Chapter 21

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I walk into the lunchroom only to receive more applaus. I smile and give a little bow before I walk over to the table the guys are at. The school for out of the first 1 and a half hours of school while they let the play people go until lunch because we were to help put some of the stuff back.

I sit down next to Simon and Josh who arrived at the beggining of hour 2. Let me tell you he was confused so much and he thought the while school was pranking him until he made it to the office. Of your still confused he came through the doors as the first bell rang.

"How were classes" I ask.

"Boring, all we did was study hall but we could peep one single syllabul" Preston says.

"That sucks, I was stuck in the changing room. Making sure that the costumes were in the right spot" I said.

"Dat sucks" Simon says.

"Yeah but it wasn't that bad but if 'chip' didn't get a stain on his I would have been out of there halfway through third" I said.

"Wow" they replied. We finished lunch and we left, heading into the hallway. Now you people may be confused. Why hasn't Mitch beaten me up at all. Well let me explain. So technically Brown saw Mitch punch me a few times after auditions and we made a promise. Not to hurt each other and if we were to break it, then that person would get kicked out of the play.

I go to my locker and grab my stuff for the next class. I search around for my homework paper. When I find it I close my locker and walk to class.

I walk out of the school, my backpack on my back full of homework. Brown told the play members to get something to eat before the play. And Simon wanted to come with.

"So where are we going" he asks.

"Were getting something to eat before we go back to the school for the play" I explained to him.

"Okay, what good place are we going to" he asks.

"Subway" I said as we walk past a beautiful park I've never seen. As we walk I stared off at the cherry trees and flowers.

"It's so beautiful" I whisper.

"I know, it one of the most beautiful park's around, most of the people volunteer to help the flowers and stuff in this one because it's close to the school" he explained. I kneel down next to a pretty blue orchids. I picked it before standing up.

"Look at this one" I said showing it to Simon.

"Here" he said taking the flowers softly. He picked at the leaves and stem a but before he brought his hands up and stuck it in my hair.

"How does it look" I said.

"Beautiful, your hair makes it seem brighter" he said.

"Thanks" I said before walking away and towards a subway I can finally see. I now have a bounce in my walk and for some reason I'm happy. Them I remembered that Vikk was getting out of the hospital, adding an even more bounce to the point where I was skipping. I turn around to see that Simon was gone.

I walk over to the last place I saw him, next to the bushes only to see Mitch beating up Simon and Simon is in a ball as blood gashes his arms. I gasp and run over, tackling Mitch. I get off of him quickly and run over to Simon who uncurls.

"Oh my gosh Simon ar..." I said getting cut off as someone grabs my hair and pulls me away from Simon. He kept dragging me and I watch as Simon lays on the ground staring at me. I grab the hand that was pulling my hair and use that to pull me up.

I turn the best I could and kicked him in the no no zone. He let go of my hair as he fell to the ground, holding himself in pain. I quickly run back to Simon and help him up. We take two steps before he fall's again. I hear faint footsteps so I did the last thing I could think of.

I picked Simon up and ran to the school. I know Mr Brown would be there and since Simon is heavy I could bring him all the way to the hospital, or the house.

I go into the auditorium and lay Simon down, propping him up against the stage, before I go on the stage and run over to Brown.

"Brown I need your help" I said after taking a deep breathe.

"What is it" he asks.

"Me and my friend Simon... Were taking a walk to subway....when Mitch attacked him....I tackles him off and he started dragging me away... I kicked him and ran to Simon and picked him up and brought him here...can you help me being him to his house" I said taking breathes once in a while.

"Oh my yes come on" he said before we run over to Simon. He's still awake but barely. Brown picks him up and I follow him to his car. I open the backseat for him and he puts Simon in before we get in the front.

"The address is Amber Avenue, second house on the right" I told Brown.

We drive silently. It was a nice quiet. When we got to the house Brown picked up Simon and brought him into the house, laying him down on the couch in the living room.

"Now about Mitch, he hurt you two right" he asks.

"Yeah" I said. He ponders a moment before asking.

"Do you know anyone who knows the lines for Beast?"

Frozen Blade (SDMN/Pack/TC FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora