Romance Is In Bloom

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Narrator POV
Tao sits at the dining table with a book ignoring his boyfriend on purpose. This was going to be a great day. Tao was just a bit nervous. It's been 2 years since they started dating and Tao really wanted to do something special for Sehun.

"Tao! Why are you ignoring me?!" Sehun whined.Tao put his book down smiling. He held his boyfriend's hand. Sehun sat on his lap, pout visible. "Tao..." He laid his head on Tao's chest hearing his erratic heartbeat. "Are you okay?" He was worried. Was Tao sick? Was he just mad?

"Want to go to the beach today?" He looked at his boyfriend curiously. Sehun smiles and nods. "Yeah! Anybody else coming?" He shakes his head. "Just us for once." Sehun squeals and runs up the stairs. Tao smiles widely. He picks up his phone to text Jin and Lay.

To: Jin, Uni

Everything set?

From: Uni

Yes! Good Luck!

He takes the box out of his pocket and blushes. This is the day that Sehun will really be his. Sehun bounds down the stairs with a huge grin. "Lets go!" He holds Sehun's hand the whole car ride.

~20 Minutes Later~

Sehun lets go of Tao's hand and gets out of the car. Tao walks over to him to take his hand. "Follow me." The pair walk to the sand. Sehun gasps at the beauty of the sunset. Tao smiles and back hugs his boyfriend. "It's so beautiful." Sehun speaks quietly. Tao kisses his cheek. "Not like you." Sehun blushes and pushes him away. Tao pulls him into a hug. "Tao...Why are you so clingy all of a-" Tao captures Sehun's lips in a sweet kiss. "Well because...." He nods his head towards Kai who was in the dark. He lights the candles around the gazebo they made. Tao owed Jin and Lay a lot for how good it looked. Sehun runs towards it and smells the roses around it. He walks into it waiting for Tao. the said man sweats. "Sehun, I have something really important to ask you." Sehun smiles sweetly. "What is it?" He takes Sehun's hand.

"We have been friends since I was 11. I was so confused at that age. I lost my sister the year before and killed someone. You were my savior. You were my light in the darkness. I then noticed when I was 15 that I really liked you. This day two years ago was crazy. I never would have thought you would love me." He looked into Sehun's eyes. The boy was crying. "So," He got on one knee with the box in hand," Will you marry me?" Sehun's eyes widened. "Oh my god, yes! Yes! A million times yes!" He hugged Tao. Tears were evident from the couple. "I wonder how my mother will react." Tao smiles and holds him.

"HE SAID YES!" A particular demon yelled. Sehun wiped his tears and looked at his best friend. "Kyungsoo! You knew?!" Sehun hugged his best friend. "Why would I tell you something that Tao wanted to be a surprise?" Sehun pouted making Tao chuckle.
"Do I hear wedding bells?!" A familer pair of voices sang. Sehun nodded. Sarah and Val ran to him hugging him. "Finally, we can take like wives together!" Kyungsoo waved at them with a ring with a jewel of fire on his hand. "What about me?" They all ran to Kyungsoo squealing.

"You proposed to Kyungsoo?" Lay questions. Kai nodded. "My father is keen on marriage. I'm pretty sure all of my brothers are married as well."

"You don't know?" Chanyeol asks walking up. He nods again. "Some of my brothers and I haven't met. I really only know Taemin and his husband Minho. Oh! Also my brother Yunho and his husband Jaejoong." Chanyeol smiles at him. At least he was honest. Chanyeol was still worried about the two demons. "What sin is Yunho then?" Kyungsoo answers for Kai. "Pride like his father. His other brother Taemin is greed."

"Is that why he wanted you and Jae-Hee?" Jin asks curiously. Kyungsoo nods slowly. "To sin an angel is one of the highest honors in Hell besides becoming the next Lucifer. All a demon needs to do is kiss the angel for a certain amount of time. The said demon then gets the first half of innocence. They then have to sleep with the angel for the other half." Everyone stares at Kai for a moment. "Hey! I married him! Its okay now." Kyungsoo smiles and kisses him on the nose.

Everyone then turns their attention to Tao and Sehun. "When is the wedding?" Tao smiles brightly. "Two months." Sehun looks up at him blushing. He was really going to marry him.


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! I hope you are having a great day! Sorry this is so short but TAOHUN WEDDING! And also! I'm sorry my stuff is taking so long to update! Bye~! ~Jay

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