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Hi! I've decided that I'm going to do quite a few updates and then only publish every, like, once in a week. Right now, I literally have too much time to burn in my boring life of sitting around and listening to music and watching anime. Again, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Juvia's POV
"Ummm.... Why are you at Juvia's house early?" Juvia asked the three mages standing before her. Rin, Lisanna and Mirajane had come to Juvia's room one hour early.
"We're getting bored where we are. Sorry that we came before the slumber party was supposed to start. I hope that you can forgive us." Mirajane stated.
"Don't sweat it!" Juvia replied. "Now come in before you get bored out there." Wondering into Juvia's apartment in fairy hills, they each marvelled at Juvia's amazed by Gray-sama collection. Juvia wasn't surprised as it truly was a sight to behold.
"Hey Juvia... Where's Glacier?" Asked Lisanna who was clutching Yuki. What a funny name for a green cat...
"Glacier-chan is on Juvia's bed." As Juvia had just finished speaking, both Strike and Yuki leapt from the Strauss sister's arms and hurtled towards Juvia's bed where Glacier lay. Turning towards the three girls, Juvia told them that she'd show them around.
Rin's POV
What can i say about Juvia's apartment? To put it bluntly,mit was... Well... Blue. Of course, it was full of Gray things. Gray dolls, Gray pillows, Gray SOAP and even some of Gray's discarded clothes were strewn over her home. Weird... "Come on, guys! Juvia will show you around her home!" She cheered. As Juvia showed us around her Gray-sama museum, I gave a wink to the boys. The plan was about to go into action. As I disappeared off into a different room (which, of course, was dedicated to Gray), the boys started following our orders.
"And this is Juvia's-"
"Wait a minute Juvia." Mirajane interrupted.
"What is it?" The water woman inquired.
"Maybe Gray would like you better if you spoke without referring to yourself as Juvia?" Mira said. That just might work....
"O-ok! Juvia- no Juvia means- I will try. For Gray-sama!"
Laxus's POV
Just as the girls were leaving the room, Rin give the signal. The plan was to go into action. We had just under an hour to complete our mission all the while keeping Gray in the dark.
"Freed! Do it now!" While Freed was to keep Gray distracted, I was supposed to plant spy cameras over the whole apartment (discluding the bathroom of course). The crazy shippers plan to use the videos to make their ships do their bidding. I must admit, that's a bit cruel even by Mira's standards. Anyway, I had to do their bidding, otherwise, I'd be stuck in this form for eternity. I had a small bag full of tiny camera lacrima. Jumping from place to place, I planted the small cameras I preparation for what Mira, Rin and Lisanna had in store for the girls that night. All I knew is that it would b mentally scarring for all of them.
Gray's POV
Srykkyrsduotiduttuidodut atuesytiutofpihvjlcgdfyirgsu (he's mentally scarred by all of the Gray merchandise in Juvia's place so he can't talk or think properly)
~shamazing timeskip brought to you by Natsu's fabulous hair~
Lucy's POV
"Hi guys!" I said to the girls who had all arrived before me. Being last sucks. Unfortunately, I'm always last as I have to do Natsu checks as he is always breaking in while I'm in and out. I'd prefer if he wasn't in at any time, but it makes me feel more assured when I do a thorough inspection of my house before leaving. Each one of them greeted me when I walked in, however, something was... Well... Different. I think it was Juvia... Something about her had changed... What was it... Oh! She stopped referring to herself in the third person! That'll take some getting used to. To be honest, her Grays don't surprise me at all. I dread what would happen if he were to come here and find... Well... This. Luke leapt out of my arms and ran towards the other felines. It was kinda weird how they all sat together. They seemed almost human... It's hard to explain but cats don't just sit there in a circle facing inwards. Ah, who cares.
"Hey, guys!" Rin called. "Let's play truth or dare!" Of course everyone was against this, however, the sheer power that Mirajane and Rin possessed was extremely frightening.... No offence to Lisanna. Groaning, all of the girls gathered near Juvia's bed where the cats were having their little powwow.
"Who first?" Inquired Erza.
"Well, as she lives here, I think it's only fair that Juvia chooses." answered Lisanna.
"Ju- I choose.... Love rival!" The traitor stated decisively. Yaaaaaaay. Can't wait. Thanks Juvia.
"For the last time, I don't like Gray in that way."
Natsu's POV
Lucy's POV
"So you can stop calling me your love rival."
"Eh. I still choose you." The bluenette said.
"Ugh. Ok then. Just get it over with. I pick... Dare." as the boys weren't there I'd be safe.
"I dare you to tell us who you like." ...or not
Natsu's POV
Well that took an unexpected turn. I wonder who..
"Hey, guys! How about we.... Like... Don't play this?" Lucy said. The other girls nodded in agreement.
"Hey, Natsu! Stop staring at Lucy all puppy-eyedly! You're a cat, not a dog!"
"What did you say, ice princess?"
"What does it matter to you, ya pyro?"
"Who said it does, snow cone?" While fighting with Gray, I heard a few murmured words from the girl group. All I heard was a few yells and then Lucy saying two words: "Fine! N-N-Natsu..."
Mirajane's POV
Yay! Natsu finally know and Lucy admitted it! The cat's outta the bag.

Thanks for reading guys! It might've been a bit short but I really wanna get to the next part! If you want me to do anything specifically, please comment it and I'll take your ideas into account. See you next time!

The she devil's ships - Fairy Tail - Nalu Gale Jerza Rowen GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now