Chapter 6 - First Times

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“Do you mind if I sit here?”, me and Rain look up at the voice, it was a young boy never seem him here at art class before. “Sure, take a seat”, Rain said with a smile. I took a good look at him as he sat down, he was tall about 5'11 with long brown hair, looked from this angle as if he had green eyes but I couldn't be entirely sure. “I'm Rain”, Rain spoke with a smile towards the guy. “Jay” he smiled back at Rain, the turned to me with a smile still on his face, “I'm Autumn, nice to meet you”. Over the next hour and a half we learnt that Jay was born and bred in Gainesville but his first time at this class, he was also 18 and lived not far from the centre.

The class was soon over and me and Rain started packing up so we could go and grab our routine after class coffee next door. “We're going for a coffee next door if you fancy it?”, I looked up to see Rain looking at Jay who was now looking at her, his face had turned suddenly into a massive smile. “Yeah that would be great”, he replied and Rain turned to me with a smile matching his and her face. The three of us were soon drinking coffee and sparks were flying between Rain and Jay, it made me happy to see Rain this happy, it was always nice to have someone in your life. I was thinking about River a lot lately its been nearly 3 weeks since he has gone off to film “A Night In The Life Of Jimmy Reardon”, Joaquin excitedly was talking to me about the film the other day and was telling me how much he misses having River around the house.

A couple of hours later, I was laying in bed listening to music after having some food and a nice long hot shower. Whenever I was alone lately my mind would also seem to fall on River, I wonder what he was doing, if he was happy, if he was ok. There were so many questions that I wanted to know, but in all honesty all I wanted to do was talk to him and start to actually get to know him.


The noise of the phone on my bedside table woke me up, my slowly opened my eyes so that they would get used to the bright new lights still on in my bedroom. I looked over at my clock before picking up the phone, it was 11.30pm, I must have fallen asleep a good couple of hours ago.

With a croaky throat I answered the phone:

Me: Hello (sounding croaky)

River: Autumn?

I sat up in bed, a smile suddenly on my face and my eyes wide open.

Me: Yeah.....River?

River: It's me, how are you Autumn?

Me: I'm ermm......I'm good thanks, how are you?

River: Great right now

Me: How's everything going with the film and stuff?

River: As expected's good I guess

Me: Good, I'm glad it's going well for you

River: I'm sorry I haven't been in touch sooner Autumn.....

Me: I didn't expect you to call or anything, I know you're really busy at the moment with everything

River: But I always have time for you..

Me: River....

River: Me and Martha have broken up

(silence for a few moments)

Me: I'm really sorry to hear that, you ok?

River: Yeah.....I mean its for the best

Me: I'm sorry to hear that anyway

River: Thanks.....Autumn?

Me: Yeah River

River: I know this may seem like I'm doing a rebound or too fast.....but I really would like to get to know you.....I'm back in like 3 weeks I was thinking maybe we could hang out or...

Me: Yeah I would like that

River: Really?

Me: Of course, I really want to get to know you too.......I have since I met you

River: I felt exactly the same way........I can't wait to see you Autumn

Me: You too

We stayed on the phone for over an hour before we both started to sound really sleepy. It was safe to say that that night I went to sleep feeling content and happy, but there was a bit of doubt that it was maybe too soon for him after Martha but time would tell I guess and there is no harm in just being friends. After all just being in his company made me happier than I had ever been. I fell asleep smiling hoping he did too.

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