Chapter 22

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{Character in picture: Landon Liboiron as Isaac Brewster}

{Song in video: Boys Like Girls - Be Your Everything}

"So...How was you all's date?" Shayla asked Lainey and Nick when they got to school.

"It was really great," Lainey replied and burst out laughing.

Shayla looked confused. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because..." Lainey started hysterically laughing again at the memory of what happened at the abandoned mansion.

"It's because we went to an abandoned mansion, the one we always went to when we were kids, and we heard a noise and we both started screaming and it turns out there was a raccoon making the noises. Lainey thinks me screaming is hilarious," Nick said.

"I'm s-sorry I c-can't help it!" She turned to Shayla and settled down. "You should have seen his face and heard his scream. It was priceless!"

"That sounds interesting," Shayla said, still looking a little confused.

"We went to IHOP before that," Nick said.

"Yeah and the pancakes were delicious!" Lainey exclaimed. She saw Isaac walking down the hallway in their direction. She turned to Shayla. "Isaac is coming down the hallway!" She pointed.

"Shhh! What if he hears you?" Shayla hissed. "And stop pointing!"

"Quick, Nick do you have a pencil I can borrow?"

"Yeah sure," Nick said, looking confused. He dug out a pencil out of his bag and gave it to her.

"Great! Thanks." She threw the pencil and barely missed hitting Isaac. "Shayla it's your call! Now go get the pencil!"

"What?" Shayla glared at her and looked confused. She walked right in front of Isaac and leaned down to get the pencil, but Isaac got it for her.

"I believe this belongs to you," Isaac said and gave her the pencil.

"Yeah...sorry about that," Shayla said lamely, shooting a glare at Lainey.

"Are you Shayla?"

"Yeah. You're Isaac right?"

"Yup. We have Chemistry class together."

She brushed some of her hair back. "Yeah we do." I can't believe he's actually talking to me! With his crystal clear blue eyes and dark brown hair... She thought to herself.

"You okay?" He noticed she kept staring at him.

"Oh yeah I am!" Her face flushed red when she realized she probably kept staring at him like she was a creeper.

"Oh okay good." He laughed softly. "We don't ever talk much do we? We should change that." He gave her a smile.

"Yeah that'd be cool." She smiled back. They exchanged numbers.

Nick and Lainey watched them talk to each other. "See? Not such a bad idea after all. The pencil is the way to the heart," Lainey said.

Nick chuckled. "Never heard that one before. I can't believe you flung my pencil over there and almost hit him with it."

She shrugged. "I had to do something. I am now the love guru instead of Shayla."

"By flinging a pencil?"

"Yes that's the only thing I could think of. Look, they're still talking to each other." She gasped. "Your pencil is magic."

He chuckled even more. "That's ridiculous."

"No it isn't. I can help other people by flinging your pencil toward their crush and they will fall in love and get married."

"You're so crazy." He grinned at her and held her hands.

"You're crazy for liking a crazy girl." She grinned back.

"I know." They kissed each other.

Shayla walked back up to them with a giddy smile on her face.

"Spill!" Lainey exclaimed.

"We got each other's numbers and we're going to the library later." She grinned.

"Awww a nerd's love story."

"Hey!" She smacked her in the arm.

"I'm just kidding." She grinned. "But that's great! See it's the power of Nick's pencil. It brought you and Isaac together."

Nick shook his head and laughed. "You're exaggerating," he said. He turned to Shayla. "May I have my pencil back? It's the only one I brought."

"Oh yeah here's your pencil," Shayla said and gave it to him.

"So what did he exactly say?" Lainey asked.

"Well he said that we never talk much and that we should change that." She grinned; her and Lainey shrieked. "And that we should also hang out sometime because he says I seem pretty cool."

Lainey grinned. "You are pretty cool! See you should thank me for flinging that pencil."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine I thank you for flinging the pencil at him so I can talk to him."

"The fate of the pencil bringing you two together."

"Oh brother," Nick said and laughed. "You're serious about that pencil aren't you?"


The bell rang and they went to Mr. Grotowski's class.


A/N: Ooh so Shayla and Isaac got each other's numbers and will go to the library :o




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