the word escaped my mouth. Who is Dean? My Uncle? Dad? A family friend?
"Who's this?"
I repeated myself and he hung up. I felt the urge to call him back. I have a lot of urges lately.
"I need help", I said when he picked up. Do I really need help? Am I in danger? Why am I telling this guy instead of the police?
"Is it really you?"
"Please help me"
I snapped out of it and hung up. What is wrong with me?
I continued to walk home. A rush of humid air washed over me. The phone rang again, causing me to jump.
I walked back to it, slowly I answered.
"Yes", I whispered.
"Where are you?"
"I don't know you. I don't know why I called you", I hung up and felt a strong headache.
I thought I remembered these people. I thought about the faces that belonged to the people on the phone. Maybe I was just trying to imagine what they would look like.
I passed out inside the booth.

KIDNAPPED BY SAM AND DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now