"We don't really have to go. We can just hang out here all day." Louis tried for the past three hours.

"Ignoring you, Tomlinson." I replied.

So I'd have been doing my make up and hair for the past three hours (taking up my time) and Louis had been bugging me outside my room to just stay at home and hang out that I gave up my own threat of sticking his foot up his ass.

He sighed.

I didn't know what was the big deal anyway. I just wanted to see Taylor and have a picture or two so I didn't know why Louis was so insisting on not going. It wasn't like I would cause a scene because of my fangirling.

"I'll just wait for you downstairs." he said defeatedly from the other side of my door before I heard faint footsteps.

I finally finished doing my hair and make up and went inside my walk-in closet in-search for proper clothing tonight. After thirty minutes of just staring at my clothes, I finally gave up and went downstairs to ask Louis, who was doing God-knows-what, what type of party it was since I figured I had no idea.

"Eleanor," he said breathlessly, not answering my question.

I cocked an eyebrow, "What?"

"Go upstairs." he said then he looked away.

"Why? You haven't answered my question yet."

"It's a private club party for pete's sake!"

"Jeez! Why are you so cranky all of a sudden?" I asked.

He closed his eyes and rubbed his face with both hands frantically. "Just... Just go."

"Okay?" I said weirdly then went upstairs. But then I suddenly stopped when I realized three things.

First, I wasn't one of those die-hard fan but it doesn't take one to know that Taylor was never one who liked club parties.

Second (and the thing that surprisingly slipped my mind), why in the world was she throwing a party in England?

Lastly, I was only wearing a bath robe.


We arrived at the party and the bouncer outside the club immediately let us in after recognizing Louis. I was disappointed after knowing that we wouldn't be going with the other boys meaning I wouldn't see Harry until later.

Louis stopped walking and looked at me after entering the club. His eyes flickering between mine with an apprehensive expression. I frowned.

"Stay with me, okay?" he said. I haven't had time to ask what he meant when he suddenly continued walking, tugging me with him.

The music became louder then a crowd of people on the center of the room came in view. My eyes were suddenly alert as I scanned the crowd for Taylor.

I was hardly halfway my scanning when we stopped by the bar and I snapped my head towards Louis' direction when he called me out and shoved something in my hands.

"Drink up! You're gonna need that!" he yelled over the music.

I eyed him weirdly but drank the alcohol anyway. As soon as I swallowed the drink, he spoke. "Now, I need you to promise that you're not leaving tonight without me, yeah?!" his voice was louder than normal due to the thick atmosphere caused by the loud music.

"What's with you?!" I said, totally weirded by his actions. I already felt the buzzing of the alcohol as well as the pounding of music, getting into me.

A flash of emotion etched on his features. Remorse. "Just promise me!"

"Okay?" I said, not fully convinced on why he would assume that I'd leave the party.

"No, El! I want you to say it!" he said sternly.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, I promise!" I smiled, raising my fist up with my pinky finger stretched out.

"There you go!" he smiled at me, ignoring my hand.

Rejection washed over me so I slowly put my hand down, my face falling into a frown.

Didn't he know what pinky swear was?! You tangle your freaking pinkies together!

I walked to the bar, stomping my foot on the way and asked for another drink. The bartender handed me a cup and I hastily took a swig before I felt something creeping up my hand. I almost jumped but I calmed down when it settled on a certain finger.

"Pinky swear." Louis whispered at my ear.

A smile forced itself upon my face.

"Louis! I'm glad you came!"

We both snapped our heads towards the direction of the voice. My voice was suddenly stuck on my throat when standing before us was none less than Taylor Swift herself. I took another large swig of the drink. D*mn, I don't even know what this is.

"I don't really have a choice, do I? Anyway, congratulations!" Louis peeled himself off me to pull Taylor into a hug.

She laughed, "No you don't! Thanks!"

When they pulled away, suddenly her attention turned to me. "Ooh, who's this pretty girl right here?"


"She's El! My date!" Louis cut me off earning a glare from me.

I can introduce myself thank you very much.

"So how did you manage to charm a beautiful lady to be your date?!" she asked and winked at me.

Uhh, actually I was the one who asked to be his date so I could see you. If you consider that 'asking'.

"Ah, it wasn't hard since she's your fan!" Louis shrugged.

"Actually," I started, "I threatened him that I'd stick his own foot up his ass if he doesn't bring me with!" I stated the truth now earning a glare from Louis. Hah!

"Feisty! I like her! Keep her or I will!" she said to Louis.

"We're not-"

"I think she wants a photo or two!" Louis told Taylor, cutting me off.

"Do you?" Taylor asked.

"I mean if it's okay with you?" I blushed.

"Ofcourse!" she exclaimed.

I immediately pulled my phone out my purse and held it up infront of our faces with a shaky hands. Louis, then, rolled his eyes before snatching the phone out of my hand, volunteering to take the photo. After few shots, in which I was certain I looked ridiculous in all wacky faces while Taylor, being Taylor, looked pretty.

"Okay, I'll see you guys later!" she said before taking off and tending to her other visitors.

I just talked to Taylor and took a picture with her.

"Well, no sh*t." I smiled as I turned beside me. My smile quickly faltered at the sight of Louis fidgeting and looking around with a daunting look.

I sighed. What's wrong with this lad?

Then a plan came into my mind. "Hey there, handsome." I smirked.

He looked confused. "Huh?"

"Haven't seen you around before." I winked.

"Eleanor Calder, are you flirting with me?" he smirked.

"Maybeeeee." I smiled innocently, taking another swig off my drink. I chugged it down making an 'ah' sound, the alcohol already taking its buzzing effect of me.

He continued to smirk as he walked closer to me and took my hand then kissed the back of it.

I surprised him by tugging his hand and leaned to his ear. "Wanna dance with me, pretty boy?"

A/N: I mean, idk man. Mackenzie (if that's how you spell it) from American Idol is cute and Lauren Alaina (again if that's how you spell it) kissed him and I was like nooooooo he's mine

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