Starry skies

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Hiya! I'm back again yay! Idk I'm in a weird mood dun ask ya won't get a proper answer :P
Ok chapter start! Oh, also, I forgot about time differences and realised that my evening is different to yours so yeah... This is evening to me.

Lucy's POV
The place was in shambles. It had all burned down. This wasn't natural. This wasn't right. She was a child and they did this. What could be there possible motives? Natsu had started sprinting on an adrenaline rush and accidentally taken us to the right place. That was convenient but where we arrived was horrifying. She was in a deserted town and her kidnappers were lying in the rubble. By the looks of it, they had tortured her. They'd used such horrific methods on her such as stabbing her continuously, crushing her limbs with boulders and even setting her skin on fire. They were monsters and THEY DID THIS. THEY WERE GONNA PAY. From the looks of it, Wendy had lost her mind and let out a force that even Natsu hasn't been capable of summoning. None of us had witnessed her using this power but we had a guess of what had happened as the whole town had been wrecked by her force. Her kidnappers had tears running up their bodies which were still spurting blood. As for Wendy herself, she was standing in the middle of the desolate building in dragon force mode while quivering slightly and stuttering methods of torture that they had used while staring at her dirt caked feet. She didn't seem to realise that we were there. She just stood there uttering barely legible words.
"W-Wendy?" a voice stuttered. Romeo had tailed us. His expression was indescribably shocked. Her words halted and her breathing became strange. Rapidly, she jerked her head upwards to reveal scratch marks, burnt patches of skin and wild, bloodshot eyes. She looked like an animal.
"Wendy." He called again but this time more sternly despite his worried face.
"It's me, Wendy. W-Wendy, it's me. You remember me, right?" A tear stained his face.
"Y-you know who I am, don't you?" Slowly yet definitely, Wendy nodded her beaten head once and then... She collapsed.
Wendy's POV
The darkness gained a thin shaft of light, then, it grew. Expanding at a rapid pace now. I was basked in light. At first, it was too bright for me to make out anything but the outline of a human-like shape. In a sudden burst of colour, I was able to make out their features.
"W-Wendy?" Romeo.
"W-where are w-we?" I croaked hoarsely while a series of muddled memories swirled around my battered head.
"To be honest, I'm not quite sure where we are exactly. After you collapsed, I completely raged which is when I felt a massive whack across my head and I went out too. After about an hour or two, you finally opened your eyes." There was a knock on the door.

I T  W A S  A  V O I C E  T H A T  I  H A D  N E V E R  H E A R D  B E F O R E .

"Open the door. Now. Obey our orders and nobody gets hurt."
Taking a gulp, Romeo stood up.
"Wendy, don't move. You're too injured."
He took a step.
Then another.
One foot I front of the other.
He kept going.
Slowly but surely, he was getting closer.
His fingers curled around the golden knob.
The door creaked open.
Light from the other side flooded into our confined room.
Two figures stood there.
Their silhouettes loomed over us and their shadows danced across our floor.
They walked into our room.
There stood Lucy and Natsu wearing grout joke glasses.
"You, young sir, are coming with us." Roughly, they yanked Romeo out of our room by his arm. How did they do that to their voices? Weeeeeiiiirrrrrd....
Romeo's POV
"Natsu? Lucy? What are you doing? And what's with the fancy get up?"
"Mirajane said that if we didn't want those videos and pictures getting out, then I'd have to do THIS." Lucy replied.
"I just wanted to wear these snazzy glasses." Natsu added. That sounds about right.
"Anyway, we're here to do something for Mira. She wanted us to deliver this to you." The blonde mage said, handing me a crumpled note, some healing ointment and a small box.
"Now, bye." And, with that, they were off. I looked down at the note. Uncrumpling it, I stared down at the scrawny, rushed writing.

Dear Romeo,
This is Mira and I have some demands. If you obey them, I won't obliterate you. What I need you to do is kiss Wendy. It can't just be a little kiss on the cheek, it must be a full-on, all out smooch fest! Both of you must be conscious during it. You have twenty four hours to complete your mission. Also, stay with her at all times until your time is up. The exceptions are while getting dressed, during showers/baths and while on the toilet. My group of ships are also staying in the same building. You must also give her the box that my minions gave you. One more thing. She mustn't know about your mission. Break the rules no you die. I will know if you do. Good luck, soldier.

Yay. That'll be fun. Not. Before I re-entered the room, I looked around me. It appeared to be a hotel. Ok then. But why a hotel? Eh. Oh whale 🐋🐳.
"Hi Wendy!" I called while re-entering the room.
"Are you alright? What did they want?" She inquired. I can't tell her about the mission or Mira will destroy me!
"Uh, well, I dropped this! They were returning it to me." I answered while presenting it to her. "It's for you." I passed her the box as I sat next to her. "Oh, also, we're in a hotel."
"Ok then. Thanks!" Lifting up the lid of the small box, Wendy let out a little gasp. Please don't be a ring please don't be a ring please don't be a ring please don't be a ring... "Wow! I love it!" OHMYGODTHANKMAVIS!!! It was just a necklace... It had a tiny, silver wing on it with two, miniature, aqua-marine gems on each side.
~fabulous timeskip brought to you by a sassy, little man~
It's already evening. I haven't left Wendy's side but I haven't kissed her either. From time to time, I'd see Mirajane tapping her watch. She's so damn persistent! Anyway, we'd been having fun around the resort that we had been dragged to (still have no idea how we got there). Wendy and I had gone to the arcade, the pool, cocktail bar, etc... Now, it was night and we were standing around a bright bonfire while toasting marshmallows.
"Romeo... The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they?" Wendy was gazing at the sky. It seemed to put her under a trance of wonder and slight excitement.
"Should we get to higher ground?" She nodded slowly. I guided her up a large, jade hill which was completely desolate aside from us. Suddenly, a thought came to mind. I had to obey Mirajane otherwise I would be dead! Oh god...
"Wow! The sky is beautiful tonight!" Luscious green grass swept around her delicate ankles. I was so caught in the moment and I completed Mirajane's orders.

Well... Hi! End of chapter so you can, like go now... Oh also I wrote this in a short time cuz I was listening to music and was like BAM! FANFIC! And I barely know what I wrote... Oh whale 🐋🐳. Bye!

The she devil's ships - Fairy Tail - Nalu Gale Jerza Rowen GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now