Sad Times

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Sehun POV

I smile as the next person walks into Tao's house into the backyard where the service is. I made a huge garden and put pictures of Jae-Hee around the garden. I close the front door and look at the backyard seeing people crying their hearts out. I frown. I don't know their feelings...I didn't know the girl in Tao's life that made him so damaged and happy at the same time. I shake the thought away walking to the backyard. 

"Hello Mr.Xiah. Do you need anything?" I ask the most hysterical crying person here. He waves me off but as I look he holds a teddy bear. " I thought that you left that at the old house yesterday morning." He shakes his head slowly. 

"It was on my doorstep with this..." The man hands me a slip of paper. 

Dear Xiah Junsu, 

Thank you for being a great teacher. Look at my penmanship! It's better than before right? I remember you loved to treat me like your daughter. How are you and your new family. You recently married correct? I am sorry if this scares you but I just wanted to thank you for the bear. Trust me I sent my servants to make a new one for you! See you soon! 


Maybe it's real! "Can I show Tao this?" He nods and smiles through his tears. I run up the stairs to Tao's room. I knock loudly walking in slowly. 

"What is it Sehun?" He speaks lowly back turned to me. I walk up and sit behind him wrapping my arms around his neck.  He turns to face me and I blush. "J-Junsu f-found this on his doorstep." I stutter out. Damn it Tao! Why won't you understand what you do to me. He stares at me in disbelief . "Could this really be Jae-Hee?" I shrug looking him in the eyes. He slowly leans towards me making me blush. "Tao?" He puts his hand on my cheek and caresses making me push into his hand loving the feel of his skin. I see a light resonate in the room but I couldn't see where it came from as Tao kisses me.  I hear a crash in the hall making me pull away blushing. "I love you, Sehun." I peck him on the lips before getting up. 

I see a deer over a white glow with blood around its mouth. Then I look at a woman with red hair picking up the white glow and a wolf growling from the corner also with blood around its mouth. I look at the glow that's lessening. "Hello? Do you need help?" I was so confused at the situation. "Sehun go in my room." I nod and try to listen through the door.With no avail I sit on the bed. He walks back into the room holding a pale girl. He drops to his knees. "L-look...She is..." The white glow lessens showing a girl who looks like little Jae-Hee...I run over to Tao who is crying now. "She is alive." The said girl groans opening her eyes. She jumps out of Tao's arms quickly and flies to the middle of the room in a pouncing position. Her eyes widen once she notices Tao and I. I take in her form as she becomes human looking blonde-ish white hair becomes black. Her eyes widen as she looks outside seeing that it's sunset. She hides herself behind a long mirror in the room. Tao gets up and walks slowly up to it. "Jae-Hee is that you?" He asks quietly. 

"Don't look at me,Zitao." The girl speaks just as quiet. Tao grabs her hand and pulls her to his chest. He gasps the girl that was of angel status now looks of a demon. She winces but hugs him and cries. "I'm sorry! It took me so long to come here! I met nice people though!" She runs out the room excitedly. Tao laughs and takes my hand making me blush lightly. "Tao, what is going on?" Tao sighs. He leads me to the bed. "You live in a town full of supernatural beings." i laugh not believing him until he grabs my hand and rubs on his cheek. I see his flesh disappear. I gasp and he grips my hand tightly. "I know I'm a monster." The flesh appears again. I smile and kiss him. He pulls away quickly. "Y-you don't care?" I shake my head. "Just don't tell my mother. She will freak." He smiles and nods. He then pulls me onto his lap and kisses me again. 

I Will Never Give Up on LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora