Seth Hates Advertising And Jacob's True Love!

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Jacob: I love you.

Renesmee: No, Jakie. I love you.

Jacob: I loved you since I laid eyes on you.

Renesmee: I loved you since....errr.... two minutes ago.

Jacob: Whoa, that's a long time.

Renesmee: *girlie teen voice* I know, right!

*Leah and Seth walk in*

Leah: *snaps* Oh, sorry, are we interrupting something?

Seth: *laughs* *girlie teen voice* Lmao! Jakie's face!

Jacob: *deer in the headlights*

Seth: *still a girlie teen voice*but, like, legit, Jacob. What she did to you was not cool. I would, like never, like never EVER do that to you.

Jacob: Well, this sounds familiar.

Renesmee: Wait, who did what to him?

Leah: Uhmm, you're the one that did it.

Jacob: *shaking* What did you do to me?!

Leah: You tell him, Renesmee.

Renesmee: Well, um, I kind of, well, um...... I made out with a poster of Joe Jonas!

Jacob: And what does this have to do with me?

Renesmee: Well, he used to date Taylor.

Jacob: Taylor Swift? My lover? She's still alive? *punches Renesmee*

Renesmee: owwwe!

Jacob: Shut up! I'm off to find my lover! *skips away*

Leah: *turns to Renesmee* So, what do you want to do?

Renesmee: Don't talk to me, okay! I'm just going to go home and read Harry Potter Conversations. They're better than this crap anyway! Like anyone would believe I would say this stuff.

Mysterydude: I would......

Leah: Who is that!

Mysterydude: Hehehe.... Again! Okay, well I'm pack matchmaker okay? Leah has Justin, Jake has Tay-

Leah: Wait! Justin? who is....

Mysterydude: Read the book slacker. It's called Who Knew?

Leah: Stop trying to promote your book! it's annoying!

Mysterydude: *disappears*

Leah: Peace.

Seth: I love that girl! She's fabulous!! Wait, what am I singing? I don't have an imprint yet...... Maybe Mysterydude can give me one....: *starts running after Mysterydude*

Hey! I want to be in Who Knew!

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