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"You can't catch me!" 7 year old Jae-Hee yelled to her brother. Said brother Zitao ran after her as she ran into the road. He had to pay extra attention to her as she was the only thing left he had for a family. His mother died when she gave birth to his sister. Then his father stayed with him until he was 10. He didn't know how to raise children so he left them. Right when he caught up to his sister they saw a familiar blue mustang at the start of the road. It was his best friend Chanyeol's parents. Jae-Hee broke from his grasp to run to the car. He laughed. He turned away when a big ball of light blocked his vision. When it went away he stared horrifically at his sister's corpse.

"JAE-HEE! HELP! STRANGER DANGER! PLEASE!" The boy kept screaming as he ran towards his sister. When the collar of his shirt was pulled up. He struggled and screamed again. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" He started to cry. He was alone. Nothing left for him now. As he was being dragged he looked at his sister's body once more. Her necklace! He broke from the grasp on his collar. He ran and ripped off his sisters necklace of black string and 2 crosses.

"You little shit!" Mr. Park spat. Zitao looked up and glared at the man. "YOU KILLED HER!" Zitao screamed through his tears. The man he grew to trust laughed darkly. He knelt down slowly. "I'm sorry Zitao...She had to go" He looked at the man's hand to see a small knife. He backed away a little and bumped into Mrs. Park's legs making her trip.

"UGH! How long to do we have keep him alive? Kill him already." Zitao closed his eyes ready for it and when he felt himself pushed and pinned to the ground he flinched. He felt a knife into the side of his face cutting. He screamed the loudest he could. Little did he know that no one could hear him. He felt his body leave him until he opened his eyes. His eyes made everything red. He looked at Mrs.Park who was laughing at her deeds. He ran as fast as he could at her and tackled her.

'Let out the beast!'

He started to bite her and watching her scream made him feel powerful he then did something he didn't know he could do. The flesh on her arm started to ripple and bleed immensely. She died from too much much blood lost. He doesn't remember anything after that.

~Flashback Over~

Zitao POV

"TAOZI!" I smile as my blonde haired best friend jumps onto my bed. He grabs his science book and smiles back. "Are you ready for the test this week?" I shake my head. This week has sucked for me so far. And this Friday is Jae-Hee's anniversary. Well Death...I shiver at the thought of that day. I wonder what she would look like now if she was still alive.

"I miss her." He stared at me. I didn't really like to talk about her and her death but...10 years is too much. "I wish I knew her. The way you told me about her the day we met made me want to know her." I tear up and hug him closely. "She would've liked you, Sehun" He looks up at me smiling. "Really? Does that mean I can help you on Friday?" I nod. He hugs me again and chuckles. "C'mon big boy we have to study!" I groan. "Can I just cheat off of Changmin?" He looks at me. "Fine. Just let me study, Tao" He sighs. I get off my bed to my laptop to e-mail Changmin for the answers. Changmin knew the teacher really well. He doesn't really like me so...It's not my fault that some mice mysteriously went missing. And were found in his boyfriend's locker! Mr.Jung and Sehun would not let me live it down!

~1 hour later~

"Sehunnie! I'm bored!" I sigh. He looks up from his notes. "Talk with Changmin!" He says sassily. I smirk. "Is my Sehunnie jealous?" He rolls his eyes as I sit next to him. "Cuddles?" I smile widely and nod. He scoots up and puts his hands on my chest. I wrap my arms around his waist. "Tired of studying now?" He nods as he closes his eyes. I hold him closer. I close my eyes as well but a bright light catches my attention. I slowly get up from Sehun and walk to my dresser. I look around and see Jae-Hee's necklace. The string is connected and not broken anymore. And only has one cross. I shrug and put it in my pocket and go back to Sehun.

2 days left Jae-Hee...


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! I hope you liked it and I'm sorry it took so long! Thank BlackVeilPewds for reminding me to update this! Bye for now! And sorry this sucks! And yes the teacher is dating Jaejoong....shhh~Jay

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