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Decided not to end it here lol

"Happy birthday, Rose!" My eyes fluttered open to see my sister and my father both with a goofy grin splattered across their faces.

"I made you breakfast!" Rozilin cheered.

"She poured the orange juice-"

"I put a lot of effort and care into that, dad" Roz rolled her eyes and shoved the tray towards me.

Eggs, bacon, grits, sausage (HAD TO SORRY) sourdough bread and a few pastries.

"I prepared this marvelous meal, and hand cooked the pastries" he smiled.

"We picked them up from Lizzy's bakery this morning" Roz informed me, stealing a strip of bacon and getting up.

"Blow the candle out" Rozilin smiled as she lit a small candle on one of the pastries.

I smiled and blew the candles out, looking back up at my family.

"I love you guys so much"

"Love you too" My dad smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Love you" Rozilin hugged me and we stayed like this for a while until my dad pulled away, eyes watery.

"I still can't believe I've missed eighteen years of your life, my baby's life. I'm so glad you're here" he wiped his eyes and chuckled lightly.

Roz smiled and punched my shoulder lightly, "Its good to have a sister, especially one like you"

"Eat up, we're going out today. C'mon dad, you know it takes you the longest to get ready" she added, practically dragging my crying father out my room.


The gentle breeze of France cloaked my body and the smooth intoxicating smell of freedom filled me.

To be away from pain, to finally - legitimately - feel happy.

No more worrying, no more wonder, no more stress over if I'd make it through tomorrow.

The weight of the world on my shoulders has been swiftly removed.

So much clarity and warm feels erraticating me.

No more.

A chance at something different, something new.

Something permanent.

My new and improved life, more happiness, more enjoyment, more love

I smiled as I slid my glasses on, the sun shining, my mouth curved into a smile.

"You seem mighty cheery today" My dad chuckled, his arm slinging around my shoulder.

"It's a beautiful day out, why not embrace it happily?" I smiled, my arm working it's way around his waist.

"Yeah, embrace it" Roz added, tossing a fry at me and our father as we continued walking.

"I'm glad I came out here, you know" I said as we continued to walk.

My dad looked, confusion on his face, "Why? New York is amazing"

"Yeah...." I trailed, but I didn't feel bad about it anymore. It was the past, my present is what matters. I can't determine the future nor can I change it. But I can try.

"Because, when I got here, I received love. The raw emotions I so gravely desired. The family I wanted, the life I always cried about because I didn't have, but the life that made me smile. I have you, I have Rozilin, I even made a friend named Cole!" I laughed, shaking my head.

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