Escaping Him

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Shopping is every girls' remedy for depression. Arhianna never believed in that ideology, but it worked on her this time. After purchasing Jaime Licauco books, they spent good 4 hours for their spa, and the next hours in buying clothes, make ups and other unnecessary things. She was hoping and praying that Glaizel might decide to shop and of all places to go, she will shop at Rockwell. But their spree ended not seeing even the woman's shadow. She convinced Paul to go home at the time thre mall closes.

Both siblings were unaware of  5 pairs of eyes looking at them. Not letting both of them go of their stares. Their boss gave a very strict order to follow them anywhere they go. 

The whole Howell house were asleep when they arrived. Arhianna didn't waste any time and read the books she bought. First she checked Soul mates: Karma & Reincarnation. The author stated that he had spoke to people who had experienced reincarnation. A little boy remembered who he was in his past life. The boy said that, in his past life he was murdered. That explains the mark that runs down his neck. He was even remembered the house where he used to live. The spot where he was murdered and the suspect who killed him. The case was solved because of his memory. Another one was about the author's experience of meeting his soulmate, but it was not his wife. They met through spiritual connection whereas the author was in the Philippines and the woman was in a different country. They met in their dream, their conversation felt so real, the touch and their breathing. They personally met when the woman joined a camping in one of the Philippines mystic mountains. As soon as their eyes meet, they felt familiar with each other as if they have been together for so long. They know each other by names when they just saw each other for the first time.

The stories she read about the author was similar to her. She took out her laptop and searched for the author's contact number. She wants to know more of her own dream and experience. On the google search engine she typed the name Jaime Licauco. She clicked on his official fb page. There she saw an invitation for a seminar the next day after tomorrow for Core Transformation, Walking Belief Change, Reimprinting, Emotional, Freedom Technique and Release Technique. She would like to go but not to attend the seminar but only to talk with Mr. Licauco. She will contact the number indicated in the web invitation to inquire.


3 days to go for Glaizel's gallery event. She placed her hopes to find what was necessary about David in the capable hands of Gabriel, her private detective friend. She has to be patient to not let David know that she was into him. She was fixing her shots when her phone rang.

"Got your info, chief," a man's voice spoke on the other line.

"Good job. How about tonight? Same time, same place?"

"Noted," the line cut off.

Glaizel focused on her work that she even skipped meals to finish all that she has to finish that day. At 7:30pm, she was already on the road to meet Gabe. The man was already in their usual place in La Jardin, he waved at the entering woman.

As soon as Glaizel slide on the seat, Gabe placed the brown envelop on the table. Without any words, she opened it and fished out its contents. 


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