Enter Rin

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Hi!!!! This is me.... I guess.... Well, what I want to say is that this chapter is extremely short because I'm releasing the next chapter tonight! Hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer - I only own Rin and Flare. Fairy Tail and its characters are property of Hiro Mashima. Please support the official release.

Persony person's POV

"I can help!" I said with Flare (my adorable lil scarlet and amber kitty cat ^.^) perched on my shoulder. Surprise, surprise! I found Titania and Jellal! Lucky me! I've heard that Natsu belongs to this guild. Maybe they know his whereabouts!

"Are you sure that you can handle this? You're just a kid." Jellal teased.


"Calm down, Rin! Sorry guys, she hates being mistaken for a kid. Her magic had a weird reaction to her body. Igneel warned her that this would happen if she trained with him to much. But, as always, she ignored his warnings, and now her life has gone two times slower..." Flare explained.

Both Erza and Jellal stared at me like : WTF!? 0.0 

"Look, just let me do this." Before they could pass the job over to me, I worked my TOTALLY AWESOME MAGIC  }:)

"Fire dragon.... IRON FIST!!!" And... BABOOM! As soon as my punch connected with the boulders, they were completely demolished. Where the boulders once were, there lay an exhausted man who had multiple piercings and strong yet familiar magic power and a sleeping bluenette with roughed-up hair. Groggily, the male stood up with the girl slung around his shoulder.

In a low, gruff voice, he said "thanks, Salamander..."

"Who's Salamander?"

"Wait, who's this girl? And why does she have flame-brain's magic?"

"Flame.... Brain? Do you mean Natsu?"

"Duh. Now answer me."

"We both trained under Igneel, however, I summoned his spirit with this gem thingy which he gave me for emergencies. He gave it to me because I was younger and shyer then Natsu. Anyway, Natsu lost me at one point while trying (and failing) to protect me from a water demon who ended up kidnapping me. After he took me to the entrance to his lair, this true power thingy awakened inside me and I beat the SNOT OUT OF HIM!!!"

"O... K?" 

"GUUUUYS!" Is that... Natsu? He and a little blue kitty cat (yay! He got one too! =^.^=) ran/flew up to us. Suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the ALMIGHTY ME!!!!!

"Erm... Hi! I killed that thing by the wa- AAAAAAAYYYYYYYY HI OK WHAT!?" I yelled as he tackled me into a hug/attack of constriction.

"RIN! Been a long time, huh!" He yelled into my shocked face.

"Natshuuu who is this?" The little blue cat asked.

"This Rin! I'm sure I told you about her a at some point."

"You wouldn't shut up about her. Ever."

"Well, tell Lucy that she's here again."


"Yeah! We went on this job that time you were ill after the Oracion Seis thing. We were on this half-impossible mission and she came along and our opponents were beaten nearly to death! She was at least three times stronger them me back then. We had a battle afterwards we had a fight and I nearly died! Teaches me for not saving her when we were kids."

"Oh! I forgot to tell you! I had extra training with Igneel via gemmajig but I trained too much so the magic effected my body so now my life span is twice the usual!"

".... What....."


"Well, I also have some news..." He looked down, avoiding my curious gaze.

"What happened?"

"Well.... Igneel is.... Well, he's... He died protecting us..."

~timeskip brought to you by yo mom~

Mira's POV

After a bit of a catch up between Rin and Natsu, we got to know each other really well! At first, I thought that she might ruin Nalu which depressed me, however, she ships them too! She loves my OTPs and I recruited her as part of Mirajane's army! YES! Together, we will make our ships cannon! With her power (which is stronger than Gildarts's and nearly as strong as master's), we will make millions of Nalu babies!!!!! We will be indestructible.

"Yo, Luce!" He was about to swing his arm around her shoulder when she blushed and pointed towards the rubies hanging from her neck which is when he halted in front of her. So close!

"W-what is it, Natsu?"


"Wow! That's great!"

By now, she wasn't that mad at Gajeel and she had returned to the hut thing after her little temper tantrum. Poor Gajeel was exhausted after watching over Levy after her little.... "Kidnapping".... Anyway, we still have to do Romeo and Wendy! We did promise that we would do them next to Romeo himself. Also, we have to reveal what happened when Gale went into the palm forest! Heeheeheeee....

"Hey, Rin! Can you come over here for a sec?" Rin told Lucy and Natsu that she would be back soon and came over to me.

"What is it, Mira?"

"I have a good idea for tonight!"

Brushing her blonde and pink hair away from her ear, whispered my shamazing plan to her.

"Heh heh heh.... Yep! Sounds great."

So... You lik? No? Oh whale 🐳🐋 I tried. Hope you enjoyed it!

The she devil's ships - Fairy Tail - Nalu Gale Jerza Rowen GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now