Chapter 2

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{Character in picture: Tyler Posey as Nick Ramirez}

{Song in video: Memphis May Fire - No Ordinary Love}

Nick rang the doorbell, and stood outside. He heard music blasting inside of the house.

Lainey opened the door, and grinned. "Come on in!" She exclaimed. She had a bowl of cookie dough and was licking it with her finger.

He went inside to loud screaming post-hardcore music that was coming from the living room.

She turned it down. "Sorry, I forget that not everyone listens to this kind of stuff." She laughed. "This song is "No Ordinary Love" by Memphis May Fire, by the way."

"It's alright. I'm okay with it as long as it's not blaring loud, and not too much screaming. I didn't know you liked that kind of stuff," Nick said, and laughed.

"Yeah I love it but I love all kinds of music." They walked through the living room to get to the kitchen. He looked around the house and felt nostalgic. He remembered the living room. It looked exactly the same except the wall color was light blue instead of white like he remembered it.

"Want any snacks or drinks? I have all kinds of stuff." She opened the pantry and she was right. Nick saw almost every junk food you could think of. Doritos, Cheetos, Hot Cheetos, Hot Fries, Tortilla chips, chocolate chip cookies, animal crackers, Pixie Stix, Pocky, and a whole bunch of chocolate and candy.

Nick was amazed. " have the whole entire grocery store in here. You should own a candy store or something." He chuckled.

Lainey laughed. "Yeah I get that a lot. Also if you don't want any of those I have cookie dough." She showed him the bowl. "And I also have ice cream in the freezer." She opened the freezer and showed him.

"Thanks I'll just have some Doritos." He went to the pantry and took a bag.

"I know you haven't seen my house in years so I'll give you a tour."

She walked and he followed her. "Well you already seen the kitchen and living room. I'll show you the laundry room." They walked in. "Remember this?" They looked up the laundry chute. "Remember when we were like 7 and I went in the laundry chute from upstairs and fell on top of the washing machine?"

"Yeah I also remember me shouting 'Don't do it Lainey you'll get hurt!' and sure enough you did it and got hurt," Nick said.

Lainey laughed. "I only sprained my ankle." After the incident Lainey's parents decided to rebuild the chute and make it smaller so that wouldn't happen again.

"It could've been worse."

"Wow." She laughed even more and looked at him.

"What?" He chuckled.

"You and Shayla are so much alike. I mean I know you two are opposite genders and all but still."

"Really? How?"

"Well you two talk the same and act the same. You two always worry about what could happen."

"That's interesting."

"Yeah it is." She folded some laundry that was left. "Let's go tour the rest of the house."

"Oh yeah so how's your parents?"

"They're good. They're both on a business trip in Europe right now."

"Really? They ended up selling novels and what not?" He remembered Lainey's parents being writers and wanting to become authors.

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