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So on today's episode of who pissed me off I'm not gonna say who but basically don't take my opinions to heart or anybody who reads/ follows my books n stuff its honestly stupid. Going back and fourth on relevancy is stupid . If I say "I don't like jacks pants" that doesn't mean I don't like him or make me a fake fan. If someone says their personal opinion on a certain individual let it be. Don't get all booty tickled and decide to say something rude bc of an OPINION.
Have a good as$ day. Hope you like the chapter.

"W-what do you mean? You guys aren't with Jeremy?" I asked panic rising in my chest.

"I'm kidding" Grayson rolled his eyes.

(I realized that I was spelling greyson instead of Grayson I'm cackling)

"We were sent by Jeremy to come pick you up" the one in the front said turning around.
Wow, twins.

"You are...?" I trailed, he chuckled and smiled lightly "Ethan" he stuck his hand back, whilst looking at the road. I chuckled and shook his upside down hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"We're going to Jeremy's place" one of them uttered looking down at a phone.

What's gonna happen to Jack?

I forgot about him honestly.
I'm so caught up in the fact that I'm gonna see my dad. Wow, that's insane, my father. I smiled widely and looked out the window looking at the trees on either side of us.

"What's he like?" I asked absentmindedly, my thoughts lingering.

"Who?" Ethan responded realizing Grayson was to engaged in something else.
"My father, Adrién have you met him?" I asked, my voice probably sounding like a child's.

"Yes. He's a hard working man, he's cool I guess" the tone of his voice wasn't very enthusiastic or
happy. I decided to brush it off and that he's too caught up in trying to get us out then to converse.

He must be so wonderful. God, I'm so ecstatic. He's probably really sweet and gives good advice, just like my mother!

Another hour of wondering and driving, Ethan finally pulled into a driveway of a dark blue house. Heavily guarded might I add.

"Stay close to us, these guys don't really know who you are just yet" Grayson informed me. I nodded excitedly and followed him out the van.

They nodded their heads at guards in a way of communicating and mentally telling them to open the doors.

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