Chapter 16 - Music & Tales

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February 24th 1988

I had only spoken to River once since Valentines day. Life had been passing like always, nothing really exceptionally exciting had happened, I have been spending my days still with Rain, Jay and Franco. Here I lay like every other day, on my bed listening the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The phone started to ring, I could only just hear it over the music, I muted the sound and picked up the receiver.

Me: Hello

River: Autumn?

Me: River? ….Hi

River: Hi to you too, how are you?

Me: Yeah good, you?

River: I'm good

Me: How is everything?

River: Good.....that's kinda why I'm calling you

Me: Oh?

River: I wanted you to hear it off me, before you heard of someone else

Me: Heard about about what?

River: (silence)

Me: River?

River: I'm back with Martha

Me: Oh

River: Autumn, you ok?

Me: Me? Yeah I'm fine.......I'm really happy for you, River.....I am

River: It just happened...

Me: You don't have to explain yourself, River.....we weren't together, you can do what you want

River: You know I care, Autumn

Me: I do, River.....I best go, gotta get ready, but we will speak soon, yeah?

River: Definitely, take care Autumn

Me: You too River, bye

I literally didn't feel anything when I got off the phone from River, in all honesty I expected this, I really did. I quickly got ready and 20 minutes later, Franco pulled up outside of my house and I jumped in. It was just me and him in the car, we were on our way over to Rains, to pick her and Jay up. “Franco?”, I asked, as we drove along. “Yeah?”, he smiled as he quickly caught my eye. “Do you fancy doing something just us two?”, he instantly reacted, and turned to face me with a massive smile on his face. “I thought you would never ask”. “I take that as a yes then?”, I laughed. “You can take that as a yes”, he smiled, as he turned back to focus on the road again.

That night, we all just hung out at Rains house in the end, we sat in the garden with a few drinks before Franco drove me and Jay home. We dropped off Jay first, then soon enough we were sat outside my house, “Is Thursday good for you?”, Franco asked, as he turned to me with a smile on his face. “That's great for me”, I smiled. “I'll see you then”, I smiled as I got out the car and made my way into the house. I felt so happy right now, which is weird considering just a few hours previously I had thought I was still stuck on River, but hearing what River had said had made me realise.

The next few days, went by again quite uneventful. I was sat downstairs with my Mom and Dad waiting for Franco to pick me up, “So no River now?”, my Dad asked looking at me, with a worried expression across his face. “Jared!”, My Mom shouted at my Dad who still continued to look my way. “I'm still friends with River”, I smiled looking between them both. “You two were well suited”, My Dad smiled back at me to which I shrugged, “Doesn't mean it will work”. “You're very wise for a 16 year old, good head on your shoulders”, My Dad smiled. “Aren't you nice today”, I laughed softly, as I noticed Franco had pulled up outside. “See you guys later”, I skipped out the room with a smile on my face that was on my face all the way to the car.

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