Chapter 11 - Three Simple Words

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New Year's Eve was finally upon us. The beginning of a new year 1988 was coming up, shaping up at the moment to be a pretty special year. Myself and River only having been together round about two weeks, it felt like this was going somewhere great, I know I know I'm 16 what can I know about love, but everyone has to learn at some point don't they what it is exactly all about.

“What time do they want us round?”, My dad as myself, Mom, Amelie and Logan had breakfast. “I think about 7...8ish”, I said with a smile as I looked up. “It was nice of them to invite us”, My dad smiled back at me. River had told me a few days that we were all invited to a New Year's Eve party up at the Phoenix house. Being around River, my family and his family meant that this year would prove to be the best yet, without a doubt. New Year was an occasion for everyone to put the past year in their past, all the mistakes and troubles to one side to be forgotten about, I just hope 1988 doesn't bring around anything that I will want to forget.

Putting the final touches to my make-up in my room when my door burst open and I spun around to be faced with River in my bedroom, “Hey you”, he said as I stepped into his arms that were already out-stretched waiting for me. “You're here early.......not that I'm complaining”, I say as I press my lips to his before turning back to the mirror, he stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me. “This is a photo opportunity if there ever was one for us”, I smile into the mirror into his perfect reflection. “Do you have a camera up here?”, he asked, a smile on his face now to. I nodded and point to my dressing table where my camera sat, before I knew it River was making his way over to retrieve the camera. We stood in the same position we were just in and River held the camera in front of us, “Smile, beautiful”, he whispered into my ear and after 3 the flash went off and this memory was stored forever not only in the shape of a photograph but in our minds. We waited for the photograph to develop, “We look good together”, River said as he grabbed me and pressed his lips to mine before moving over to the other side of my bedroom, picked up a pin that was too sat on my dressing table and pinned the picture of us up onto my notice board that hung in my room, already full of memories, this was by far my best one yet.

River had come over in his family's people carrier to pick us up, so that my parents could have a drink and not have to worry about driving. It was just after half 7 when we arrived at the Phoenix house, the house already was full with people, everyone in good spirits like no-one could alter the mood. We all went over and greeted his Mom and Dad, then me, River, Amelie and Logan went to find Rain and everyone else. The four of us finally found Rain, Jay, Joaquin, Summer and Liberty, along with a few others in the garden surrounding a large enough table that the four of us could be seated perfectly. I greeted them all with hugs, especially Rain I feel as though I had hardly seen her lately, since I had been with River and she had been spending more time with Jay, her new boyfriend. “Autumn.....River, I want you to meet Jay's friend Franco”. Rain gestured towards a long brown haired guy that was sat beside Jay, he stood up and stretched out his hand ready for me and River. River took his hand first, “Nice to meet you”, Franco then turned to me, as I placed my hand in his, I caught his eyes, they too were smiling, “Nice to meet you Franco”, I smiled, “You too”, he replied and smiled. Wow, he sure did have a nice smile, I thought as I took a seat next to River and opposite Franco, Jay and Rain.

Before we knew it it was 11.30pm, half an hour till the start of 1988. Me and River had gone for a walk and had ended up at our tree, nothing was yet there but we still had all the time in the world.

I lay in his arms as we both waited for the New Year to come in, we wanted to be together alone, as if to really savour the moment. After a while, we heard the party start the countdown, we both sat up and counted down ….5.......4.......3.......2.......1...Happy New Year. The sound coming from the party was magnificent, our lips immediately met as the cheering was ringing around us. We soon came apart and smiled into each others eyes, “I'm so happy”, I whispered as his forehead was pressed against mine, “I've never been happier”, he whispered back. “I love....”, as soon as I had realised what I was saying I stopped and closed my eyes, hoping he might not have heard. I knew he he pulled away from me and put his hands to my face and lift my head up towards his, I instantly opened my eyes to his smiling face, “I love you too”, he whispered as our smiles both widen and once again our lips met for the second time already in 1988.

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