The Fulfillment of a Dream

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"Thank you everyone for coming to the blessing of our new restaurant, The Black and Red. The food you have just enjoyed were all cooked by our very own, and and very proud to say, my beautifully talented girlfriend, the head chef Arrhiana Howell,"

All of the guests applaud as David Alandy presented the head chef.  The door of the kitchen opened, came out a tall slender woman wearing a red chef uniform and a black toque. She walked beside the proud man and kissed his cheeks. 

"Thank you everyone. I have heard a lot of compliments about the food and I'm, I mean we, are all very happy that you enjoyed every dish we made. As for the last plate that we are about to present you, our signature dessert dish, The Black and Red dessert dome. Parfait from fresh strawberry inside the melting dark chocolate dome. Please enjoy," she finished. One by one, servers walked out of the kitchen, round trays on their hands with the dessert introduced. 

The atmosphere of the restaurant is serene. Despite of the general colors of black and red, it still gave the customers the calm and soothing environment matched with mild music. Sounds of mmmmms and yums are heard as the guests eat the luscious sweets. The couple looked at each other with content smiles on their faces. Their first step in reaching their dream of having a restaurant is complete. 

"Bernard, refill their wine glasses," David told one of the waiters that he immediately comply. 

"Friends and family," an old but sturdy man stood up, his champagne glass on hand. "I would like to propose a toast to my son and to my future daughter-in-law. Here's to the success of their dream restaurant. We will be seeing you all again on their wedding day! Kelan nga ba mga anak?" he looked at the couple. Everyone cheered as David's stepfather, Al Limjoco turned his eyes on the blushing couple for putting them on the hot seat.

"Soon dad. No rush," he answered and all raised their glasses.


The blessing event has ended 3 hrs ago, Arrhiana and David are now having a celebration of their own in their condo unit. Candle light dinner and red wine on their veranda. 

"Your dad sure knows how to break the ice," Arrhiana said as she cuts the tender meat of her t-bone steak surprisingly cooked by her boyfriend.

"You gotta hand it to him. He has this urge that he just had to blurt out. Anyway, we're on our way to that direction, aren't we?'

"A very long way to go, David. But our journey is gonna be all worth it," then she raised her crystal glass for a toast. 

David took something from his pocket. A rolled film canister and placed it on the table near Arrhiana.

"What's this?"

"Open it for you to find out,"

Arrhiana picked up the canister. removing the cover, pink daisy petals overflowed. She turned it over to pour the contents and drop a gold and crystal bracelet. She was speechless. The beauty of the bracelet made her tongue short. It was like all the stars fell and landed on the bracelet. David was all smiles. He knows that when his girlfriend was frozen shut, it means she liked, or loved what was given to her. He stood up, walked towards Arrhiana, picked the dazzling jewelry and wore it to his love.

"David, this is.. I mean.. Oh my god, this is so beautiful,"

"Is it?"

"Ofcourse. You think its not?"

"Well, I think you are more beautiful," and he gave his girlfriend his stunning smile. He leaned down till his nose touched Arrhiana's and kissed her lips passionately. It was David the ended the kiss.

"Am not done yet," he gave a white envelop. Arhianna opened it.

"Oh David," holding in her hand, 2 tickets going to Davao and itinerary for 5 days.

"It was suppose to be an asian cruise, but I doubt that you want to leave the restaurant that long out of the country."

"You know me too well, babe. This is great!" 

"I love you, babe," David touched her chin, lifting to have her eyes look at him.

"I love you too, David," she responded kissing him.


First time to upload rastro fanfic...

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