I looked at him and said upset "Well I am going to go yell at her, I promise not to kill her. But you would have to go too because your mom might kill me, if I left you here. So come on!"

            Against what he wanted he agreed, I waited for him to get ready to go and we left. I drove over to the Garrity's house and Jason just stayed in the car. I went up and knocked on the door.

            Her mom came to the door and said "Hello Hayleigh, What brings you here today?"

            I tried to act as happy as I could in that moment, saying "Is Lyla here? I really need to talk to her about something."

            She smiled and replied "I am so sorry to tell you, but she isn't here. She went to a party at Paisley's house, it was for the cheerleaders I figured you would be there."

            I froze, Paisley had a party with Lyla and I didn't know one thing about it. I just said "Ok, thanks." I walked quickly back to the car, tearing up how could she do this? What did I even do? I ask myself. When I sat down I broke and said sobbing "T-they are a-at a cheerleading party at P-Paisley's house...I don't know why she hates me?"

            He started rubbing my back and said "Hayleigh I am so sorry." He wiped my tears away and kisses me "Hey lets go get ice cream, would that make you feel better?"

            I nodded still sniffling and replied "Yeah, I would like that." I drove to the Alamo Freeze we ordered ice cream. I sit at the end table with him and said "I want to try your ice cream."

            He smiled and fed me a bite of it, I then fed him a bite of mine. I might have 'accidentally' got some of it on his face. I started to smile but when I seen Paisley's mom walk in it faded. Did she hate me too? Oh gosh she is coming over here. I looked down and then heard her speak. She said "Hayleigh? Paisley said you had to do homework tonight and couldn't come to the party. Are you okay? You look like you've been crying."

            I started playing with my hands and trying to not cry again, then replied "Oh, well I honestly didn't know there was a party until Lyla's mom told me. Paisley hasn't talked to me all week...I don't know what I did but tell her I'm sorry..."

            She hugged me and said "I'm sorry Hayleigh and I'll tell her. It was nice seeing you, bye darling." She left and went home.

            I went back to eating ice cream with Jason and had a pretty good time, it was technically our first date.

~Brittany's POV~

            I went home with the ice cream the girls wanted, I laid in on the bar and hollered for Paisley to come there. When she came into the room I looked at her and said "You will never believe who I ran into getting the ice cream for you guys."

            Paisley looked at me and said "Who mom? Couldn't you tell me this later?"

            I sighed and answered "Hayleigh was there and really upset... She didn't know about the party until Lyla's mom Pam told her. Also you haven't talked to her all week and she told me to tell you that she is sorry? I am not going to yell at you with the whole team here but I would seriously think about it...She seemed really upset."

            Paisley looked at me in shock and didn't say anything so I said "you can go back to the squad now..."

*Hayleigh's POV*

            I got up the next morning and got ready for the competition, I dreaded this now that I knew everyone hated me. I kissed Jason and said "Hey I got to go warm up with the team that hates me but I will see you when you get there right?"

            He smiled and kissed back "Yes I will be there I promise. I wouldn't miss it baby."

            I smiled and went to catch the bus to the competition, I sat there by myself and could feel the tension. Once we got there I pulled the coach aside and she said "Hayleigh is something wrong?"
             I sighed and said "I didn't want to let you guys down and not show up, but after this I will be quitting the squad...I think its best right now."

            I looked at her concerned "Hayleigh, is something wrong? Do you need to talk about something? You are a captain, are you sure?"

            I nodded and said "everything is fine...just with school and I'm not even living at home right now, so I need a break."

            She sighed and replied "Okay but at any time you want to return you are welcome too. Come on lets go warm up."

            When all got warmed up and was waiting in line to go out, I seen Lyla and Paisley talking. It was terrible, this whole thing was terrible. I noticed Tessa was walking over to me and I wasn't at all in the mood for this. I looked at her and said "Tessa, What do even want right now?"

            She then said "I just wanted to tell you want Paisley said about you at the party."

            I looked away shaking my head "I don't care what she said about me. What would you said about me or what anyone else there said about me."

            She smirked and laughed walking away "But I am sure you want to hear what she had to say about that boyfriend of yours."

            I instantly felt myself get mad and replied "Ok I do want to know that, she really talked about him at the party? I thought she... just tell me what she said."

            Tessa smiled and said "Well she was pretty nasty about it but I don't care to tell you like everyone else. She started out just talking about and how terrible of a person you are. You stole Lyla's boyfriend, they had been together for years...She said she never wanted to speak to you again and we are her best friends now"

I sighed and cut her off "I said to tell me what she said about Jason, I don't give a crap what she thinks of me. So get on with it!"

Tessa then said "ok, ok! She said that he is a useless waste of space now, and still could do better than you. She said you were so happy to finally be with him but she didn't know why. You were just the only choice left. He never wanted you Hayleigh, just trying to feel the void of football. That you and he both are so pathetic, all he cared about was football and all you cared about was him. She said she was happy this happened to him, Matt got to play and could show Dillon what a real quarterback was. There's tons more but we are getting go on, so one last thing she said to tell you at least her boyfriend could walk." Tessa walked back up to them.

They were all laughing and I could feel myself trying to not break. I thought Hayleigh just go out there and be great, you can yell at her afterwards...

We went out to perform the gym was full, the whole football team was there. We ended up doing a flawless performance and I felt good about winning. As mad as I was at Paisley, I was happy we had a good chance at winning.

We got back in the locker room and now we just had to wait for the results. Paisley and Lyla were walking out and I said "Paisley! I got something to say to you!"

She turned around and looked at me and said "What do you want Hayleigh Porter?"

I was so mad, I could feel it bubbling inside me "You claim to be my best friend! I didn't even want to be your friend but you forced yourself on me! We actually hit it off and then my so called best friend didn't talk to me all week. Then I found out she had a party for all these hussies but I didn't even know about it! You are so terrible Paisley you are just all these others! You are just as terrible as I thought you would be and why I avoided you! I trusted you and I told you things I shouldn't have. But you know what makes the maddest, what you said about Jason! He is amazing and for sure not a useless waste of space, you have no room to talk about him! You can say whatever you want to say about me but don't talk about him!" I stood there waiting on her to reply.

-thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! :)

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