Jacob's Christmas Wishlist

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Hello, Jakie-poo here! Today I bring to you..... my Christmas wish list!!! You can purchase all of these items at ANY STORE!

1. A doggy sweat, in hot pink

2. A 'Breaking Dawn' shirt with Edward's face smack on my man-boobs

3. A gold-plated doggy bowl ingraved with my name

4. The 'Breaking Dawn' soundtrack

5. a 'Team Edward' shirt!

6. I don't care, anything,as long as it's pink or Juicy Couture!

*Jacob runs excitedly to the mall, and skips the Mall-Santa line*

Santa: Why, hello, there,Jacob!

Jacob: *blushes* Santa, how do you know my name?

Santa: Ho, ho, ho! Why, I'm Santa, of course! And, I like the way you sit on my lap. ;)

Jacob: No, you're not.

Santa: Why, of course, I am!

Jacob: You're not Santa. You smell like Carlisle, you don't smell like Santa.

Santa: I just visited Carlisle.

Jacob: And what did you do?

Santa: That's not for you to find out until you're older, little man.

Jacob: *slaps Santa* I'm freaking immortal, you fattie!

*Elf comes over*

Elf: That's quite enough. Your time is done. *escorts Jacob to the door* 

Elf: Okay, Santa time is over!

*Santa and Elf go to dressing room*

*Santa and Elf take off their costumes*

Elf: *gives Santa a back massage*

Santa: Thanks, Carlisle.

Elf: You're welcome, Charlie.

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