Chapter 20

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{Picture: Lainey and Nick}

{Song in video: The Used - I Caught Fire (In Your Eyes)}

A little before band practice, Shayla went to Nick's house and rang the doorbell. Nick opened the door, "Oh hey Shayla," he said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Did you just ask her out yet?" Shayla asked, getting straight to the point.

"" He nervously scratched his head.

"Ugh you didn't do it...AGAIN?" She gave him an annoyed look.

"Okay so after school ended, I was about to do it and then we looked at each other-"

"Oh lord."

"Wait let me finish. We were about to kiss-"

She gasped. "You guys almost kissed?! Wait...ALMOST?"

"You keep interrupting me! Anyways we were about to kiss and then Molly shows up and interrupts us. She proceeds to make it more awkward by saying, "Did I interrupt something? Were you two about to kiss?"

She gasped again. "Oh my...Really? Ugh darn it Molly! I know she's Lainey's cousin and all but gah that's annoying."

He chuckled. "It seems like you're more annoyed about it than I am."

"So you didn't continue trying to kiss?"

"No...Lainey said she had to go. She left rather quickly."

"She probably felt extremely awkward. Just ask her out already so it won't be so maddening for you all!"

"You mean maddening for you?" He smirked and gave her an amused look. He never saw this demanding side of Shayla. She was usually quieter and more relaxed.

She rolled her eyes. "Just do it...SOON."

"Yeesh okay."

"Why do I feel like I have to pester you to do it?"

He shrugged.

"Well I'll get going. See you in a little while."


Shayla went straight to Lainey's house. She rang her doorbell multiple times. "What the-Oh hey Shayla," Lynn said as she opened the door, "Come on in!"

"Shayla? You know band practice isn't until an hour from now," Lainey said as she walked down the stairs. Lynn went upstairs, back to her room.

"I know but I was just in the neighborhood and thought, 'Might as well go to Lainey's house since I'm already around here,'" Shayla said. "Anyways, anything interesting happen today?"

She thought about it. "Um not really..."

She gave her a look. "You sure?"

Oh right! I have to tell her about the almost kiss! She thought to herself. "Actually...yeah..." She started to say. "I think me and Nick almost kissed..."

"Almost kissed?!" She faked being surprised.

"Yeah, so right after school me and Nick went outside since he's been wanting to tell me something all day. He was about to say it but we made this really strange eye contact, like gazing at each other. It was like a connection or something. We both slowly leaned in and then Molly interrupts us saying, "Hey guys!" and I guess a few seconds later she realized that we were both about to kiss and then she proceeds to make it even more awkward by saying "Did I interrupt something? Were you two about to kiss?" I felt like I wanted to die or something. After she left, I felt so awkward that I told him I had to leave."

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