Dance with me

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Also, idk why I'm updating so often I think I need help ;-; Anyways, enjoy dis lil chapter.

Mirajane's POV
Since my last idea went down the drain, I think I should do something less life-risky. Hmmm.... IDEA!!! Rapidly I leapt up to the stage to announce my plan.
"Attention guys!" I could already see the despair on their faces! "Tomorrow, we're having a party disco thingmajig! You better come or I'll SLICE YOUR HEADS OFF!!!" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This'll work! I'm hoping to get some gruvia at this party. Maybe I could sell Juvia that crazy potion I made the other day....
Juvia's POV
" JUVIA WILL TAKE IT!!!" FINALLY! A CHANCE FOR JUVIA TO CATCH GRAY-SAMA'S ATTENTION!!! It's this potion, Gray-sama will HAVE to dance with Juvia! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Wendy's POV
"Uh, are you ok Juvia?" I asked the vibrating water Mage who was turning into a puddle.
"Juvia is fine!" She replied shakily. How strange...
"So... Are you gonna ask Gray to the dance? Do you need any help?"
"Yes! Juvia is going to and would very much appreciate your help!"
~fantabulous timeskip brought to you by burger pants and his glamburgers ~
"Ok, so you surprise teleport to Gray's room, but you're wearing JUST PANTS! And you're all like "hey cutie! Wanna smooch my face?""
"No, don't do that. You can't teleport anyway!" I reminded her.
"Oh... ;-;" Juvia murmured subduedly.
"Ok! I've got it!"
"Juvia's all ears!"
"So, when you get there, give him a gift, request his favourite song, ask to dance with him, and boom! You're done."
Rin's POV
Hey, Gray!" Rumour has it that you're planning to ask Juvia to the dance thingmajig!" I teased as I strutted towards my next victim.
"Wha-!? Who told you!?" Stuttered the confused weirdo.
"I made it up silly! And now I know your seeeecret!~"
"Ugh, dammit!"
"Hehe... Fire ALWAYS beats ice!"
"Unless it's Natsu's fire."
"Whatever makes you feel better, my homeslice breadslice dawg."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean? Ugh, whatever. What do you want?" Inquired Gray.
"I'm here to aid you on your quest to capture Juvia's heart!"
"Ew, you make it sound like we're in some dodgy shojo anime."
"But you ARE in an anime!"
"I've been living a lie..."
"Anyway, I need to help you with Juvia!"
Gray's POV
Sneaky little weirdo... Finding out my secret... Such a pain...
"Just casually bring it up in a conversation."
"Woah, man! Keep your cool! Anyway, now you've got a bigger problem on your hands. Turn around." Please say Juvia isn't there please say Juvia isn't there please say Juvia isn't thereeeeeeee....
"Gray-sama?" DAMMIT!!!! "I just wanted to ask you something..." Is she planning the same thing as me?
"Uh... Same actually...."
"I'll leave you two love birds alone!" Rin said while winking.
"Well, I just wanted to ask..."
"Do you wanna like..."
"What's your favourite song?"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.... It changes every week.... I have no idea right now."
"O-oh... Ok... Well, bye..."
"Wait!" The water Mage turned around quickly to face me with her deep, beautiful eyes.
"What is it, Gray-sama?"
"Uh.... Nevermind..." From the corner of my eye, I could see Rin hissing at me.
Juvia's POV
W-what was Gray-sama about to ask Juvia? Was he gonna so me to... Uhhh.... ANYWAY! Juvia fail led to find out Gray-sama's favourite song! What is Juvia going to do? AAAAAAAAAAA! I'll probably just play something nice which we could both dance to. BUT WHAT DOES JUVIA PICK!? Maybe Juvia should just go for a walk and clear her mind...
Grays POV
Ugh! That was the perfect opportunity and I messed it up! Dammit Gray! Stay frosty! "Another pint, Mira." I demanded.
"Comin' right up!" She poured me another drink and set it before me.
"FIGHT ME, SNOW CONE!" The idiot salamander yelled. Can't he tell when the right and wrong times are.
Wendy's POV
"C'mon, Juvia! You'll do fine! Just ask for the song!" I instructed the sobbing Mage.
"B-but... Juvia doesn't know Gray-sama's favourite song!" She squealed while bawling her eyes out into a pillow which lay on my bed.
"Oh... Well, not to worry! I thought this might happen and I have two perfect songs for you to request!" I told Juvia proudly.
"R-really?" Asked the bluenette.
