Love Is Happiness?

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Kris POV

Tao and Sehun's wedding had been was so much fun but it raised my standards for how I'm going to treat my deer baby. Speaking of....where is he?

"Luhan? Did you fall asleep in the backyard again? I told you! You're a human too!" I slide open the door to see nothing but green grass that has been barely touched. I panic.

"Luhan?! This isn't funny! Where are you?!" I start to feel beads of sweat on my forehead. Where is my baby? I hear a knock on my door. I open it to see a little girl with her hands behind her back. I lean down next her. She has tears in her eyes.

"M-my daddy, h-he hit y-your deer..." My heart drops. The girl takes my hand and drops Luhan's green collar into my hand. Tears form in my eyes. The girl hugs me and then tugs my arm. I follow her. She leads me across the street to find a smoking car. From who I assume is her father. He closes the back of the truck and jumps when he sees me.

"Hello sir, my name is Sebastian. I hope my little girl didn't bother you" he tries to ruffle her hair but she runs behind me.

"Where is my Luhan?!" I fist his shirt collar and hold up my own fist to punch him. He panics and tries to hit me. The little girl runs from behind me and gets into the truck. I relentlessly punched the man over and over again. He surrenders and the little girl walks up to me dragging Luhan across the grass. I tell her to call the cops. I hold Luhan's deer head and rub two fingers down his forehead.

"K-Kris, it hurts so much." Luhan groans into my ear. My tears find their way onto his flawless skin. He caresses my cheek making me cry harder.

"Sir, let go of the victim!" I shakily let go of  Luhan. Luhan fusses in the guys arms. "I WANT KRIS" The guy gestures me to come along I pick up the little girl before her father gets arrested.

"That wasn't my was a bad man. He wanted to hurt Luhan oppa." I hug the girl closer to my chest as I watched Luhan breathe out of a mask. More tears escape my eyes. We finally make it to hospital where where Jae-Hee and Chen stand.

"Whose life are we tak-" I stare at them with the girl in my arms.

"YOU AREN'T TAKING MY LUHAN AWAY FROM ME!" The little girl slides down and walks over to the pair. I'm still sobbing and I fall to the ground.

"Please don't take my daddy's away from me...please..." My eyes shoot open and I finally see the girls features... She looks almost just like Luhan... Jae-Hee looks at the girl and pulls out her analysis screen.

"Mae Wu, 4 years, Genetics; Lu Han and Kris Wu." Jae-Hee speaks softly. Mae runs into my arms again. Baekhyun walks into the room with flowers.

"Kris, I'm so sorry for's all my fault..." I stared at him he concentrates on his speech. "Luhan wanted to surprise you with little Mae here and while he was walking to the house he was hit he turned into the deer so he could protect your daughter."

The girl sobs into my shoulder startling me. "I need my daddy!" I brush my fingers through her light brown hair. We all sit in silence as we await Luhan's results and such.

- 2 hours later -

A  slip of paper is handed to me upside down so my heart raced even more. Luhan's heartbeat is fine but the worst thing to lose was lessening. His powers that meant that Mae couldn't survive as she was made from his power. A doctor came to take Mae to testing.

"Kris? I'm scared." Luhan wobbled into the waiting room. He wraps his arms around my neck. My arms shaking as they found their way to his waist. "I'm not letting you go, Lu." They sit in the chair waiting for results for Luhan and Mae. 

"Luhan and Kris?" A older woman calls. I pick up Luhan and carry him to the doctors room. "I'm Tabitha." Luhan nods, shaking in my lap. I hold his hand tightly. 

"Luhan, after your test results came in," Luhan hides his face in the crook of my neck, "You will keep your magic, but since you can barely walk  we took it away for now." Luhan smiles brightly at that then frowns. "What about Mae? Will she make it?!" Tabitha shakes her head. "Since she has no real ties with you...She is being torn apart as we speak." My eyes widen as she pulls up a screen with Mae on it...

"She isn't human? She's a robot?" Luhan sobs into my chest and holds onto my shirt tightly. Mae sits there not feeling a thing until her little brown eyes go blank. I look away and thank Tabitha for her work. I carry Luhan out of the hospital to be met with the wolves.

"Kris, we need to talk." Chanyeol states darkly. I nod and set Luhan in the back of the car. "Kris!" Sarah and  Baekhyun keep him back as Chanyeol punches me. 

"YOU'RE LEAVING US?!" He yells. I stand there as he hits me again, harder making me fall. "YOU SAID WE WERE A FAMILY!" He kicks me in the stomach. I lay there in pain and let him do the damage. Once an Alpha's mad you really can't do anything. Luhan screams as he turns into his deer form. My eyes widen as he hits Chanyeol and knocks him over. I pick him up and put him back in the car. I buckle up and drive off as fast I could. I couldn't look at my best friend like that. How did he know I had to leave? I only told Luhan that. We are going to live in the woods where Jae-Hee saved Luhan...Jae-Hee! She told everyone! I sigh and drive to the woods listening to Luhan's quiet snores.

Kai POV 

"JONGIN! STOP IT!" Kyungsoo pushes at my chest trying to push me off of him. 

"I saw you flirt with that man, Kyungie. You're going to pay for it." I kiss down his neck leaving red marks in their wake.

"J-Jongin...Please..." My eyes turn black and nothing can be comprehended as I rip Kyungsoo's shirt apart. I lick around his chest, biting at points. "Jongin! Get off of m-" I cut his words off with a kiss. He whimpers into my mouth. I pull away to look at him. He looks weak and useless clinging to the sheets.  "Prince Kai. Please get off me..." Something snapped inside of me when he called me Prince Kai. 

"Kyungie, I'm so sorry." I pick up his shaking form and cuddle him in my arms. A crash is heard and black wings wrap around me. I look and see Valarie and Lay's stupid kitten Scarlet playing with a catnip toy. We have been living with Lay and Valarie for a while. So...that man was...Lay? I hate my Lust trait! wings? I pet a feather of his wings. He giggles and unravels me from his wings they splay out and in the light look magnificent as can be. 

"I went through with the transformation...." My eyes widen and he laughs and hugs me. Kyungsoo went through a painful transformation from an innocent angel to a demon angel for me! I pull him up for a kiss and make sure he feels loved tonight.


HELLO FELLOW FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS! Sorry that this may not be good and all that but now that it's winter break I'm going to try to update this to the last chapter hopefully! This has been dragging on I'm guessing! Bye for now! ~Jay

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