Chapter 18

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{Song in video: Flyleaf - Breathe Today}

After days of band practice, it was finally the day of the band performing at the café. They practiced again a little before they left.

Shayla paced back and forth in Lainey's basement.

"Are you okay?" Lainey asked her, looking concerned.

"I'll be fine," Shayla replied. "I'm just a little nervous. I never actually sang in front of a crowd."

"You'll be fine," Nick reassured her and put his hand on her shoulder. "We're going to do great."

"I think it's time for you all to load the drums and guitar in the car," Lynn said as she walked in the basement.

"Okay, will do," Nick said as he got a few of the drums and loaded it in the car.

"Do I look edgy enough?" Shayla asked Lainey. She wore a plain dark brown t-shirt with a blue denim vest over it, a green and white necktie, blue skinny jeans, and black nail polish.

"Yeah you look perfect," Lainey said. "What about me?" She wore an oversized maroon shirt with three necklaces, black skinny jeans, and maroon converse.

"You always do since that's your style." She grinned.

"Right." She laughed.

Nick came back to the basement. "Okay I just loaded the drums in the car. We're going to have to take two separate cars since I had to put the back seat down so all my drums could fit," he said.

"I'll drive my car, since the drums are in there and you all can ride in either Nick's or Shayla's car together," Lynn said.

"I'll come with you," Shayla quickly spoke up. "So Nick can drive Lainey and we can meet over there."

Lainey shot her a look. She knew what she was trying to do. "I guess that's fine," she said.

"Let's go," Lynn called. "You all don't want to be late for your first gig!" She got in the car and Shayla quickly followed her.

"I guess we should go now," Nick said. "Your sister is such a stickler on time. We have plenty of time." He chuckled.

"Yeah I know," Lainey said and laughed. "But in some ways she helps me with that since I usually wait til the last minute to do things."

They got in the car and drove off to Café 71. They were behind Lynn and Shayla almost the whole time, until Nick and Lainey were caught up at a light and had to stop.

Things were still a little weird between Nick and Lainey but they still have yet to admit to each other that they like each other.

They pulled up to the café and parked. "I'm so excited!" Lainey exclaimed, grinning.

"Me too," Nick said and smiled.

They walked to the café with Lynn and Shayla. When they got inside, Lainey went up to a waiter and asked, "Hey do you know where the owner of this place is? I'm part of a band and we're supposed to perform at 8," she said, pointing at Nick and Shayla.

"The owner of this place isn't here right now but his son is and he knows where you can set up all the equipment and everything. I'll get him for you," the guy said.


About a minute later, the owner's son walks up to them. Lainey's mouth dropped open and she looked horrified when she realized it was Brent. "You've got to be kidding me," she blurted out, furrowing her eyebrows.

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