The dragon and the princess

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Hi! Two chapters left! Sorry for the late update. I forgot something at this place I went to and some people had destroyed the contents. I've been spending my time kicking my wall until my foot started bleeding lol. Also, this chapter may be a bit meh as I've been angry and sad all day. Sorry! The one thing I haven't learned is what to write here. Ugh. Pls help me ;-; Anyways, on with the story!  I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Lucy's POV
Well, now that Gale is cannon, there's only one ship left and I just happen to be part of it. Great. But,  honesty, I don't know how they'll do it this time. All of the others were easy to do but I was clueless about mine. Well, I guess it'll be a surprise this time...
Levy's POV
​​​​​​"Ok, whaddaya want with us?" Gajeel asked Mira.
​​​​​​"We want you to help us make Nalu cannon! What else?" The white haired mage answered. The rest of the ships were also sitting inside the room that the ship demon had led us to. As we had all "cannoned", it seemed slightly obvious.
​​​​​​"Then how do you plan to make them cannon?" Erza inquired. That was what we all wanted to know.
Mirajane's POV
They all stares at me with intent. This I didn't quite know the answer to. They were already pretty damn close to cannoning.
​​​​​"Honestly,  I don't think that we need to do anything. We'd just screw up, however, Natsu's wing man Happy on top of his immense denseness might just do the trick... Anyway, I've still got a bit of a plan. Gajeel, come here. I need to ask you a.... Favour..."
Gajeel's POV
"Hey, Salamander!" Mira really is good at this...
"What is it, metalhead?" Ugh. I HATE that name.
"Ya know how ya didn't even know what the hell live was?" I began.
"That was a bluff."
"You should probably go- wait what?"
"Mira wants me to go ask Lucy what it is. Hate to break it to ya, but I'M NOT FALLING FOR HER TRICKS ANYMORE! She just likes sayin' poop that jacks with mah brain."
"Snide little..."
"The thing that surprised me was we were thinking the same thing." So you were finally planning on making a move on her... "I decided I should do this. After all, I love Lucy."
"Water is wet. Shrimp likes books. The sky is blue. Grass is green. Freed is gay for Laxus."
"I GET IT, I GET IT!!! I'll just go." With that, he walked out of the guild. Looks like flame-brain isn't as dense as everyone thought...
Natsu's POV
Jumping through Lucy's window, I sat on her bed. I waited patiently. For three seconds. I was already bored.
After a few hours, Lucy had finally returned home. Oops. How was I gonna explain... this... Maybe she won-
"NAAAAATSUUUUUUU!? WHERE ARE YA, YA DUNCE?" In a failed attempt to make pancakes, I had accidentally burned a binder full of paper. They appeared to be blank. Nothing more than piles of empty pages. It seems that this was not the case. Maybe, if I was fast enough, I could find a place to hide. "LUCYYYYYYY-" oh crap "KICK!!!"
Lucy's POV
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY NOVEL? You KNOW how I've been working on it since BEFORE I EVEN JOINED FAIRY TAIL!?" He nodded sadly.
"Luce I'm so- WHADDIDYA DO THAT FOR?" I had dropped a plate. It smashed.
"Sorry plate! I didn't mean to do that!" Nothing happened. "Even if I stuck this back together, it wouldn't be the same. Apologising to it DIDN'T fix it. GET OUT!!!"
"Luce, the pages were-"
"FINE!" Finally, he leaped out the window and disappeared from sight.
What now?
Like I said, apologising won't fix a broken plate.
Maybe, I could do something to make myself feel better.
I could make a list!
I could totally bitch on Natsu! That'll make me feel a bit better.
Rummaging around my endless piles of paper, I found a long scroll which I could scribble my thoughts into about that dunce. Then, I might feel better. Now, for a title.
What I hate about Natsu Dragneel
1. He's a klutz.
Many times, he's messed up everything I've worked towards while being totally stupid!
He even burned my novel which meant the world to me!
2. He's a stupid idiot.
Natsu being Natsu is overwhelmingly dense. He doesn't even know the meaning of love!
3. He's a smart idiot.
Despite his stupidness, he always has the smartest little things and it gets on my nerves. How come an idiot like him has so much knowledge about life?
