The End of The Peace

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Narrator POV

Sehun cuddles up to Kyungsoo as they sit on Valarie's couch, crying. Valarie walks into the room with a tray of goodies and hot chocolate.

"Do you think they'll come back?" Sehun sobs quietly. Kyungsoo shrugs but still holds Sehun close. He reaches for a hot chocolate and it spills on his hand.

"Shit! That hurt!" Black wings fly out wrapping around himself. Sehun gasps and falls off the couch and hides behind Valarie.

"You went through with the transformation?" Valarie asks scared. Kyungsoo was no angel now. He was soiled.

"I love him okay?! I couldn't help it!" Valarie walks up to the crying man and hugs him. "We should get some rest, guys. Its been a long day..." Sehun nods and takes the other's hands. They sleep in

~ The Next Morning ~
The boys are woken up the next morning by the smell of bacon and eggs. The pair get out of bed to then hear a scream resonate from the kitchen.

"Mrs. Zhang, we are so sorry about this. It was all we could find. It was the last place we could look." A man with a star tattoo on his neck announces to the crying woman. She holds the brown leather jacket close to her and buries her face into it, sobs shaking her body. Sehun rubs her back to soothe her.

"I PAID YOU TO FIND MY HUSBAND AND MY DAUGHTER! GET OUT THERE AND FIND THEM!" The woman sobs into the jacket again. Kyungsoo spots a hooded figure heading out of the door and tries to run after them. He's stopped by the man.

"Don't touch me, Asshole." The man smirks.

"This asshole is getting your princess and your drug addict back. I suggest that I find them before Jae-Hee and Lay are killed...Just don't go after that person please." Kyungsoo turns away to walk to his room. That's when the hooded figure stops breathing and chokes.

The figure falls to the floor. The man runs to it and picks it up. "Excuse me, I must go! I will find your Husband and Daughter I swear to it!" He slams the door shut. The house is left silent besides the chime of the bell signifying a customer is here.

"Sehun, can you please go close up the shop?" Sehun nods and walks down the stairs into the shop.

"Hey, I need a gun. The best you've got, Zhang." I stop at the bottom of the staircase.

"I already gave that damn chain one! You almost killed my damn daughter with! Huh?! Explain that, Taemin!" It's Lay! He's injured too. "I am stuck on Earth! I need to kill my father....It's the only way the peace will be restored....I need to kill an angel and my last brother...." Lay slams his fist on the store's desk and yells.

"GET OUT OF HERE! YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY! I WILL FIND THE PEACE ANOTHER WAY!" The demon runs out of the store when Lay points a pistol at him. Sehun shakes his head and tries to walk to Lay when he runs out of the store as well. He walks to the door and turns the sign to closed. He looks out to see the snow fall becoming heavier. Tao will not survive on his own...He hated being cold without cuddles and his favorite tea. Kyungsoo walks down the steps.

"Valarie wants us to go find...Kai...and Jae-Hee. She may have found a spell to bring the peace back." Sehun nods and grabs a bag of supplies and grabs a gun. Valarie hugs them both.

"Please come back...find them and we can get the Humans and Monsters to correspond with one another." The two head out and try to track the pair. They walk to all the magic and satanic shops they could. No sign of Jae-Hee or Kai. Sehun and Kyungsoo walk through an alley and hear a crash. An older man is sat there with 3 other guys. Sehun gulps and looks at Kyungsoo who's wings are flapping violently.

"Oh, I won't hurt you if you cooperate. Three of your other friends didn't." He throws up a screen showing crime scenes. "The first one is your deer frienf Luhan. He refused to be my pet so I ran him over getting his innocence. The second is your trainer friend Kris. Haha. He took a long time to kill. The third..." Kyungsoo growls. Fire burning his wings and Flesh. Its a undesirable girls corpse. She has a gun shot to the head and several bruises.

"YOU KILLED MY PRINCESS. YOU WON'T KILL US!" The three guys come rushing towards us and Sehun shoots the first one. The second and third are burned to death.

"Shit. I-I didn't mean to kill your friends. This is all a misunderstanding. Please spare me!" Kyungsoo holds the man by the neck and fire juts through the man's throat. Sehun then shoots him in the forehead.

A circle of red and white starts to evolve. Its a the Heavens and Hell. Sehun gasps. Kai walks out with his hellish family in tow and The King of Hell. Jae-Hee walks out with Kris, Luhan, and the King of Heaven.

"My gods. You defeated the peace!" The King of Hell announced. Sehun and Kyungsoo eyes widened. "I am Siwon, King of Hell. My husband Kyuhyun." The smaller brunette waves.

"I am the King of Heaven, Ryeowook. Hello my son. You restored the peace among all realms." He bellows. Kyungsoo hugs the older man. Then backs away.

"It was that easy? Where are the others?" He asks quietly. Kai hold his hand out.

"They all were transported to their homes. They are all safe and sound. Like the way I will keep" Kyungsoo sobs and cries into Kai's suit. Kris and Luhan then hug Sehun and walk to apologize to the wolves for something. Jae-Hee flies over to Sehun. She looks as elegant as ever. Her dress is now a gold color. Her black locks bounce when she lands.

"Oh Sehun. Promise to the Heavens that you will keep the human race safe from now on?" Sehun nods and hugs her close.

"I love Tao with all my heart. I will keep him in line. I swear to it." Jae-Hee bows and turns to the portals.

"Goodbye forever, Oh Sehun. Soon enough you will forget about all this." Siwon explained.

"You will forget about Hell and Heaven existing. You'll forget about us." Sehun shakes his head and tears run down his pale face. "I don't want to forget! I want to have a happy ending! I want you guys to be alive!" Kyuhyun holds Sehun's hands.

"Dear, as long as that man is dead. We will be at peace. The only reason this happened was we weren't allowed rest. Sehun, sweetie, we are all dead. Nothing but tombstones in your world." Kyuhyun lets go of his hands.

"Close your eyes. The next thing you see will be your beloved."

Sehun gasps and screams in the bed he hasn't seen before. Tao grumbles softly, wanting to sleep more.

"Baby, its okay. It was just a nightmare. Go to bed. We have a busy morning with the Park and Zhang family tomorrow." Sehun cuddles up to Tao, tracing his abs. This is real...Tao is in his arms again. Was it all just a dream?

HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! I'm so sorry but guys! The last chapter is next! This series was so fun to write but I'm getting no ideas but I will be starting a few new stories so look forward to them! Bye for now my lovelies! ~Jay

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