"I'm not going through electricity, guys." I tell them.

        "Practice makes perfect!" says Cisco. I silently curse them out in my head as I put on my costume. I then placed my ear piece in before leaving outside. I walked towards the electricity box outside of my building and place my hands on it.

        "Wish me luck." I mumbled. I constructed as best as I could and felt myself become part of the electricity. As if my body along with my mind knew what to do. I was inside the jewelry store, coming through the lights in the walls, which caused all the lights to turn off.

        "Who are you?" asked a guy with a bag fulled of jewelry, he took a step back as he pulled out his gun. I felt electricity running through my veins as I slowly smiled, feeling stronger then ever.

        "Other then your worse nightmare, call me Spark." I smiled remembering the superhero name Cisco gave me. The man fired his gun, but I was able to zap the bullet, mid-air sending it to dust on the floor. Man, I love my quick reflexes. I shocked the guy sending him flying across the room. He banged his head on the wall and passed out. "I think I'm done here." I inform the other. Right when I was about to leave before the cops came in, I notice a guy in a red suit not to faraway from where I stood. Just great. "Liked the show." I teased. I tried to change my voice a bit since I failed to do so the last time we meet.

        "Spark, huh?" The Flash asked.

        "Does that seem shocking to you." I joked.

        "Very funny." The Flash rolled his eyes. "You were affected by the particle accelerator the night it exploded, weren't you?" asked The Flash. I stayed silent and listen as cop cars start to pull up near to empty jewelry store.

        "I should get going." I tell him as I walk over to an outlet.

        "Last time I let you go easily, but not this time." Before I could even touch the outlet I found myself on a tall building, looking over Central City along with The Flash standing beside me. "I don't want to hurt you, just help you." he informs me, putting his hands up in a surrendering way.

        "You don't even know me." I scuffle.

        "I know a lot of people hurt that day that I couldn't help. For once I want to be able to help them." says The Flash. I could see the sadness in his eyes. I never knew how much this has hurt him.

        "Thanks, but no thanks." I smiled before walking away. The Flash then appeared in front of me and took me by the wrist. I didn't mean to, but I smacked him hard in the face catching him and myself by surprise.

        "I'm not as good as you think I am." I growled.

        "I see the good in you, Spark. But I also know your not stable." says The Flash. I flinched at his words.

        "I'm pretty stable, thanks for asking." I said bitterly.

        "The last time you stopped those bad guys from robbing the bank you left one with a 90 degree burn." says The Flash.

        "That can't-"

        "You also are reckless, and tend to burn things with your electricity and not even notice." continues The Flash. I felt myself get smaller and smaller the more he spoke.

        "Shut up." I mumbled.

        "I can't have you running around hurting people." says The Flash.  I couldn't control myself. I electrocuted Barry sending him buckling to the floor shaking from the sparks. He then tackled me to the ground using his speed. He raised his hand as if to punch me, but stopped. I didn't move. I shouldn't have shocked him and I deserved to be punch.

        "Your right. I'm not stable." I said holding back my tears.

        "Then let me help you." says The Flash, still on top of me.

        "But your also wrong." I said, starting to cry. The Flashed looked confused as he stared at me.

        "I wasn't affected by the particle accelerator." The Flash stared at me with an unreadable expression.

        "That doesn't mean you can't be help." he finally says. I cried and cried, unable to control myself. The Flash got off of me and watched me as I cried.

        "How did you even know I was gonna be at the jewelry store." I said once I was more calm.

        "Silent alarm." replies The Flash. I looked at his green eyes and deep down I wanted to tell him right then and there who I was, but what good would that do? Instead I did the worse thing possible. I kissed him.

A/N: Short I know, but I hope you guys like it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Short I know, but I hope you guys like it

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