Be With You.....

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**Why is everything so blinding bright? Where am I? Am I floating? Am I dead?** Arhianna thought for herself, unsure if she's standing, flying or floating. She don't know if there's a ceiling , walla or floor. There's nothing around her but a space of white.

Then she remembered a gun fire. Her blood. Glaizel's face glitter with tears in her eyes. She was uttering words that she cannot understand. It was like she was mumbling. The tears falling from Glaizel unto her face felt like pins piercing.

Glaizel was fading infront of her eyes. She wanted to stretch her hand, to grab Glaizel, to secure her. For her not to disappear, but her hands... She cannot move them. David had shot her. He succeeded in separating her to the person she loves. They had the same fate as Jade and Althea. 

**No.. It can't be.... Please...** Arhianna started to feel her legs to walk, stretching her arms to have something to grab on. 

**Arhianna....** a voice broke the deafening silence. A warm, soothing voice.

**Arhianna....** she heard again.

Arhianna made a complete turn. And when she turned again, there she is. Like looking in a mirror. 

**Hello Arhianna** Jade was directly in front of her. Wearing in a long white dress. Long black straight hair falls down, hanging on one side of her shoulder. **Don't be afraid** her voice echoed.

**Jade** she uttered.

**Don't be sad. Be merry and glad**

**How can I not be? I'm separated from Glaizel forever** she sobbed, bowing her head.

**Have you not learned from my fate with Althea?** another form appeared beside Jade. It was Althea.

**A love truer than the reality you see around you, defeats darkness even if its just a speck of light.**

**How does it relates to my death?**

**Arhianna, feel your heart. Listen to what it says. Who is it calling? To whom does it beats for? Call her Arhianna. Call her name. Feel her embrace. Feel her lips. Hold on to the promise both of you has given and prove the power of that promise. What you have for each other has more power that what me and Jade had** Althea explained.

Arhianna felt silent. She closed her eyes and envisioned Glaizel in her mind. Their first night. Their first laugh. The first time they have felt love for each other. The first kiss without the influence of alcohol. Their first touch. The first I Love You they have said for one another.

**Glaizel** she uttered silently.


Arhianna's parents were outside the operating room of Basco General Hospital with Paul. Weak. Slumped. The doctor who was attending Arhianna had delivered the news that they had done everything they could to revive Arhianna. But a lot of blood was lost. 

Glaizel ran to the hospital's chapel and there she surrendered her strength. Her will to live. She poured all her hearts content. Blaming the man nailed on the cross for the loss of that one person who was willing to fight all the odds to be with her.  

"Why did You let us meet if You will just take her away from me?! Why have you let our course intertwined if there will be a hindrance to this damn feelings You developed? Why are You toying with us? Aren't You who suppose to be the who understand love?" TELL ME WHY!!!!!" she shouted. Her voice echoed on the whole chapel.

"Glaizel!!" Paul called behind her. "You have to come. Its Arhianna. Come on!" then Paul ran out.

Glaizel immediately stood up, running behind Arhianna's older brother.

Garreth was outside the morgue when Paul came with Glaizel. His face was a picture of amazement and gladness. He reached out for Glaizel wiping her tears.

"She's waiting for you, ihja,"

Glaizel entered the morgue. She saw Mommy Cristy talking to a woman lying on a steel, cold bed.

"Mrs. Howell?" she called.

"Ihja, she's calling for you," Mommy Cristy stood up, moving away from the body.

On the bed, she saw the body half covered with white blanket. The woman's eyes wee opened, shining with tears. Her lips into a weak smile.

Glaizel burst to tears, covering her mouth. She ran towards Arhianna.

"Rhi..." she wrapped her arms carefully on Arhianna. Her heart cannot comprehend the miracle she's seeing. 

They had brought Arhianna's bloodied body to the hospital. It took hours in the operating room. Waited till the procedure of saving her life was done. Her world collapsed when the doctor came out of the closed room, slowly pulling his cap and lowering his face mask. His shoulders dropped and his voice was lowly when he said that Arhianna passed away. She blamed God for what had happened. But now.... 

"I can't believe this! You're here! You didn't leave! This... This is a miracle... You are a miracle... I love you, you know that, don't you Rhi?" she kissed Arhianna's forehead.

"I can't leave you. I love you. You have brought me to life. Your love brought me to life. I have to be with you... I want to be with you," Arhianna spoke like a whisper.

"I love you... I love you.... I love you...."

Mommy Cristy was standing nearby with Garreth and Paul. Their hearts were melted by the love their daughter and Glaizel had for each other. They didn't expect that their daughter would be in a same sex love affair, but if this is where their child is happy, who are they to stop them.

"You are the first person she asked for," Mommy Cristy said.

"Thank you Mrs. Howell," Glaizel said, not letting go of her arms around Arhianna.

"Ihja, please... Call me Mommy Cristy," she approached the two ang hugged them together.


Sorry for the short ud.. but its not done yet....

suggestions for a very happy ending? a wedding perhaps? ;P

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