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IMPORTANT A/N (POSSIBLY TRIGGERING) - I WANT EVERYONE TO TAKE A GOOD G.ODD.AMN LOOK AT THIS PICTURE. I KNOW THAT I AM SUFFERING FROM SELF HARM, BUT I AM GETTING HELP. TAKE A LOOK AT THE MAN IN THE PICTURE. VIC FUENTES. LEAD SINGER OF PIERCE THE VEIL. He suffered from self harm as well. But he found his escape through music and now he is better and he is helping others dealing with similar things. I am trying to tell you guys that there are better escapes. Yes I know. 'You're not one to talk, because you're going through the same thing!' I know, I know. I still do all that s.hit. but I'm going to try to get better.
Ok, now I want to talk about something.. some s.hit happened this weekend and I want to say something about it.. you never go and f.ucking judge someone without f.ucking knowing every g.oddamn thing about them!! And especially judging someone who self harms or has depression, or anxiety, or s.hit like that! The smallest comment can set someone off!! Someone could try to take their g.oddamn life because of one little comment. Even if you are 'joking' it still hurts. And judging someone with scars is NOT COOL! You know, some ignorant a.sshole saw my cuts at the mall today and started making comments. Comments like, 'attention hoar', 'just kill yourself', 'people who self harm shouldn't be aloud in public' and you know f.ucking what? A few more f.ucking people decide to join in with the nasty comments and I couldn't handle it anymore so you know what I did? I went home, and I cut. I cut deep, deeper than I have before and I grabbed a bottle of painkillers and you know what I f.ucking did? I f.ucking took half of the f.ucking bottle.. I thought it was all over, and then my mother found me and rushed me to the hospital.  I had my wrists stitched and my stomach pumped. The doctors said I'm lucky I lived.. do you know why I tried to take my life? Because of IGNORANT A.SSHOLES THAT DON'T KNOW HOW TO KEEP THEIR G.ODDAMN MOUTHS SHUT!!

Ok. Now that my rant is over.. I have lots of ideas for the next chapter, but if you have any ideas just comment here>>>

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