Travelling to the resort

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Fairy tail and it's characters are property of Hiro Mashima. Please support the official release. 

Wendy's POV

Right after master's announcement,  the guild carried on brawling. When will they ever stop?

"It looks like SOMEONE likes you ~♥ " Lisana whispered into my ear, making me jump. She giggled quietly and turned back to me.

"What do you mean? Who are you talking about?"

"Oh come on! Haven't you noticed?"

"Um.... no?"

"Well, do you want to know?" Well, I didn't really know the answer. Did I? If I found out, that could ruin our friendship."

"Ummm... yes?"

"Then lean in closer and I'll tell you!" So I did.  "it is..."


"EEEEEK!" I guess I'm just not supposed to know yet.


"Mira will now be announcing the travel plan!" Said white haired mage walked up to the stage where the master stood.

"Hello everyone! We will be travelling there in groups on foot due to certain people having motion sickness..." she glanced at Gajeel and Natsu before carrying on with her speech. "So! Group one is : Natsu,  Happy, Gray, Gajeel, Pantherlily, Romeo, Lucy, Juvia, Levy, Wendy, Carla, Lisana and me!" Lucy, who had finally got out from under the table along with Wendy and Lisana, wrapped an unsuspecting Levy in a giant bear-hug. 

"YAY!  WE'RE IN THE SAME GROUP!" she squealed. However, SOME members weren't taking their group's announcement so well.

"I can't believe that I got paired up with you two!" Natsu yelled!

"I know,  right?" Said Gajeel. The two dragon slayers were about to start a fight when Erza smashed the two of their faces together into a kiss.

"POISON!!!! MY MOUTH IS RUINED!!!!" They screamed in unison. 

Little did the wizards know that it was Mira who suggested the trip AND chose the groups...

Mira's POV

YESSSSS! I got away with it! My ships will become cannon very soon.... Ha... Haha.... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

~ time skip brought to you by Plue's nose ~

Juvia's POV

YAY!  Juvia is in a group with Gray-sama! Even though love rival is with us, Juvia will still have fun! Hopefully, we will also be roomies! That would be perfect!

"Juvia has that look in her eye again doesn't she..." said love rival.

"She sure does..." murmured Levy who Gajeel had draped himself over. He always makes fun of her hight! Poor her! Maybe, Juvia can use this holiday to win over Gray-sama! For now, Juvia will try to keep love rival away.

"Gray, clothes?" Levy pointed out followed by a shriek from Gray- sama.

"GRAY! CLOTHES NOW!!!!!" Titania yelled.

" I-I lost them..." Gray sama replied timidly. Good! Then Juvia can find them and keep them forever and ever! Finders keepers losers weepers! Mwahahahahahaha! Happy was munching on a fish while sitting on Natsu's head. I don't blame him for sitting there. We've been walking for hours! Hmmmmmm... Why is Mira so happy? She is probably off in lala land.... But what's with the creepy, drooly face?

"SHUT UP FLAME BRAIN!!!" Gajeel and Natsu are bickering again. They had only just stopped fighting! Why this time? I wonder....

Gajeel's POV


"You looooooove her!"

"SHUT IT CAT!!!" Happy started sobbing. Serves him right. He should really get a life. Anyway, what if I do love her? Is that a problem? I should really tease him about Carla more.


"Well, would you like it if I yelled ' YOU LOOOOVE HER!!!" Whenever you talked to bunny girl?" Salamander and Lucy both turned red at this comment. Looks like I've learned something interesting today.

"Will you two be quiet? Your giving me a headache." Moaned Romeo. 

"No can do, pip squeak."

"DO IT."

"Y-yes Erza!"

"That's better."

Romeo's POV

"I'm sooooo boooored!" Wendy moaned. I was bored as well. And so was everyone else.

"Ok, does anyone know what to do?" But no-one was listening to me. Or more of, they had no ideas so they pretended not to hear.

"Answer or Mira chooses."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" everyone yelled. Apart from Mira of course who was grinning like a devil. Creepy!

"What about truth or dare?" Too late. "The forfeit game is a punishment chosen by master at the resort, and you don't want that! Levy, please go first."

"Gajeel! Truth or dare?"

"Truth!" Mira whispered something into her ear. That sneaky little-

"Who was your first kiss?" 

Glaring at Mira, he reluctantly answered in fear of master Makorov's punishment. "I wouldn't have had one if SOMEONE hadn't picked a fight with me! So, as it was her fault, Erza! Truth or dare?"

"I pick .... Truth." Yet again, the sneaky little Mirajane went over to Gajeel to give him a good idea for revenge.

"Who was your first crush?" He growled at her.

"Jellal. Ok, Natsu! Truth or dare?" Wow! She answered like it was nothing! How?

"Dare!" Yelled Natsu. So loud!

"I dare you too.... Hmmmmm.... Let Lucy piggy-back you for ten  minutes!"

"Too long!"

"Why me?"


"N-no. Fine, I'll do it." And so, he climbed onto Lucy's back. He was already looking queasy; his face was priceless! Already, he appeared to be trying not to puke on an extremely offended Lucy.

"W-Wendy... Truth.... O-or dare..." He managed to utter.

"Aah.. Ummm..." She took one look at the result of Erza's dare. "Definitely truth..." She mumbled. It was obvious that she was nervous. Behind Wendy, Mira was holding something up. So he read it. Out loud.

"Who... D-do you... Like?" Obviously, Mira was controlling the game. So, that was accepted as the truth. 

Who is it? I must know. Maybe I could tell them and reason with  them? But that would be telling someone her secret and if she knew that I did that then that would ruin our friendship... ARGH! WHAT DO I DO!?

Wendy's POV

Oh. Crap. Why me? "I-I... Errr... I-I like...."

"We're heeeerreeee!!!!!" Natsu had dismounted an exhausted Lucy and was charging towards the resort. Phew! Saved!

Mira's POV

Well, this is a disappointment. There hasn't been any couples action. Oh well! There's always the rest of the trip! Lisana and I should start planning some events to cover up my love game. Now.... What do I do next....

Hi guys! Sorry for the short, bad chapters. I swear it will get better so stay tuned! The chapters are short because I get impatient and stuff but I do update quickly!

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