Drunken mistakes

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Hiiiiiiiiii! Soz for the late update ^_^, I've been kinda busy lately with 42 (AHAHAHH REFRENCES I'M SORRY) . I've been at Hyper Japan all day so I have now got inspiration for this chapter! I don't know what'll happen after this chapter so I would appreciate any suggestions that I can get from you guys. Enjoy the new chapter!

Lucy's POV

Hehehe.... Natsu promised to make me go woof! Yaaaaaay!

"Errr..... How do I make you woof exactly?"

"You scratch behind my ears! :3 "

"O.... Ok?" And then he began to scratch my ears in just the right spot! He always knows how to please a girl.... Dog...... Chimera..... Anyway, what else do I want? Aha!

"Woof! Woof!"

"Is that all?" My sexy master said. After a bit of thought, I came up with a great idea!

"Now take me for a walk!"


"Walk! Walk! Walk!" I chanted. Rapidly, I scampered off then returned while bringing him a pink, sparkly leash in my jaws. Perfect for a snazzy walk with a snazzy master!

"Why do ya want a walk?" Natty-sama asked.

"Because you are snaz of course! Why else? Let's go!"

"O.....k?" He tied the sparkleicious leash around my neck and fastened it tightly.

"Woof! Woof!" I yelped while parading around the Dragneel empire. Soon, there will be two rulers! But, will a dog be enough for a King? Hopefully!

"Where do you wanna go, Luce?" Ah... He looks so sexy when he says that!

"Wait, wait.... Are you.... Drooling?"

"That appears to be the situation Natty-sama!"

"Natty-sama's" POV

Wow.... Lucy really is acting weird.... After dancing like a leprechaun around the room, she chewed her lead off and ran outside! Crap.... What if Gramps and Mira see us like this?

"Natty-samaaaaaaaaaaa!" And what is with this weird nickname?

"What is it Lucy? Where are you?"

"Look up!" Lucy was in a tree. A TREE!


"I was trying to say that  we should play kings and queens!"

"W-what? Why?"

"Then how about we play princesses!"

"W-w-w-w-WHAT!?" The chimera named Lucy leaped from the tree and put on a leaf crown. What is up with her?

Juvia's POV


"Y-yes? What is it? Do you want anything? Should I go get it?" Gray-sama replied. He looks so dreamy in the moonlight...

"Yes. Juvia needs something." Juvia replied. Juvia must get it. She must.

"Ok! I'll go get it! Be back Soon! You need to let go of my arm so I can get it!" Silly Senpai.

"No, no. You must stay. For what I need is.... YOUR LOVE AND AFFECTION!!!!!"

Gray's POV

"GGSDFHUIIOGDSASCBMKOYSWDBJFSVHYREF!?!" Crap! Juvia started crying and her body merged with the water! Everyone (apart from me( was evacuated while I was left in the centre of the Juvia. What is up with this chick? I might drown in Juvia! There were random echoes of my name filling the room until a singular body of water arose from the whirlpool.

The she devil's ships - Fairy Tail - Nalu Gale Jerza Rowen GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now