Fangirling Forever

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A/N this is one of the many stories I'm writing and the youtuber is actually the name of my channel this story isn't really about me though. Even though I don't know much about pewdiepie/Felix in this story I do in real life *gives hugs and pugs to readers*

"Hello my little fans!" I said pointing my camera at my face. My names Emili. And I'm a famous youtuber and I call myself diaryofafangirl. "Okay so today's category is...... Youtubers and their channels so I get alot of requests to watch a channel called Pewdiepie. So I heard he is a big gamer sorta like me and really funny and does mostly scary games also like me"

I pull out my laptop with a video of his series the walking dead game I've already played the game so I'm going to watch him react to the end.

"Okay some of you guys has already seen my reaction to the ending and I want to see his. If anyone hasn't seen either his or my video series of that click the link below to see mine. And you'll be seeing me react to him in just a second!"

I start the video and he starts to talk. Once I'm done I'm in tears.

"Oh gosh guys that's exactly like my reaction! This pewdiepie guy is hilarious and his channel is in the link below. I am going to rate this 10 zombies out of 10 so bye all of my little fans! Oh and don't forget vidcon is in two weeks!"

Fangirling ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now