Chapter 18 - New Experience

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“Really?”, he asked as his whole face lit up. “Really, I think we should try this......being together”, I replied with a smile on my face, he didn't say anything back in reply, just simply grabbed my face and pushed my lips to his. “You're finally mine, Autumn”, he whispered as he lay his forehead on mine, “I am......Franco”.

My encounter with River last week had made me realise I really do need to try things out with Franco, like he was with Martha, maybe River was introduced in my life purely as a lesson, and not someone that I was meant to be with. Over the next couple of weeks, the majority of my time was spent with Franco, Rain and Jay, we would all just relax at each of our houses and just simply enjoy one another's company. Yesterday, Rain went away for a few days to see River on the set of “Little Nikkita”, a film he was supposed to have done before “Running On Empty”, but due to the finances of the film world, it got pushed back. I was looking forward to hearing how he was, I still saw River as a friend, and he was always going to be someone I cared about immensely.

Tonight, me and Franco were heading to a local gig and then an after-party of one of his friends. As Franco was 19, he knew a lot of older people in Gainesville, and tonight would be the first time that I met all his friends. We arrived at the bar around 8.30pm, Franco had told me not to worry about I.D, as he knew the guys on the door and could get us in, and true to his word we were let straight in, with no trouble. The first thing we did was head to the bar, it was already loud and crowded and before I knew it Franco handed me a bottle of beer, before taking my hand in his and leading me through the crowd, to a group of small people that all cheered as they saw him appear. They were all really nice and welcoming and we stayed with them throughout the gig.

11pm soon came around, and we were on the way to his friend Charlie's house for the after-party. At this point, I must admit I was pretty drunk and me and Franco couldn't keep our hands of each other. When we got to the house, we headed straight to the kitchen where there were buckets full of beers already set out, we grabbed a few and headed outside and took a seat on one of the sofas. An hour later, the house was full of people, everyone was drinking, laughing, just having a good time. “You're beautiful”, Franco was kissing my cheek as our lips finally met, the rush was exciting from the alcohol, the kiss quickly deepened, as his hands ran all over my body. “Franco”, a male voice, broke our moment of passion and we looked up to see a dark haired guy standing in front of us. “Rob, how you doing,man?”, Franco asked as he held his hand out to who appeared to be Rob. “I'm great man, I take it this is Autumn?”, Rob smiled down at me, while I nodded, “Nice to meet you”, I smiled as Rob bent down and softly kissed my cheek. “I have what I owe you Franco, do you want it now?”, Rob spoke as he looked back towards Franco again. Franco looked at me then back up at Rob, “Sure, thanks man”, Franco finally said, as Rob reached inside his jeans pocket and pulled out a small plastic bag and handed it over to Franco, “Just let us know if you want any more......nice to have met you Autumn”, Rob smiled, as he walked off towards a blonde girl who was waiting for him.

“What's that?”, I asked, as Franco put the small plastic bag into his jeans pocket. “It's nothing”, Franco smiled, as he tried to kiss me, but I instantly pulled back. “Tell me, Franco”. He must have been able to tell, I was being serious as Franco sighed and reached back into his jeans pocket and pulled out the bag and dropped it into my lap. I instantly picked it up out of my lap and saw now that it contained some white powder......I knew what this was, but why did Franco have it. “It's just something I do sometimes when I'm out, it's nothing to be worried about”, Franco spoke softly as he brushed his fingers up and down my arm. “Well if it's nothing to be worried about, let me have some”, I spoke with some anger, as I faced Franco who looked shocked. “No Autumn”, Franco replied sternly. “Yes, you can't do it and expect me not to, if it's really ok......double standards, Franco”, I was still angry as I spoke. Franco fell silent for a few moments, until he sighed, “Fine”, and with that he took the plastic bag from me, pulled out his car keys and dipped a key into the white powder, where now a little bump of the white powder sat on the key. I took a deep breath and held one side of my nose as Franco held the key under my nose, as I finally took the white stuff. It hit me pretty instantly, mixed with the alcohol, I suddenly felt relaxed. The feeling was amazing, and soon enough me and Franco had gone through half the bag and a few more beers, I felt like I could do anything. “Mmmm, I just need to go and check something out”, Franco moaned, as he broke away from our kiss and left me on the sofa. I took the time to close my eyes and enjoy the moment, my mind started thinking about everything, and all of a sudden out of nowhere River's image popped into my mind. He totally consumed my mind, I could feel tears starting to build up, I needed to see him, I need to speak to him. I jumped up off of the sofa, and headed inside in search of a phone.

5 minutes later, I had finally found a phone. I reached into my handbag where I pulled out a small piece of paper that I kept in my purse, it was River's number that Rain had given me, “Just in case”, she said when she had given it me. I dialled the number quickly, and started to wait for the ringing to stop and to hear his voice but he never came, it went to voicemail so I decided to leave him a message:

“River.....Hi, it's me, Autumn......I just wanted to hear your voice, I needed ….Hmmm why aren't you here River? You said that you would always be here for me, and you're not when I need you the most.......I'm at this party hmmm, it's good......My head.....I think......I love you, River. I just need you to know that, in case something happens. I feel good, you would like this......this feeling. Hmmm I gotta go and do......I love you, River......always.”

And with that I put the receiver down, and went back out to where Franco was sitting once again. “You ok?”, he asked, as he held out his arms for me to get into. “Yeah, just went to the bathroom”,I sighed as I cuddled up to him. “Have you got any more?”, I asked him, as he pressed his lips to mine once again, “Let's go upstairs”, he smiled as he grabbed my hand and led me through the party.

My head felt light and fuzzy, and my stomach sick, as my eyes opened to the darkness of the room. I looked across to see the clock which read 10.30am, I groaned as I realised the time. I must have passed out, as I rolled over and saw Franco lying next to me. “Frano”, I whispered, as his eyes started to twitch open. “I've gotta go, it's half ten”, I spoke as I got up and headed downstairs to the phone and dialled a number for a taxi. Franco was asleep when I went back upstairs, so I decided to leave him there. Soon enough I pulled up outside my house, I was hoping everyone was still in bed, so they wouldn't realise that I hadn't been home.

“Autumn”, my Dad's voice rang out, as I shut the front door quietly behind me. He appeared in the doorway before I managed to make it upstairs. “Where have you been”?, he almost shouted. “I feel asleep at Franco's, sorry”, I whispered as my head was now pounding. “What? Have you not thought to call, me and your Mom have been worried get in here”, I have never seen him look so angry. “Dad, please let me just get a shower and I'll come straight down”, I said as I hovered on the first step of the stairs. He didn't say anything so I started to walk up the stairs slowly, “Autumn”, the voice that rang out made me stop halfway up the stairs, I suddenly felt nervous as I turned around. “River”, I whispered, as our eyes met, his was full of sadness and worry. “Come down”, he smiled. “I can't”, I replied as tears started to fill my eyes, and without thinking I ran upstairs, into my room.

“Autumn”, River's voice rang through my bedroom door, I didn't respond so he eventually walked in. Our eyes instantly met, he walked over to my bed and placed his arms around me, and pulled me in close as we lay on my bed, we didn't say anything as we lay there, just being together was enough.....well at least for now.

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