Rin's POV
"Why didn't you ask her?"
"That's no excuse you punderful weirdo!" I yelled at the idiot.
"Punderful? Why punderful?" Gray asked.
"Because of all of your sweet-ass punz, genius!"
"Yeah! You've been saying them constantly for the past half hour! Not only that, but you've been mentally narrating your life with them too!"
"I HAVE!? How didn't I know... Also, how do you kno that I mentally narrate my life?"
~timeskip brought to you by Rin's 'hunch'~
Mirajane's POV
Finally, it's time to let. The beat.
Little did they know that a certain someone from a certain guild has come to visit to help me with my shipping plan... Ha... Haha... AHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!
Juvia's POV
"Are you sure you want me two play this song, little missy?"
"Juvia's sure." Everything's set up and Juvia's ready for operation Gray-Sama's song.
Lyon's POV
Mirajane said the party would be crazy. I didn't think it would be like this.
"LET IT GO! LET IT GO! CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMOOOOORE!" Apparently, this song was Juvia's choice. What a weirdo. Anyway, I must complete Mira's orders. Pushing through the crowds of weird dodgy people singing let it go, I found my target.
"Hello, Juvia."
Gray's POV
Well, this couldn't get any weirder. As soon as I entered, the whole guild started singing let it go. It's my favourite song!
"Oh, hey Rin."
"IT IS ON!!!" Storming over to Juvia, I punched that ice freak square in the face.
"Hey, Juvia. What's with the bottle?"As soon as I said that, she dropped it. "Well, ok then."
"Gray-sama. Do you like the song lose it?"
"How did you know?" As soon as I said that, on came the next song.
Downtown we let it go
Sunset high and our bodies low
Blood rush in the hazy glow
My hands, your bones
Loose up we break the scene
One step deep as you fall to me
Heart clap, we skip a beat
Count one two three
And don't you stop the music
Get into it
Won't you dance with me?
Find a place and lose it
You can do it
Won't you dance with me?
Move your feet and feel it in the space between
You gotta give yourself a moment, let your body be
We gotta lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it
Lose it
Lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it
Lose it
Lose it
We gotta lose it
Your name I'll never know
As we get down in the world below
Caught up in an overflow
My hands, your bones
Wide eyed, you look at me
Set on fire in a silver dream
Spin round you can feel the breeze
Count one, two, three
And don't you stop the music
Get into it
Won't you dance with me?
Find a place and lose it
You can do it
Won't you dance with me?
Move your feet and feel it in the space between
You gotta give yourself a moment, let your body be
We gotta lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it
Lose it
Lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it
Lose it
Lose it
We gotta lose it
Make a spark, break the dark
Find a light with me
Who we are from the start
Won't you dance with me?
Make a spark, break the dark
Find a light with me
Who we are chasing stars
Won't you dance with me?
Won't you dance with me?
And don't you stop the music
Get into it
Won't you dance with me?
Find a place and lose it
You can do it
Won't you dance with me?
Move your feet and feel it in the space between
You gotta give yourself a moment, let your body be
We gotta lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it
Lose it
Lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it
Lose it
Lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it
Lose it
Lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it
Lose it
Lose it
We gotta lose it
Move your feet and feel it in the space between
You gotta give yourself a moment, let your body be
We gotta lose it
We gotta lose it
By the time the song had ended, half the guild had passed out, the speakers had exploded, everyone was howlingly drunk, Lyon was covered in his on blood and Juvia was sleeping on top of me who as also half dead on arrival he floor. For the first time in forever, I was happy on the anniversary of Ur's death.

Hey! Hope you enjoyed it! I'm too tired to write anything so... Like... See ya in the next chapter!

The she devil's ships - Fairy Tail - Nalu Gale Jerza Rowen GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now