No way out

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Mira's POV

As those words left my mouth, I was transformed. I took the demon's form. My white hair turned into a deep purple as electric blue stripes zapped through my hair. A scaly, navy tail sprouted from my extended tailbone and jet black armour covered my waist and upper chest. A cute, purple miniskirt covered a tiny bit of my legs. I. Looked. Awesome. Lissana was smiling as usual (she had already seen this) but Happy and Romeo reacted in a.... Well...... SLIGHTLY different way.....

"AAAAAAAARGH! What the hell happened to you!?" Happy yelled. Heh. This is funny!

"Quiet, cat." That sent shivers down his spine. I could tell he was frightened which made me giggle slightly. Giggle. I can't physically do that in this form. It was a bit more like full on evil laughter. Oops.

"Awwwwww Mira don't scare them TOO much. Just a little bit, ok? You might give someone a heart attack!"

"Haha. Oops. I forgot the "don't laugh" rule. Sorry guys!" I flashed them what I thought was a cute little smile. It was actually a sharp-toothed scowl thing.


"Oh. Yeah. Creepy form. Soz guys!"

Levy's POV

Slowly, I opened my eyes. All I saw was darkness. What happened to me? The last thing I remember is.... Oh yeah! A creepy devil lady kidnapped me! Wait, what?


"It's about time, young lady." A deep voice.... Who could it be.... It could be Mira, but even in satan's soul her voice doesn't get this deep....

"Why am I here? What do you want?"

"We want your soul." My soul? What does this guy mean by that? And why me? Reading the expression on my face (I guess they could see in the dark) , the... Thing... Answered my thought.

"You have been chosen as a sacrifice to the Devil in exchange for overwhelming power."

"Which you need because?"

"Because we need to defeat the dragonslayers. Dragons have always been our enemies and now that they are gone, we are taking revenge on their beloved dragonslayers."


"Why are you after Gajeel and the others?"

"Oh? Looks like SOMEONE is picking favourites..." it sniggered. Ugh. I hate how it sniggers. No offence to her, but it slightly reminds me of Mira.... Eh. Coincidences do happen.

"Shhhhhh! Quiet!" There were... Others? The voices kept on hissing at each other from behind somewhere.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and a scream which echoed around the room. A scampering of footsteps across the hard, stone floor,and then, silence.

This was my chance.

Gajeel's POV

What is this cave doing here? Anyway, now that I've stormed it and roughed up the guards, I should probably start looking for short-stack.



"I'll take that as a yes. Where are ya?"

"Erm.., I don't know.... Somewhere?"

"Wow. Real helpful, Shrimp."

"Well, excuse me! If you were stuck in a dark room would you know where you were? Just follow my voice."

"Ugh, fine."

And so, I obeyed her. Using my AWESOME DRAGON SUPER SENSES HELLS YEAH! I found a thin wall which was probably a sealed door. With one whack from my dragon slayer magic, I broke the wall down. 

Levy's POV

Finally, Gajeel found me and burst through the wall. Light flooded into the cave and then I could see my surroundings. And the.... Thing......

"Hey, Shrimp."

"Erm... Hi...." Things were still a bit awkward for us after the test of courage. That thing got way out of hand!

"Anyway, what is this thing?"

"How's she supposed to know what or who I am?" it responded. This thing really reminded me of Mira... Weird...

"Hey, thingmajig. Do I know you? You look weirdly familiar..."

"That is for YOU to find out and not for me to tell you." and she strutted out of the room... Cave... Whatever.

"Hey where are you-"

"GAJEEL!!!" As he stepped halfway through the hole he had created, the beast collapsed the cave. Luckily, I yanked him out just in time for him to not be crushed. Surprisingly, I wasn't injured! The cave had collapsed with just enough space for someone with a body my size to be undamaged. Gajeel used his magic like a suite of armour so he didn't sustain any damage. If it was Mirajane, would she really go this far? Knowing her, yes.


"Aren't you rude. How awfully mean of you to address a lady in that manner.?


"You couldn't tell? Ugh. Peasants. Good luck with escaping this mess!"

And, with those words, 'she' fled the scene with her wounded accomplices leaving me alone with Gajeel trapped under a pile of cave remenants.

Hi guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but it is veeeery late and I have a karate master class tomorrow. I was practicing all day for it so I'm exhausted. Plus I just finished FMAB so I deserved this sleep! Anyway, when I finish my little Gale thing, which ship should I do? Thanks for reading!   >~<

The she devil's ships - Fairy Tail - Nalu Gale Jerza Rowen GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now