Chapter 10

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{Song in video: Evanescence - Everybody's Fool}

Nick opened his locker but someone slammed it shut. He looked over and saw Brent almost face-to-face with him, glaring at him.

"Hello to you too," Nick muttered.

"Don't joke around with me Ramirez," Brent said in a threatening tone. "I know you're trying to sabotage me and Lainey's relationship by accusing me of flirting with Cassie."

He rolled his eyes. "Look man I'm not trying to sabotage anything and I think we both know what really happened at The Pub."

"It's none of your business what you think happened. I was just being friendly with Cassie. There's a difference. If you make anymore accusations like that again, me and my boys will have to teach you a lesson." He cracked his knuckles and then he walked away.

Nick stayed silent. He knew there was no point in arguing with Brent about what he saw. He knew with all his heart that Brent and Cassie were flirting and not just "being friendly."

A minute later, Shayla went up to him. "Hey," she said.

"Hi," he said flatly.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." She looked confused.

He sighed. "I'm's just that whole Brent thing."

"Did you tell Lainey about it?"

"Yeah I went over to her house yesterday and told her. But apparently she told Brent about it and he came up to me and basically threatened me and said that he wasn't flirting with Cassie and that I'm trying to ruin their relationship and if I made accusations like that then him and his boys will teach me a lesson."

"Well maybe this whole thing is a weird misunderstanding. I mean Brent isn't right for threatening you like that and I know you're not sabotaging their relationship but maybe him and Cassie weren't flirting after all."

"But Shayla you should have seen them-"

"I know what it can look like but maybe they were actually just joking around. Like if people didn't know us, they could assume that we're a couple right now and that we're flirting but we both know that that's not the case."

Nick sighed and decided not to argue any further. No one would listen to him anyways. I know what I saw and I know what flirting looks like. No one could tell me otherwise. He thought to himself. He's not the type of person to think he's always right but he felt certain on this. He sighed and tried forgetting about it for the time being.


When they sat at the table for lunch, Brent kept a sharp eye on Nick. He put his arm around Lainey and kissed her more than usual.

"Nick you okay? You're unusually quiet," Lainey noticed and rubbed his hand for a second.

"I'm fine," Nick said. "I guess I'm just tired. Didn't sleep so well last night." He glared at Brent for a few seconds.

"Maybe you would sleep better if you didn't accuse people of things," Brent spoke up.

Lainey noticed the tension. "Okay guys everything is fine." She turned to Brent. "I'm happy being with you." She turned to Nick. "And I'm happy being your best friend. The situation is just a misunderstanding. I'm not mad at either of you and I don't want you two mad at each other. The past is in the past. Let's just let it go."

"Yeah see? Everything's cool!" Shayla exclaimed, trying to make the situation better.

"Yeah everything's cool," Brent said, but Nick knew by the look in his eyes that it wasn't.

"Hey guys!" Molly exclaimed while running up to them. "Have you heard?!"

"Heard what Molly?" Lainey giggled.

"That I'm throwing a party this Saturday! Parents are out of town this weekend." She grinned. "I'm inviting the whole school. It's going to be awesome!"

"That's great! I'll be coming for sure. What about you all?" She looked at them.

"I'll come," Brent said.

"Eh why not? I'll come too," Shayla said.

"That just leaves you Nick," Molly said. "Please come it'll mean a lot to me. I promise you won't be bored or anything!"

Nick wasn't much of a party-goer but he couldn't say no to Molly. She looked so happy. "Alright I'll come," he said and smiled.

"Yay!" She looked around. "I'll see you all later! I'm pretty busy right now, trying to tell the whole school and what not." Molly took off.

"Okay see you this weekend!" Lainey called after her. She turned to Shayla. "You know what that means."

"Shopping!" Shayla exclaimed.

"Yes exactly!"

"We definitely need new outfits for the party."

They turned to the guys. "Will you two help us?" Lainey asked.

"Um..." Nick was trying to think of a way to get out of it. He wasn't big on spending hours at the mall sitting outside the girls' dressing room while they figured out what to buy but he'll do it to be nice.

"Sure," Brent said. "Anything for my girl."

"Awww," Lainey said as he kissed her forehead.

"Uh...well I guess I could help," Nick said.

"Cool! We'll all meet at the mall after school, say 3:30ish if that's okay?"

"Sounds good to me!" Shayla said.

The guys nodded.


A/N: Things are back to least somewhat. Do you think Nick and Brent could ever be friends?




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