"But you always use mustard and ketchup." Shayla gave her a strange look, trying to hide her smile.

"Oh...well...I uh-" She stopped talking when she couldn't come up with anything else. She flustered around getting fries and then quickly sat on the couch that was in the basement. Jeez what's wrong with me? She thought to herself.

Nick looked at her amusingly, silently chuckling to himself.

When the rest of them got their food, they also sat on the couch. Nick sat right next to Lainey, almost too close since they touched knees and arms. They didn't move or shift away. Lainey felt even weirder than before but tried shrugging off the feeling again. She still looked a bit flustered as she ate her food.

Shayla sat next to Nick and Lynn.

Lynn got up. "Oh! I forgot to bring the homemade fruit punch in here. I'll be right back," she said.

"I'll help you get the cups Lynn," Shayla offered and got up, smirking in Nick and Lainey's direction.

When they both got out of the room, Lainey and Nick still didn't move away from each other, even though there was now plenty of room on the couch. "Lynn's fruit punch is really good," Lainey blurted out, trying to break the awkward silence. Why was there an awkward silence? We had quite a few of those the past few days. Why do I feel weird around my best friend? Ugh what's wrong with me? She thought to herself, getting a little bit frustrated.

"Can't wait to try it," Nick said, smiling and gazing at her.

When they kept looking at each other for a few seconds, Lainey said, "What is it?" She looked confused.

Now it was Nick's turn to feel flustered. "Oh...uh nothing!" He nervously brushed his hair back and quickly looked away, feeling his face redden.

"Is there something on my face?" She tried wiping the sides of her mouth.

"No, it looks great." Nick's face reddened even more. "I...uh...mean there's nothing on your face and that's great."

She looked even more confused but decided to laugh it off. "Oh okay."

Lynn and Shayla came back with the fruit punch and cups. "Here's the punch," Lynn said.

"Cool!" Lainey exclaimed a little too loudly.

Lynn raised an eyebrow and looked at her in amusement. "Someone's excited about my fruit punch." Her, Shayla, and Nick chuckled.

Lainey's face reddened again and she laughed nervously. "Yeah...it's that good."

They got cups and filled it with the fruit punch. "You're right Lainey, Lynn's fruit punch is really good," Nick said, taking a few sips of it. He turned to Lynn. "And this is homemade?"

Lynn nodded. "Yes it sure is," she replied. "We've been having it homemade for years since Lainey loved the Hawaiian Fruit Punch when she was younger. She always drank a lot of it and ended up throwing it up so we decided homemade would be better."

Lainey's mouth dropped open. "Lynn don't tell them that!" she exclaimed, feeling mortified. She didn't know why she felt a little more self-conscious than usual around her best friends. Normally she wouldn't care if they knew about that but today she felt different about it.

Lynn looked confused. "Oh...sorry..."

"Anyone want any dessert?" Lainey was desperate to change the subject.

"There are some white chocolate macadamia nut cookies in the kitchen."

"Alright!" Nick exclaimed and grinned, slightly glancing at Lainey.

They went into the kitchen, took the cookies in the basement, and then watched TV while eating the cookies.

Nick and Lainey both reached at the same time for a cookie, brushing against each other's hands.

"Um you first," Lainey said, feeling flustered all over again. She took her hand away and she felt her face flush.

"Uh...thanks," Nick said awkwardly.

Shayla giggled and Lynn watched them in amusement.

They looked back at the TV.

"Jeez Lainey, how many cookies have you had already?" Nick asked, noticing Lainey stuffing her face with cookies. "You must have had like five already." He chuckled in amusement.

Lainey rolled her eyes. "I only had four, moron," she said with her mouth full.

"I'm sorry I couldn't understand that." He looked at her in amusement.

She raised her index finger up, meaning wait a second, and swallowed her cookie a few seconds later. "I said I only had four." She reached for another cookie.

"But now you're having five."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes again and ate the cookie.

Lynn squinted her eyes at them suspiciously and smiled.

Shayla smiled and hid her laughter.

They hung out for another hour or so and then Nick and Shayla headed home.


A/N: They finally came up with a song and practiced a ton! :D

Why do you think things seem weird between Nick and Lainey lately? ;O




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