4. He always calls his hair salmon, not pink even though it's colour is plain as day.
Whenever someone asks why his hair is pink, he throws a massive hissy fit and gives a half an hour lecture about the colour of his hair being salmon, not pink.
5. He gets angry too easily.
If he ever messes something up, then Natsu gets extremely angry. That anger triggers most of the guild madness and flying chairs which hit me square in the face! That is what annoys me the most about guild fights.
6. He's overprotective.
Whenever we go on jobs, Natsu always checks if I'm safe. He always looks back at me and asks if I'm injured. He even tried to take the magic attack that killed future Lucy. Once, we went on a job where we had to look after a wealthy man's spoiled son who took quite a liking to me. Natsu kept on glaring at him which was why he never fell asleep.
7. He has onyx eyes that can see right through me.
They stare into your soul! I'm not even kidding. Whenever he looks we straight in the eyes, it feels like he's reading me like the novel that he just burned. Nobody has ever been able to do that to me.
8. He's good with children.
When Bisca and Alzack were out on a job, he took amazing care of Asuka. He even managed to keep her from getting hurt on jobs! Needless to say, he'd make a great parent.
9. He's always rough housing.
10. He always breaks into my home.
It isn't just that he breaks in... He always manages to come at the worst times, whether it be while I'm taking a bath or while I'm getting dressed, he just barges in totally oblivious of everything else.
11. He keeps his sadness to himself.
No matter the situation, all he ever does is smile through it. It's ... Weird. I want to help him and in order for that to happen, I need to know what he's feeling.
12. He burns everything.
Nuff said.
13. He's stubborn.
Kinda self explanatory...
14. He's an atrocious cook.
He and Happy once wanted to repay me for letting them stay at mine for the night. As thanks, they attempted to cook me breakfast. Attempted. Even though I appreciated the thought, I didn't like waking to a burning kitchen.
15. He thinks he's amazing at everything.
Literally! He said that he was the best at everything! At the stage that Lisanna liked him, she asked everything possible that he could judge himself on. She asked how he was at kissing once, and he bragged for days about how amazing he was at it. I highly doubt that's the case....
Wait. Something's wrong. I... This isn't... This isn't why I hate him, this is why I.... Uh.... I had to rename the paper. This wasn't what I hated about Natsu. This is why I loved him. Scribbling out part of the total, I replaced that one word with a more accurate one. This was what I live about Natsu Dragneel.
16. He always comes to my rescue.
No matter the situation, he's always there for me. Always looking out for me. Always.
17. I'm madly in love with Natsu Dragneel and I hate it.
Natsu's POV
I had been watching her from the window a while now while she scrawled down random words on a scroll. I wonder what it said... Then, she saw me.
"Lucy, what I was trying to tell you was that your novel is fine."
"W-what? What do you mean?"
"I mean that what I burnt wasn't your novel. It was a random pile of paper. Why did you keep it there anyway?"
"Uh, I have to check something.... Come...."
Lucy's POV
Oh no... Part of me actually wanted the book to have burned in his flames. As Natsu bounded into my room, I sprinted into the other room. There it was. My novel.
"What I... Uh... Love about Natsu Dragneel?" Oh crap.
"NO! DON'T-"
"Are my eyes really that weird? My hair is NOT PINK!!! And that kid was having some nasty thoughts!"
"Please, stop r-" I began, while sprinting to where he stood. Yet again, he cut me off.
"My cooking skills are amazing, thank you very much! And, I AM an amazing kisser!"
"As if!" Finally, I had returned to my room.
"Oh, really?" He began. "Then how's this?"
"How's wh-"
Caught in his embrace, he pulled me in and proved his statement correct. Despite what others might thinking, Natsu Dragneel is an absolutely amazing kisser.

Well... Uh... The end! This one was pretty long ._. I can't tell if the fact that this is so lengthy is good or bad... Anyways.... Bye now!

The she devil's ships - Fairy Tail - Nalu Gale Jerza Rowen GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now