"Even if I wanted to, I can't." Mikael said.

"Why is that?" I asked with a raised brow.

But my question was answered as I felt the presence of dozens of vampires around us.

I turned around, seeing them flock around us in a circle, some in the trees, some on the ground as they all glared at us.

And of course, it's Marcel who emerges.

"It's over, Mr. And Mrs. Mikaelson. Give us Jade, and we'll consider letting you live." Marcel threatened, a smug look on his dumb face.

"Who do you think you are, daring to threaten me?!" Father growled.

"Wait, Mikael." Mother grabbed his arm, preventing him from making any rash movements.

"Don't try and stop me."

"This vampire brought with him an entire army, including highly skilled witches. There is a slim chance that we'll be able to defeat them."

"Then I'll take that slim chance."

I rolled my eyes. I truly see now where I got my rash personality from. My father was a fool. A very frightening and persuasive fool.

"Jade Alexander is stronger than her ancestor. If she defeats that Margaret sorceress, then we will be free from her hold." Esther told him.

Mother was the brains in their screwed up marriage. They were also exact opposites most of the time.

I moved my gaze to Jade, watching her eyes narrowed in thought as she watched my parents speak amongst each other.

Do as my mother wants. I spoke to her between the link in our minds. Something I hadn't done since I first met her, which still, was not too long ago.

And instantly when I heard her call out to me the first time, I knew she was mine.

Jade snapped her head to my face, eyebrows furrowing in worry.

I won't leave you.

I'm the least of your worries right now, love. 

I'm not leaving you. Period.

I rolled my eyes at her stubbornness.

"How do you even know that Jade will be able to defeat her ancestor?" I listened in as my Father questioned.

"She will do it because she loves Klaus."

I watched as Jade's jaw tensed at my mother's words, as I listened to her heart pick up pace at the last three words.

I smirked.

Mother turned to Jade without getting Father's final consent.

"You will go with the vampire and leave us. I will find you soon, and you will help me defeat your ancestor. Understand?" Mother told her carefully.

"Don't need to order me to do so. I was always planning on killing her myself."


Captivate (Klaus Mikaelson) ***ON HOLD***Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