He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 29

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“I missed you too, maybe more,” he said pulling away. “I was stupid and I’m so sorry,”

I smiled at him. “I know you were…just don’t do it again,”

“Promise,” he said before kissing me.

I smiled and headed to my locker.

I put my lunch and anything else that I didn’t need away before heading to homeroom.

“Hey,” Anna said as I walked passed.

I raised my middle finger as I walked to my seat. I placed my book bag down before I left the classroom again.

As I walked over to Leo I spotted Tyler making out with a freshman. Bella, I think her name was.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

At least he had his title, I thought once I reached Leo.

He took my hand and we walked over to Blake and Mitch.

We hung out and talked for a while before the bell rang.


After detention I caught the late bus and headed home.

Chelsea and Tyler were there along with Dad.

“Hey,” I said hugging him.

“How’s my princess?” he asked kissing my forehead.

“She’s doing well,” I said smiling.

“Dad’s taking all of us out to dinner. Mom’s going home late and Dad wants to hang out with us,”

“Sounds like fun. Let’s go!”

“Don’t you have homework?” he asked before standing up.

“I’ll do it later,” I promised.

“Deal,” he said wrapping his arm around me.

We walked to the car and I had shotgun.

The four of us jammed out to the oldies as Dad drove us to T.G.I.Fridays.

At the restaurant I sat across from Dad and Tyler and Chelsea was next to me.

We made easy conversation as we looked through our menus. 

I was in the mood for a chicken sandwich.

When our waiter returned with our drinks Dad ordered for everyone as my phone buzzed twice.

The text was from Leo asking if he could come over later and the other was from Tyler.

‘Why are you dating him again?’ he asked.

I rolled my eyes and closed my phone.

As dad told us a funny story about what happened at work Tyler took out his phone.

Dad is the guy that draws the bad guy so the police know who they’re looking for.

My phone buzzed and I read the text.

‘Answer me, please’. I rolled my eyes and wrote back.

‘What’s to you?’

After the story we all chuckled. “So, what happened?” I asked.

“Well, we had to use all three pictures. It turns out that there was more than one robber at the scene,”

“Oh,” I said opening my phone.

‘I don’t want that ass hurting you again’.

‘I’ll be okay’. I wrote back.

Moments later my phone went off again. I kicked Tyler from under the table and opened my phone.

‘Tell me why?’

‘Love makes a person do crazy things’. I said as our food came.

The table was mostly quite as we all eat.

I didn’t realize how hungry I was.

Afterwards, Dad paid and dropped us home.

I made a beeline to my room and got started on my homework.

Leo was coming over soon and I need to get it out of the way.

There was a knock on my door as I closed my textbook.

“What?” I snapped.

“I don’t get why you’re dating that boy,”

“There is nothing to get. We love each other,”

“He cheated on you!” he snapped.

“I’ve forgiven him for that,”

“You deserve so much more,” he said looking me in the eyes.

“Like who? Your man-whore ass?”


I laughed. “Please,”

“Ryan, he doesn’t care about you,”

“And you do?”

He's a Senior and I'm the FreshmanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz