Chapter 19 - Love Conquers All

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“What was happening last night?”, River spoke softly as he finally broke the silence that filled the room. “I don't know”, I barely whispered back, which caused River to move so that he was now looking down at me. “Autumn”, he spoke with his eyes full of sadness. I shrugged as I looked up at him, “I was just having fun”. “The voicemail?”, he asked. “I didn't.....I don't even remember what I said”. River sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, “It scared scared me, what did you take?”. “What?”, I asked surprised that he knew what I had done last night. “Why are you getting into that, Autumn?”, River asked sounding a hint angry, “I'm not getting into anything”, I demanded back. “Fine. What's Franco getting you into?”, River practically shouted. “He didn't give me anything, I took it with my own free will”. “So you took something then?”, he asked with his voice back to a soothing tone. I didn't answer, so he continued, “Why?”. I shrugged at him yet again, “I wanted to do something fun, and you know...”. River sighed and started running his hands up and down my arms, “Promise me you won't ever do it again”. “No”, I replied sternly. “Autumn”, River replied just as sternly. “You promise me the same thing”. As soon as I had said that River got up from the bed and began to move towards the door, just as he was about to leave he turned to face me once again, “I got the earliest flight out here this morning after your voicemail, I promised to always be here for you and guess what, here I am. When you feel like keeping a promise Autumn, I'll be at mine”, and with that he left my room, left me lying on my bed in last nights clothes.

“Autumn.......Autumn”, I must have fallen asleep, as I was woken up by my Dad knocking on my bedroom door. “Come in”, I yawned. “Feeling ok?”, he asked as he walked over and sat next to me on my bed. I nodded in reply waiting for the shouting on his part to start, “River's just left”, he said as he analysed my face. I didn't have anything to say about that, so I simply didn't say anything, “He cares about you, you know”, he smiled. “That's all I ever here”, I mumbled back at him. My Dad suddenly looked confused and didn't say anything, “I know he cares ok, it's what he always tells me”. “What's the problem between you two then?”, he asked sounding like he was genuinely interested. “There's no problem”. “Why did he just leave, after travelling all this way to see you?”, he asked, as I just shrugged, “I don't know”. My Dad sighed and stood up, “You best not stay out again, without letting us know Autumn, I'm serious”, he started to walk towards the door and turned round in the same spot River had just done. “You should go and see River”, he smiled and with that he left my bedroom and once again, I was alone lying on my bed.

In the past hour, I had taken a shower, got changed and just eaten, when I was sat in my bedroom, when the phone started to ring.

Me: Hello

Franco: Where did you get to, beautiful?

Me: I had to get home, I shouldn't have stayed out all night

Franco: Ah well, you had fun right?

Me: Yeah it was.....different

Franco: That's all that matters then, what you doing now?

Me: I was just about to pop out for a bit, something I need to do

Franco: Ok, want me to pick you up from yours about 6ish?

Me: Sure

Franco: Right beautiful, I'll see you in soon

And with that I put the phone down, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. Half an hour later, I was walking up the drive to River's house, my Dad was right I need to see River as he has come all this way. As I reached the front door I knocked on the front door, and a moment later River answered the door with a smile on his face. “Hi”, I smiled, “Hey, come in”, he gestured as he moved to the side to let me in. “Home alone?”, I asked as I walked to the living room of the house. “Yeah, the day I come home everyone has commitments”, he laughs as we both take a seat on one of the sofas. “I'm sorry about this morning”, I said softly as River gazed intensely at me. “You don't have anything to apologise for”, he smiled back. “I do, thanks for being there......I don't know what happened to me last night, but thank you for coming”. “Like always, I'm here”, he smiled as he reached over and started entwining his fingers with mine. “I like it when you're here”, I whispered, as I could feel myself start to blush under his watchful gaze. “Mmm I haven't seen that in a while, I miss seeing this”, he whispered back as he lifted his fingers and started to stroke my blushing cheeks. Our eyes met, and without really noticing we were moving closer to one another, and the next thing he lips were pressed against mine. He pulled me into his body, as our hands started exploring each others bodies, and suddenly I was lay back on the couch with his body on top of mine. My hands round their way under his shirt, while his had just found under mine, the kiss had deepened and quiet moans were soon escaping us both as we moved to a rhythm that suited us. Without realising what I was doing, I pulled up his shirt to which he happily obliged as he moved so I could take off his shirt and throw it to the floor, a smile was on his face as he bent down again and started to kiss my neck before slowly moving down my body. He pulled up my shirt as he started to kiss my stomach, and within moments I was repeating what he had just done and let him remove my shirt. I moaned as he started to kiss my breasts through my bra, “Let's go to your room”, I moaned. He pulled away, with pure passion in his eyes, “Are you sure about this?”, he asked trying to catch his breath, I reached up and pressed my lips to his, as to answer his question. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, pressing my lips to his once again and stayed this way as we stumbled to his bedroom. As soon as we entered his bedroom, I fell on to the bed with him on top of me, I reached for his belt and slowly undid it, and within seconds his pants were off, followed by mine. At this point, the moaning has increased and the tension between us both was high, he quickly undid my bra, as I reached for his underwear, which was soon off, as was mine. It was about to happen, he looked down at me and smiled, “I love you, Autumn”, he softly pressed his lips to mine. “I love you too”, I whispered back, and then it happened. The love between us filled the room, the passion, the moans, the kisses, the pleasure was everything we had always been building up to, he was what I wanted, and will always want.

After it was finished, I lay in his arms as he ran his fingers up and down my back. We were both sweaty and sticky, but I felt more in love that ever before. He reached and kissed the top of my head, causing me to look up at him where he was waiting for me a smile, “That was new”, I laughed softly, which caused to him laugh, “Mmm ….I love you”. I reached up once more and pressed my lips to his, “I love you too......when do you go back?”, I asked. “Tonight, I could only get the day off”, he replied as he continued to run his fingers up and down my back. “I wish you could stay”, I whispered into his chest. “Me too”, he whispered back, as we lay in silence just savouring this moment. We must have been laying there for another good 20 minutes, when River spoke, “I want us to be together again”, I moved and leaned on my elbows, as he stared back at me. “Really? What about Martha?”, I asked. “I've tried, and it's just not working out, we are better off as good friends.....when I'm with you it's different”, he smiled. I reached up and pressed my lips to his, “I'd like us to try again”, I smiled into his eyes. “What about Franco?”, he asked, as I pulled away. “It's always been you”, and with that he pressed his lips to mine, as we fell into the bed once again.

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