Chapter 20

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I felt someone tap on my shoulder. My eyes flutter open and I see a nurse.

"He's out of surgery but he is still under if you want to go visit him" she said with a smile.

"Okay" I said standing up. She showed me his room. I walk in and I see Vikk. He has a cast over his arm along with a bandage around his stomach. I sit down next to him and grab his hand. And talked.

"I know you probably don't want me here, but I will be here until you are better."

A tear escapes my eyes as I continue.

"I just want an explanation on why are you so distant, what did I do wrong. You were my closest friend and now you just seem so like a person I know. I just wish that you would talk to me, I need you to talk to, to share things I can't ever share with Simon or Josh or even Jason" I said. I take a deep breathe.

"I love you Vikk, it hurts me when you walk away from me, ignoring me, it hurts" i said as the years escapes from my eyes so it looked like my eyes were niagra fall's. I give him a kiss on the forehead before I put my head into the sheets of the bed.

After crying for a few minutes by felt someone hand on my head. I look up to see Vikk awake.

"Vikk you awake" I said wiping the tears away.

"Is it true" he asks.

"What" I said slightly shocked. Did he hear me.

"What you said a few minutes ago" he says. So he did.

"Yeah" I said getting red. He used his good arm and pulled me in for a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"How's the others, and what exactly happened" he asks.

"We got in a car crash, I havent checked in in the others, mainly because I ride here with you and then fell asleep right away but me and Simon are fine" I said.

"That's good and bad I guess" he says before the door opens and Simon walks in.

"Hey guys, good news and bad news" he says.

"Yea" I said sitting up"

"Good news Josh is fine, he just got a small cut on his head And he was knocked out from hitting the window and he's perfectly fine" he says.

"That's great, so what's the bad news" I ask.

"Cal ended up hitting his temple too hard, blacking him out but aswell, well lets just say he isn't with is anymore" he said sadly.

"Oh" I said looking down. The door opened again for a nurse to come in.

"You have to stay for another night because of your stomach, but other than that you good and here's some pulls for the pain" she says handing Vikk a pull bottle before leaving. I hold onto Vikks hand as Simon goes to his spot. I give his hand a squeeze before walking out and going to the bathroom.

I walk back and sit on the bench outside of the room, letting Simon and Vikk have some time as well. I put my head back and soon fall asleep.

"Hey wake up" Simon says, slightly shaking my shoulders.

"Why, I'm tired" I said trying to roll over.

"We need to go home" Simon said.

"Fine" I said getting up. I follow him to the car. When we get to the car I climb in the back. I lay down and fall back asleep.

I wake up to the alarm going off. I flip over and press the button to turn off my alarm before I flip back over and grab my phone from the bedside table. I get up and grab an outfit and put them on. I brush my teeth. I put my hair up and then put a bit of makeup on.

I grab my backpack and phone before heading down the stars to the kitchen. I place my backpack next to the door as I grab a bowl of cereal. I plop down on one of the seats and start eating right before Simon enters.

"How was you sleep" he asked, getting himself a bowl.

"Good, did you carry me to bad last night" I ask.

"Yeah, I tried to wake you but you wouldn't" he said.

"Yeah, I'm a heavy sleeper sometimes" I said with a small laugh. I finish eating and I grab my stuff before heading to school with Simon since Jase stayed the night at Preston since they made up. Josh stayed at the hospital with Vikk.

Me and Simon wall into the school to see everyone heading into the auditorium. At that moment Brown walked up to me.

"Alex, there you are. I know it's short notice but we are doing a performance for the while school. Even the elementary kids are coming" he said excited.

"Awesome" I said trying to match his enthusiasm.

"Great, just head the the change room and you know what to do from then on" he said before walking away, only to cut off another actor who was walking in.

"So I get to watch the play, again" Simon said.

"It'll be great" I said poking him in the side with my elbow.

"Well you better get going, see ya afterwards" he said before following the kids into the auditorium. I took another route that didn't have kids in them unless you were in the play.

I weave around the people who are working on putting the first scene up as I head to the back where the changing room was. I walk in and change into my first costume and applying the natural makeup. I smile as I head out to the prop table.

I make sure I have all my props in there spot before I grab my book. I walk to the side and took a seat with Beast as we waited for the people to settle in.

Frozen Blade (SDMN/Pack/TC FF)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon