The joys of being a cat: Natsu and Gray

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Hi guys! I'm back again. Tomorrow I'll probably do a Christmas special but I'll see how the day goes. I might explode while writing so beware. Also, my mind is half occupied with lifeish lifey life so sorry if this chapter goes weird at some points. Enjoy!

Natsu's POV

GOD DAMMIT WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO MEEEEEEEEEE!? And Luke? Really? Do I LOOK like a Luke? Well I look like a cat right now but my point is made. At least I got Lucy! If Erza got me..... God that would be scary... Actually, I think that Laxus has it worst. He's living with the shipping she-devil! Actually, I don't feel sorry for him because he's a jerk...  Ice princess has to live with one of his most crazed fangirls and I hope he dies there covered in idiot plushies! Well, Lucy was walking back home while I sat in her arms. I always went this way so I didn't really get confused by the long route that she took.

"Hey, blondie! Be careful or you'll be living in the river!" Blondie? They're trying to flirt with MY Lucy!

"Don't worry! I've never fallen once." I let out an almighty roar at the idiots rowing past Luce and I. "Don't hiss, Luke! Bad!" Hiss? THAT WAS AN AWESOME, FEARSOME ROAR, NOT A HISS! I leaped out of her arms because she insulted my epic war cry and began yo make my way towards her house.

"IT WAS A ROAR!" I said while running up to her house.

"LUKE! STOP MEOWING AND RUNNING! Wait.... How did you know where I lived?" She asked me as I wagged my tail innocently. "Probably just kitty senses.... Oh whale 🐋🐳" As Luce unlocked the door, I sprinted into her room and jumped onto her bed. "NATS... Wait, no... LUKE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Actually, I should of be asking about how you knew where my room was.... Eh."

Lucy's POV

Luke was acting awfully strange... He seemed to know where everything was. He knew where my bed was, where the kitchen was, where the bathroom was, where pretty much everything was! Luckily, he stayed clear of the shelf without me even dropping a single hint! Wow! I wonder how Natsu'll react to me having a cat here. Speaking of Natsu, Luie reminded ,e of him slightly. The fur is his hair colour, he acts like him around me, he knows where everything is located... Almost like a memo Natsu! Weird...

"Meeeooooow!" Luke meowed at me from my bedroom. What'll I feed him? Probably some of Happy's fish. I'm su e that he'll mind but I don't care. Happy will just have to learn that if he keeps his smelly fish stored at my house, he should expect some of it to go 'missing'.

 Gently, I lay a plump fish on an old plate by my table accompanied by a saucer of milk. Eventually, I cooked and devoured my own meal. As Natsu hadn't shown up, I accidentally cooked too much food resulting in me having to wrap it up and keep it in the fridge. After a relaxing, hot shower, I slipped into bed and slid my eyelids shut. For once peace and quiet existed in my apartment. My sleep wasn't accompanied by Natsu's loud snoring for the first time in forever. Yay! As I began to drift off to sleep, I felt a warmth accompany me in bed. Natsu? No. Luke. At that moment, I realised something hitch changed my life forever: I missed Natsu. I missed his warmth and I just couldn't get through my life without him.

Gray's POV

When Juvia opened the door to her house, I was left with a horrifying sight. Gray posters. Gray plushies. Gray SOAP. GRAY PILLLOWS. GRAY EVERYTHING! It was really eerie! Kind of like a weird mirror world or a place where items suck the you out of you leaving nothing but a cat in your place! 

"Come on, Glacier! Time to eat!" Juvia call d from the other room. I did NOT want to go I there, however, I was hungry so I did anyway. Reluctantly plodding towards Juvia, I took a glimpse at the 'not so Gray-sama' room. A little, old dish contains milk was placed by her counter which had a multitude of posters of me running down the sides of it. What is UP WITH THIS GIRL!? She really is a mega-crazed fangirl isn't she...

"Come on Glacier! Time for night-night!" What the hell is up with her... Honestly, I didn't think that I could handle sleeping on a bed of me so I slipped under her bed instead.

 I wish I hadn't.

My eyes had been met with a site more horrifying then ANY Gray bed or fangirl. Underneath her bed lay rows and rows of neatly folded white shirts which had been freshly ironed along with a few pairs of black trousers just as neatly folded.

So that's where all of my shirts had been hiding...

Juvia's POV

That night, Glacier joined Juvis on her bed after hiding under it. Does he not like Juvia's Gray-sama shirt collection? I wonder why he wouldn't like it... It's the most beautiful sight that Juvia's seen in ages (besides Gray-sama himself of course)! Anyway, it was nice to feel the warmth of another as I drifted off into a land of Gray-sama fantasies which were the most beautiful fanfics EVER.

"Night night, Glacier." I called out to the lightly purring feline.

"Meow..." Answered Glacier. So cute! Juvia is looking forward to her next day of Gray-sama loving and the beginning of a life with a cat.

Soooooooooo..... How was it? Bad? Yes? Ok then. Next, I'm going to write GaLe and Jerza and then I'll do Mira and Lisanna's life as cat owners but not until after my Christmas special which is coming out either today or tomorrow. I hope you like the n DT chapter!

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