We don't Bite

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You got to wherever you were going and Sam carried your bag inside the cabin. It was a cabin in the woods. In the middle of nowhere. You sat on the couch and Sam sat beside you as Dean got beers for the three of you. He plopped down on the other side of you. He handed you and Sam a beer.
"Why were demons after you?", Dean asked opening your beer for you.
"I don't know. I've never even seen a demon before. I've only read of them", you replied.
You took a sip of the beer and fought the urge to spit it out. It was your first sip of beer. You kind of liked the feeling of being treated equally to Sam and Dean because most people treated you like a child.
"Am I going to die?", you asked. You feared the demons and whoever the boss was.
"No. You're going to be fine", Sam said. You didn't believe him.
"Listen. We're going to get you off the grid and make sure the demons won't find you again. We're also going to teach you a few things because you could use it", Dean said finishing off his beer.
"Dean", you said nervously.
He raised his eyebrow, "Yeah?"
You handed him the beer, "I don't like it."
Dean laughed and began drinking from your beer.
"Dean. Can we talk? Privately", Sam demanded more than asked. They went to another room. You grabbed a pillow from the couch, threw it on the ground beside a window and lay on the floor. You didn't mean to, but you fell asleep. Sam and Dean were talking in the other room away from you.
"Dean. I don't think we should be promising this girl anything. As much as I want to keep her safe, I don't know if we can", Sam said.
"I think there's a reason why those demons were after her and we need to keep her under watch and see what secret she is keeping", Dean said.
"I don't think she is keeping any secret. She is a little girl and you and I both know how scared she sounded on the phone. Let's just keep her safe", Sam argued.
"Yeah. Sure. But if she turns out to be bad, I'll do it", Dean said moving past Sam and sinking into the couch.
Sam came in seconds later and looked at you. "I guess she was tired", he said.
"What's that on her arm?", Dean asked. Sam was slightly curious too. He lifted your sleeve a little more than it was already to reveal the cuts. He felt sad and confused for you. He wanted to get to know you. He wanted to save you from yourself and the demons. Before Sam and Dean went to sleep, Sam picked you up and put you on the couch.

KIDNAPPED BY SAM AND DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now