Dreams End

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Narrarator POV

Two little girls and a boy run around the backyard of the Zhang residence. The boy's name is Cas Zhang. He's a 3 year old boy who loves to yell and play dress up with his  cousins. The two girls are Mia and Lia Park. The pair are twins that hate being apart from eachother and their pack.

"T-Tao...Where is Jae-Hee and Chen?" Sehun asks while their curled up on a lawn chair in front of a big pool. Tao looks down at him, confused.

"Chen died in a blood donation accident 6 years ago and Jae-Hee has been dead for a while. Are you feeling okay, Honey?" Sehun shakes his head. "Kris and Luhan?" Tao nods slowly. "They left for China a long time ago, Sehun!" Tao holds Sehun's head and cradles him a little. "Kai...and...Kyungsoo? Xiumin too..." Tao picks Sehun up. He looks worried.  "Sehun, who are you even talking about?" Sehun sobs into Tao's chest and shakes his head. "Nothing but a dream I had last night. I'm sorry to worry you, Tao."

Chanyeol chases his daughters around the pool and trips launching the girls, and himself, into the pool making his wife laugh wildly. She pulls the twins out of the water. Sehun watches closely as the family plus Baekhyun all dry Chanyeol off. He then watches Lay and Val with Cas. Val and Lay sing a lullaby to him and set him in the play pen.

"Tao, I want kids someday." Tao spits out his hard lemonade and stares at Sehun. " We'll name the girl Jae-Hee and the boy Kaisoo." Tao laughs and nods.

"Okay! Wait, Kaisoo?" He asks softly. Sehun shrugs and takes his shirt off jumping into the pool. Tao jumps in after.

Maybe the dream was just a dream and nothing else. Sehun wished hard for this to not be the end of his story and his friends...but he couldn't control the fate of Heaven and Hell.

~Meanwhile in Hell~
"J-Jongin! Ahhh! Harder..ngh!" Kyungsoo's moans are echoing off the walls, the headboard hitting along. A knock is sounded. The pair ignore it. The person on the other side sighs. "I'm cumming! Jongin!" Grunts and pants resonate through the room. The person knocks again. Jongin wraps a red robe on himself. He opens the door to be met with Suho.

"When we were put to rest, it did mean rest! Not having sex every hour on the hour!" Suho grumbles. Jongin laughs and bows. "I'm sorry, guard. We will stop tonight. We just wanted to feel each other until the hellish hibernation of peace comes again." The guard nods and closes the door bowing to the King as he walked. His King's 'wife' Kyuhyun limping behind.

"Why is this Kingdom so gay?" And why must the kingdom be cursed with the passion of romance while if should be at rest.

~Meanwhile in Heaven~
The princesses eyes open slowly. She yawns and turns around to face her husband. The peace and resting was hard to keep doing. Heaven and Hell could not be reached until death or peace was broken once again. She snuggles close to her husband. He rubs his eyes and kisses her.

"Good morning my love! Sleep well?" Chen asks. Jae-Hee nods happily. She then jolts up and looks at a screen.

"Still happy. He's still happy. I wish for him to forget us though." Jae-Hee sighs. Chen back hugs her. "Importance must not be forgotten but restored every waking moment." She smiles and pulls him down for a kiss.

"Maybe before the next rest...we could get some other things done, Chen?" She winks making Chen blush. He takes her hand and pushes her onto the bed, kissing her passionately.
"Hey! I'm still here! I literally just filed some papers in here!" Xiumin whines. Chen chuckles and gives him a noogie.

Heaven and Hell must stay at rest until the peace is broken but one must be powerful enough to break it.

~Lastly in China~
"Kris!" Luhan jumps onto Kris' boxer clad lap and smiles. Kris states at Luhan in only a black sweater. "Let's have fun today! Like Kyungsoo and Prince Kai always did!" Kris gulps. This is going to ruin him.

"Are you sure, Lu Lu?" Luhan nods and starts unbuttoning Kris's shirt. Yeah innocent little deer Luhan was no more. After Kris heard Luhan singing a song with the lyrics "Blow it like a flute." Kris was not the same. Then he saw Luhan dance to it and don't get Kris started on that.

Kris and Luhan were healthy and fine. They were really just normal humans besides the antlers of course. That's why Kris and Luhan like to be at 'rest' as well. Its just them and no one else. This is the end of them all.

HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! I am so sorry that this is short and not that good but this is good bye to EXO for now! There maybe be one coming up soon! I will no be focusing on BIGBANG and GOT7 for the next fanfics! I hope you enjoyed I Will Never Give Up On Life! I love you guys! ❤ See you again! ~Jay

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