Chapter 11

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{Song in video: Two Door Cinema Club - Golden Veins}

"What store shall we go to first?" Shayla asked as soon as they all met up.

"Ooh let's go to H&M! They usually have good stuff," Lainey said. She took Peanut Butter M&M's out of her bag and ate it. "Anyone want some?"

"I'll have some," Brent said.

"I'll take some too please," Nick said.

Shayla rolled her eyes and laughed. "Is there any place you go without bringing a bunch of candy and chocolate?"

They all burst out laughing.

"I don't think so Shayla," Brent said while laughing.

"Ugh whatever you guys. Since you all don't appreciate my candy then I won't give you any more of it," Lainey said. She waited a few seconds before saying, "I'm just kidding."

They finally reached H&M.

Shayla gasped. "What about this dress?" She asked and pulled out a sleeveless black dress from the clothes rack.

"That looks cute! You should try it on," Lainey said. She pulled out a navy lace dress. "What about this?" She put it next to herself.

"Oh I like that one! I'll try one on too." She grabbed one.

They girls went into the dressing room and the guys sat on the chairs outside of the fitting room. They didn't say a word to each other. Brent was scrolling on his phone and Nick looked around and was thinking.

A few minutes later, Shayla and Lainey came out of the dressing room, wearing the navy lace dress.

"Guys what do you think?" Lainey asked them.

"You look absolutely beautiful," Brent said and smiled at her.

She went up to him from behind, put her arms around him, and kissed his cheek. "Awww thanks babe."

"You two look great," Nick said.

"We're twinning!" Lainey exclaimed. Her and Shayla pulled out their phones and took pictures of themselves, posing in different ways.

When they were done taking pictures, Lainey said, "I'll get the dress but I'm not wearing it to the party."

Shayla looked confused. "Then why are you getting it?"

"Because I love it and I'll wear it some other time duh."

Nick couldn't help but chuckle. He thought he would be bored shopping with girls but Lainey and Shayla were fun to be around.

Shayla went back and tried on the sleeveless black dress.

When she came out, Lainey exclaimed, "You look beautiful in that! Doesn't she?"

The guys nodded.

Shayla decided she would buy both of the dresses. They went to the register and paid for their outfits.

"Where to now?" Shayla asked.

Lainey looked around. "Hot Topic is next door!" she exclaimed and pointed it out. She loved that store.

Shayla sighed. "Okay let's go in." Hot Topic wasn't really Shayla's style and it didn't help that it was blaring screaming metalcore/post-hardcore music. She winced when they walked in. "I don't know how you like this stuff Lainey. And this yelling music is giving me a headache." She covered her ears.

Lainey laughed. "I don't know how you DON'T like this stuff. The clothes, accessories, and the music is amazing. And this music is called post-hardcore and metalcore not yelling."

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