Chapter 20 - Promises

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“I'm gonna miss you”, I whispered into River's ear as he pulled me into him again. “I'll be back at the weekend, I promise”, he whispered back, before pressing his lips to mine. “I best get going”, I smiled, as we pulled away and looked behind us both to the taxi waiting to take me home, where Franco would be waiting for me. “I'll call you tonight”, he smiled, as I pressed my lips to his one last time, before moving towards the taxi. Our eyes never left each other as I drove away from him, I have never felt this content, this happy but I knew the next hour or so would be far from that.

Franco was already parked outside my house when I got there, I really wanted to have a shower and change clothes but I knew I couldn't prolong what needed to be done. I went straight from the taxi to Franco's car where he welcomed me with a smile, and reached over and kissed my cheek. “Where you've been?”, he smiled as he pulled back and placed is hands on the wheel, ready to take off. “Wait”, I replied reaching over and placing my hand on top of his on the wheel. “What's up?”, he asking, looking curious and confused. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, “I've just come back from seeing River”. “What?”, he asked, with a hint of anger to his voice. “I....left him a message the other night at the party and......he thought I was in trouble or something...and flew back here”. “Why the hell were you calling him?”, he asked still angry. I shrugged before I answered his question, “I mean, I don't know.....I don't know what I was doing that night....I didn't even know I had called him till he turned up at my house”. We both just sat in silence for a few moments before he started to speak again, “Well what did he say?”. “Hmm, not much just what I was doing that night”, I replied still looking straight at him. “Did you tell him what you took?”, he asked, “I didn't have to”, I replied. As I said that a smirk on Franco's face appeared, “I'm not surprised”. “What's that meant to mean?”, I asked, feeling myself getting annoyed. He starts to laugh softly, “You think River is so innocent, you haven't got a clue what he's into Autumn”. I shake my head in disgust, “You know what, I did stop you here to tell you about him coming, I stopped you to tell you I don't wanna be with you's not working out”, I stared at him, he had not reaction. “I get it, River sweet talked you, and now you're back together?”, Franco looked straight back at me. “It's none of your business, but it was kinda two way, if you get what I mean”. “Well good luck with River, I'm sure your life will be as fucked up as it was the other night”. I started to laugh, “It was fucked up because of you, I needed something to get me through another dull night with you”. “Get out”, he almost shouted, as I reached to for the car handle, “I'm gone”, I replied as I left his car and walked up to my house.

After having a shower, some food and changing, I was lay on my couch downstairs thinking about my fight with Franco, I felt slightly sick, I had never spoke to someone like that but he deserved it, in some way. It was a relief that I wasn't with Franco, it never felt like it did with River, where it was always so calm and peaceful and in some ways easy to be around him, like we were two pieces of a puzzle that could only fit each other perfectly, anything else would be painful and ill-fitting.

The weekend soon came round, and River was back in town. We had made plans to go for dinner at 8pm, it was now 7.45pm and I was putting the last minute touches to my make-up and hair. With 5 minutes to go I made my way downstairs to where my parents were sat in the living room, “Grandma will be happy you're back with River”, my Mom smiled as I took a seat next to her on the couch. “Don't embarrass her”, my Dad smiled over at me. “It's ok”, I smiled looking between them both. “So where you going?” My Mom asked, I shrugged in reply, “I'm not sure, dinner somewhere, but it's a surprise”, I smiled. “Aww young romance is always lovely”, My Mom smiled at me. “Yeah”, I laughed back as my Dad joined in. Suddenly a car horn went off and a smile light up my face, “Well I'm off, I won't be too late”, I smiled as I got up, “If you are, remember to call”, my Dad finished as I walked out the room. “I will”, I shouted as I shut the front door behind me.

He was stood leaning against his car, a sight I had seen many times now, a smile grew on his face as I got close to him. His arms were out-stretched in front of him, ready to capture me, as they did and my lips found his, it was like they were never apart. “Hey you”, he smiled as he ran his hands up and down my back. “Mmm hey to you too”, I sighed back as my hands were travelling up and down his arms. “You better be hungry”, he smiled as he pulled away from me. “I've been saving myself all day”, I smiled back, as we both moved and entered his car.

I soon realised as he was driving we were heading to his house, and I was right as we pulled up outside his front door, “I've managed to get the house free for a couple of hours”, he smiled as he started to move from the car, to which I followed. As we entered his house we headed straight to the kitchen, which was full of candle light and flowers, I spun round with a smile on my face which matched his, “Well aren't you a little romantic?”. “Only for you”, he smiled as he pulled me towards him once again. “Now if you would take a seat, while I serve you the food”, he smiled as he pulled a chair out for me. I followed him as he walked over to the oven and pulled out two plates of food, “You didn't cook did you?”, I smiled as he reached the table. “I may have”, he smirked as he placed one of the plates in front of me and sat down himself. “I didn't know you could cook”, I smiled looking at him, as he pushed his long blonde hair out of his face, “I love that we still have so much to learn about each other”, he smiled back, to which I leant over and held his face in my hands as I pressed my lips to his. “Thank you”, I whispered before seating back down and took my first mouth full. “That was amazing”, I sighed with fullness as I finished up. River looked at me with wide eyes, “Really?”. I nodded, “Yeah, now I wonder what I can do to pay you back”, I smiled as I moved from my seat and took a new seat in his lap. “No ideas?”, he smiled back, as his eyes were full of passion, “I have a few”, I breathed back as I pressed my lips to his. Quickly the kiss deepened and we were both reaching to take the others pieces of clothing off, when it got too much, he picked me up and headed to his bedroom, where he threw me down on the bed where he then pressed his naked body onto mine, as a moan escaped my body. “I'm supposed to be thanking you”, I moaned as I spun him over, and was now on top of him. “Although we need....”, I moaned as I pulled back from his kiss and reached over to his bedside table where I knew he kept protection. I pulled open the draw, and on top of what I wanted to find, was a small plastic bag of white powder, I could feel River wanting me to get back to him. “What's this?”, I turned back to him, holding the bag I had just found in front of him. He sat up and took the bag from my hand, “It's not what you think”, he spoke his breathing still heavy. “And what do I think?”, I asked him. I watched him look at the bag and then back to me, “It's from a while ago, I didn't even though it was there”. “But it's yours?”, I asked him. He nodded never breaking eye-contact with me, “Yeah”. I reached over and took the bag back from him and examined it more closely, “What exactly is it?”, I asked him as I looked back at him. “Cocaine”, he replied instantly. I nodded in understanding, and looked at the bag in silence for a few moments before I looked back up at him. “Can we do it?”, I asked as his face dropped in shock. “Autumn”, he sighed. “I'd rather you did it with me now, and promise then to never do it again”, I spoke not wanting to leave his eye contact. “If you insist”, he whispered so quiet, that I almost didn't hear him. “Promise me, you won't do it or buy it again after this?”, I asked before I placed the bag in his hand. “I promise”, he replied as he took the bag and moved from me. I watched as he emptied the contents onto a book cover, I hope this was a good idea, but I had a feeling it was the worst one I have ever had, but it needed to be done with me.

Water & Seasons - A River Phoenix Fan-fictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon